Tensei ni Hakobijin no Isekai Kouryakuhou - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
Holy fuck I can't believe this isn't hentai :lewd:

On a serious note, did we just got a time skip or what? Since he got banished, said because he isn't strong enough but all the stuff he did tells me the otherwise.

He isn't strong enough because his job is considered garbage. He says several times through the first couple chapters that your job is pretty much considered to be the only thing of importance in terms of social standing. It doesn't matter how skilled he is or how much power he has, because he's a "carrier" and that job is considered to be a worthless non-combat role that only losers have, nobody will even entertain the idea that he might secretly be ultra-powerful.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2020
Can't tell if this will be generic cringe isekai fantasy or self aware parody...
Double-page supporter
Aug 13, 2018
Hmmm delicious guilty pleasure.

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Can't tell if this will be generic cringe isekai fantasy or self aware parody...

Nah seems to be played straight. But I like the way he uses his powers (IDC what you call his job, we get what he does grammar nitpickers) so that'll keep things interesting. Both in action and in bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Just hope we can shove some sense into the monk girl before she walks into a black van looking for candy, geez.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
"Yeah, man, can't have people edumacatin' 'emselves and learn something for a change, can we?"

Seriously, objectively, name one valid reason for "saving" people from looking up a single fucking word in a dictionary and broadening their knowledge a little today!

It's the whole point of a dictionary to begin with, to be there for you when you want to look up a word you don't know! That's how dictionaries work. That's how learning works.

Don't worry. People genuinely interested will look up the word either way. And people voluntarily being willful dumbasses will not. Does now the rest of the world have to make concessions for voluntarily stupid people?

What is it with insufferable, petulant perpetuators of sloth and neglect like you who wear their ignorance on their sleeves?? Did I miss a memo that not knowing shit was now somehow an inalienable right? "Hurr, you understood what I wrote anyway, no point in spelling correctly, no point in using the right words, durr." Sure I did. I also understood that you placed so little bother in your communicatory vomit that it's a mystery of self-contradiction why you bothered at all. Might as well have kept your face shut, would have spared the rest of the world some trouble.

Fuck you. Imagine white-knighting for the stupid-by-choice.
Ok, old ass


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
On a serious note, did we just got a time skip or what? Since he got banished because he isn't strong enough but all the stuff he did tells me the otherwise.
Like the two knights said in the last chapter the class is good for espionage, assassinations and sabotage, not for hunting beasts(probably because beasts don't have equipment). He's not the only bad ass carrier because carriers in general are banned from anywhere that could be a target for sabotage.


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
My man is going full T.M.Revolution/Studio Shaft with that posing
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
I was gonna remark on how I thought MC's fighting style was really cool but we got the infinite semen section which made me laugh instead so I'll just say I'm looking forward to this series.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2020
well at least he actually use his storage skill and not just have super secret hidden skill that typical "isekai trash job" love to do
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
The biggest mystery is how that nun could still be safe until that night.
I would've expected her to get caught by bad guys much earlier.
Are we sure she was safe until now?
For a person who has blind beliefs, they are quite easy to misguide or trick as well (just add something with the notion of God or being helpful).
I mean a man could have easily tricked her into having sex by saying that it's common work for woman to provide help to others during their Monastic Journey.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
He should've just stored everyone's clothes and just twist thier dicks and balls and inject a chili and pepper in their anus.
I wonder if he didn't stored the hammer as a strategy to make that baldy still be arrogant for the eksuplosion :meguu:

Dancer got her well deserved consequence for provoking mc lmao. Literal fuck around and find out
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
Why were those guys squirting mayonnaise on the monk? And is mc going to return to the cat girl with HIV and child support bills?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2019
I wonder if there'll be any attractive girls in this series. Not much luck so far....

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