Tensei Saki ga Zannen Ouji Datta Ken: Ima wa Fukkin 1-kai mo Dekinai kedo Yasete Isekai Sukuimasu - Vol. 6 Ch. 26.3

Dex-chan lover
Jun 27, 2020
Go ahead and point to the chapter and page that states they were in contact. Are you just assuming they were, because Iris was excited to accept Luke's offer? Also, let's say theye were, for the argument's sake - it would have to be through letters or some other way of remote correspondence. You know that it's very hard to tell if the other person is being forthcoming with you and not under some external pressure in such a scenario, right? That's why people insist on talking in person, when such matters are concerned.

Before finding fault with my attention span, try to learn to listen to something other the thoughts in your own head. I verly clearly said it was a matter of the general reputation he has among his people. The fact that he's loved by his family and close friends (like just about anyone, who hasn't grown up in a shitty environment, no matter how much of a failure they personally are) doesn't change that. Think for a moment: if it was all so trivial, then why did the king finally decide enough is enough and got rid of him, rather than just keep him out of the public's eye for a bit? Why did his fiancee's father annul the engagement? Why was said fiancee "labeled a disgrace" for her involvement with him? Does all that sound like something that would happen to a "pervy, overconfident" prince, who only had one serious black mark against him? Whatever his true character was, it's undeniable that he was a disaster to his father and other nobles, from an image standpoint.

As for the the school - a royal is expected to attend an elite school, he'd be a total laughing stock if he didn't. It was still pretty damn bad though - his performance on the test was so poor that a less distinguished school refused to take him, even when asked personally by his father. This fact alone suggests that the Dragon Academy might not have accepted him based on merit alone.

I'm sorry, how much education have you had when it comes to feudalism and monarchies of the past? You've implied there's something wrong with my knowledge, but this reasoning is borderline childlish. Have you no notion of what a political marriage really means? Have you any idea what kind of shenanigans the European dynasties got up to, when it comes to selecting candidates? It certainly didn't have anything to do with their personal merits, that I can promise you. Zeno could have any number of uses for him in mind. The most common move would be to have Luke or his children be claimants for the neighbouring kingdom's throne after the old king dies. Depending on the political situation there (i.e. if there's already discord and a dispute), they might have a shot and even if not, they remain means to sow discord there and useful bargaining chips. This was a common tactic in medieval Europe, but it's not the only one possible. Luke can be used to apply pressure to Volg in other ways. Setting him up for some spectacular failure and then demanding restitution from Volg's king is also a good way to influence foreign politics. It's not like Zeno needs to make him heir to his throne just because he married his daughter either. Plenty can be done.

Consider that you, as a reader know that initially there were no other plans for Luke other than being a "stud", but how is the count to know that was the case? Even if he did, the whole premise is would be weird enough that it would be reasonable of him to suspect a deeper plot. This kind of treatment would be acceptable for a lesser noble, not a royal. It also speaks volumes of how little Luke's kingdom thought of him.

Oh, by all means, don't ignore it. Show me how wrong I am by pointing to some nice sources. You can do that, can't you? After all, you seem so confident here...

Geez, and I'm supposed to be the one who's not paying attention? Chapter 26.2 - Luke calls himself a "prince from another country" in front of the count. What on Earth made you think that Iris's family are from Volg? Since you're so adamant about it, point out where it's stated in "these very chapters!!!".
In summary, it is just a two fold problem.

1. Medieval news travel slow

2. Iris should have updated her family regarding Luke's behavior changes.

In simple terms.

1. Luke is unreasonable to fault the father of Iris of suspecting him, as he is a noble of a neighbouring country, news would travel slow. So in the count's eyes, his previous assumptions are up to date. However you could say it could be misinformation for Luke's kingdom to downplay him or whatever which leads to point two.

2. Iris should have properly informed how Prince luke is with her being in direct contact. As she is literally related in blood with her father, there would be no trust issues. In a noble family, if you don't trust a blood family member which has a good record, you have bigger trust/family issues. So with trusrworthy and much more new information on Prince Luke's character, her father would be able to make better judgement.

The flaws in this?

Point 1. Luke is crazy, in terms of logic, the Count of a neighbouring country should not be held responsible for acting on outdated information. BUT BUT BUT, Luke is being insulted, so on a personal level, he is free to ignore logic and still be pissed. Because humans aren't always logical.

2. It is seriously in Iris noble duties to keep her father and mother in the know-how, expecially when she knows her love interest is visiting her family. She is a daughter of a count ffs, she has had good education on how nobility acts and responsibilities.

Even if Iris had the excuse that she is shy, and wasn't sure about her relationship with Luke so she never wrote letters home about the whole thing. Once she knew the business trip was schedule, she HAD to inform her family regardless and bring her father and mother up to speed regarding Luke, whether or not if romamtic issues were supposed to be part of it. She should have brought her family up to date regarding Luke.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2024
1. Luke is unreasonable to fault the father of Iris of suspecting him, as he is a noble of a neighbouring country, news would travel slow. So in the count's eyes, his previous assumptions are up to date. However you could say it could be misinformation for Luke's kingdom to downplay him or whatever which leads to point two.
It's not just that. Whether news travels slow or fast, it's a question of whether it even reaches you in the first place. So far, people who have been positive about him are limited to the king, the duke and their immediate families and some people in school. The personal affairs of the first group are most likely not advertised to the rest of the nobility (and it's not like either of them promised to spread good word about him), and the school kids probably aren't a source the count would even consider checking.

2. Iris should have properly informed how Prince luke is with her being in direct contact. As she is literally related in blood with her father, there would be no trust issues. In a noble family, if you don't trust a blood family member which has a good record, you have bigger trust/family issues. So with trusrworthy and much more new information on Prince Luke's character, her father would be able to make better judgement.
I'm not suggesting that the count may not trust his daughter per say, I'm saying that if she only contanted him indirectly, then there is cause for suspicion that she couldn't honestly say what's on her mind, due to pressure. From her father's perspective, she if after all, his attendant and he might be monitoring her correspondence. Only if they were to meet privately in person, could he see for himself whether she's in distress.

Point 1. Luke is crazy, in terms of logic, the Count of a neighbouring country should not be held responsible for acting on outdated information. BUT BUT BUT, Luke is being insulted, so on a personal level, he is free to ignore logic and still be pissed. Because humans aren't always logical.
Sure, anyone can decide to just stop being reasonable, due to real or percieved slight, but is that something he should be doing? His goal is increase the nation's wealth and thus reselience to a possible invasion or subterfuge. He needs to cooperate with someone for that. Doing so with a relative of a close confidante would be easier than a random noble who's agendas may vary. It's also not like he'll be treated any differently by someone else - his situation is highly abnormal and no one will trust him until they've had the opportunity to truly get to know him. He can choose between an open distrust or a hidden one.

It is seriously in Iris noble duties to keep her father and mother in the know-how, expecially when she knows her love interest is visiting her family. She is a daughter of a count ffs, she has had good education on how nobility acts and responsibilities.
It is, since she's accepted the position of his attendant - at least formally she's supposed to be always on his side and help him achieve his goals. Dispelling her parent's doubts fall under that, especially since they really are unfounded. Also, she knows that that world's goddess has set an important task for him and asked her personally to support him. It's aruably a much more important responsibility.

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