Yeah - yet another school arc (and being an overpowered student who stands out too much), HERE WE GO!
Was pretty much waiting for Ellie to become human-form again and consequently, I was also expecting her to become part of the marriage.
But as always, it is quite jarring to see that the mangaka probably has troubles drawing smaller toddlers/children. Like you'll see that Mars' younger sister looks like she was drawn as normal size child of same age as Mars and Clarice, then just used scale-transform to make her look relatively smaller, making her look like a fairy instead; they usually draw little children almost like SD characters (i.e. slightly bigger heads, with short and cute hands, arms and legs), but the way the mangaka drew her is quite off.
and even after 3 years, the little sister seem like she did not even grow and inch taller
goodand even after 3 years, the little sister seem like she did not even grow and inch taller
What's SD character? Just first time i've heard thatthey usually draw little children almost like SD characters (i.e. slightly bigger heads, with short and cute hands, arms and legs)
The OP explain it.What's SD character? Just first time i've heard that
They are just a type of character designSD characters (i.e. slightly bigger heads, with short and cute hands, arms and legs)
"Erm ackshually, your magic aptitude score was so high that it circled back to giving a 0. And for some reason we don't actually have any means of putting a maximum score-restriction in case these things were to happen. So instead of investigating this any further we're gonna label you as "trash" and lose our shit continually every time you prove us wrong."lets see what convoluted story the magaka is going to pull out of their butt to make lars fail
Honestly I prefer it much more when the MC doesn't play around/act like a clueless dumbass and instead just goes "I love this girl more". It shows the emotional maturity of someone who supposedly died in the adulthood before being glad that the direct intention of marriage has been said!
one of the demerit of his skill is its really hard for him to level-up compared to other peopleI feel like his level is kinda lacking considering the timeskip.
He barely become any stronger from the last battle at all.
I expected Clarice to get more development and was disappointed.That's alot of development. Thanks for the chapter