@hikufalafel I'm not expecting dark and edgy demon lord. I want to see someone who deserve the title of Demon Lord, not a emo because he think it's cool, not the false dark character, I'm expecting someone naturally bad because he's born like this. In this story the only thing we're seeing is several decade/century old acting like kid. I perfectly respect the carefree way but not the stupidity, like the super strong demon lord who became friend with Rimuru which I forgot the name, she's just plain stupid, you show her sweet and she's your best friend, excuse me but what ? Know matter how good is a delicacy, someone who lived for a long time will not be that responsive. And that fairy king who just a complete 6 year old kid who cry because someone broke her toys... Well, anyway I've got trouble expressing myself since my communication skill are poor, I don't care if I'm understood, I doesn't need people's understanding so I'll just stop wracking my brain in search of answer.
This story is too much of a fairy tail and that's pissing me, everything is good, mc is lucky and op behond logic. I'm bored reading this~