crimson is totally into leon and rimuru still has shizue, as a friend maybe but the way they act is just diffirent. Crimson just fucks up shit (first thing he did was destroy a country) and rimuru makes shit (like tempest). but would be cool
For her friend Rimuru, since she heard how Clayman talk suspiciously
Milim nature isn't evil at all.. rather she does intervene to save human from time to time
and she really is just a lonely girl who recently got another friend
@StLL Well amnesia-kun in LN Volume 6, chapter 4 starts with Rimuru entering the portal door to Walpurgis and the rest of the chapter is the entire battle agains Claymans army
AND the battle at his castle,
and chapter 5 is the rest the of Walpurgis council. Yes, it happened at the same time and NOWHERE did I imply that wasn't the case. I was wondering since a couple chapters ago if the manga will change up how the events are PRESENTED, which they absolutely did, hence my previous comment.
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