Terror Man - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
Misfortune is something that can't be turned into kindness.... you can just exploit and survive from it....
Active member
Nov 15, 2018
So that was why he became terrorist huh.

I mean, it's understandable that when you tried to tell them that and they asked for a proof, obviously such thing is nonsense.

But why would attacking them actual helped them?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
But why would attacking them actual helped them?

The idea is to scare them so they get the hell out. The thing with the bridge before it came back to this point, for instance. If you announce your act of terrorism in advance, it's pretty likely people are going to put themselves somewhere else. Even the unreasonable demands he gave there were just so they wouldn't actually give in to the demands, the point is to keep people off the bridge for as long as possible. So, running amok in a shopping center with guns? Plenty of people are going to run for it even if you don't particularly tell them to.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2018
I would've just pulled the fire alarm or gone into a bathroom and started a controlled fire in a toilet stall or something. But you know, that's just too logical, it'd make for a boring story.
Aggregator gang
Jan 22, 2018
Btw, look up the Sampoong Department Store disaster. It was the deadliest modern building collapse up to that time and happened in 1995. 500 people were killed after the building collapsed due to shoddy building design, build and maintenance. The owners of the store refused to evacuate it an hour before the collapse as cracks were forming near the roof and a structural engineer was recommending them to get people out.

Ultimately no one raised the alarm and a third of the roughly 1500 people left in the building died.
Sep 26, 2019
Part of parking ceiling collapsed and they still plan to scare them with guns? How stupid can the writing get?
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2018
@DANDAN_THE_DANDAN, I sense your sarcasm and yeah pulling the fire alarm might not get everyone out, but starting a controlled fire would. I'm not sure if you've ever been in a situation where there's a small fire that's been contained to a single room, but I along with the rest of the residents were forced to evacuate. The sprinklers in the particular room went off, flooding the room, while the fire department arrived within minutes and forced everyone who did not evacuate with the fire alarm to get out. Now true, the response would depend upon the protocol of the particular building following local laws. But I don't think it's a stretch for security to start evacuating people if there are clear signs of a fire about to rage out of control.

I'm sure there are much better solutions out there to evacuate a building in a rather quick amount of time, I only wrote the things that first came to mind. I was just disappointed that the author went this route, out of nowhere our main character somehow gets his hands on guns in South Korea. Gun control laws there are rather more strict than here in America (I mean it's not Japan, but their laws are still quite strict in comparison to America's). It makes the story a lot more fanciful and a lot less believable.

That said, it's still just a webtoon, so being realistic isn't exactly necessary, it's just a personal preference of mine.

Edit: Now that I think it about, there's no point in making a controlled fire. The building is going to collapse anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@gevudan Yeah I totally get you, I thought they'd start things small then escalate speedily to terrorists then the real story begins, but they jumped in the terrorism acts right away. It's a questionable decision by the author but it's not that bad compared to the many ways this story's beginning could go wrong so it's, in its own right, sorta good.

Edit: now that I think about it, do you think that, with a manager as scummy as this character, the entire customerbase would get evacuated? Still tho, the manager telling everyone is fine and to go back shopping would introduce him much better than just him talking to news reporters. Instead of telling the security then giving up, it would be better if the security refused to listen then the maid started a fire only for the manager to invite the customers back in. This is much smoother than the sudden terrorists thing, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2018
@DANDAN_THE_DANDAN, the pacing issues are quite common to webtoons, in general, I think, the only real problem (if you can call it that) that I have with the webtoon is the use of the phrase (I'M JUST A NORMAL HIGH SCHOOL BOY) when he's clearly not. I don't actually think this is a bad webtoon though.

On that note, I do agree that it could've been paced better, like you say a slow build-up from small crimes to big crimes. But, the author just ups the level right away without building it up, it tells me that the author wants to get into the meat of the action, he doesn't want to bother with an intro or a rising action to set things up, he wants to get into the thick of the story right away.

As for the manager, I think he's the type to run out first without trying to evacuate his customers the moment he sees black smoke. Also, I don't completely understand what you wrote in you're edit, sorry.

How in the world would the manager be able to invite people back into a burning building? Once the maid starts the fire, it's going to consume the building, unless it's a controlled fire and even then depending upon civil protocols, people are not allowed back in the building until the fire department has made sure that the area is safe (this means they've checked out the building, made sure it's not at risk of collapse, that there's no further risk of fire, and that they've identified the source of the fire.) At least that's what they do in the US, I'm not sure how the Korean fire department handles things, but I can assure you that the building will have collapsed before the customers could go back in as this process takes at least an hour depending upon the size of the building.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@gevudan My idea is that the maid will just trigger the smoke alarm with a lighter or something since making an entire floor on fire will actually risk hurting people.

The manager asked the security if everything's alright, security doesn't see fire in any CCTV but wants to double-check but the manager being the manager, he told the customers that it was a false alarm and to continue their day.

Or maybe the maid set fire to a secluded room but because it's secluded, the manager told the security team to set the fire out themselves then lied to the customers that it was a false alarm.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2018
@DAN_THE_DANDAN, Ah I see. For me I only saw two ways of going about it, a controlled fire or setting the fire on the roof and then pulling the fire alarm and running downstairs yelling fire.

I think you greatly underestimate the disaster preparedness of the mall's employees, either that or I'm overestimating them. The Fire Department regularly inspects buildings in their jurisdiction and make sure that all civil codes relating to fire are being followed, warning and exit signs, evacuation routes, sprinkler systems, and other necessities. You can't open a public building for business unless the chief of the fire department signs off on it. In addition, the company that owns the building likely conducts fire drills on either a quarterly or twice yearly basis.

Now I don't think fire drills and evacuation training are required by law, but most companies do have them so that they can avoid lawsuits and bad publicity. It'd be really bad for a company if a fire breaks out and lots of customers die.

If the maid actually set a fire in the mall, the fire alarm would sound and sprinklers would activate. Now because of the sprinklers, the maid will need to use some type of accelerant in order to keep the fire going. Once the fire alarm detects the fire, the mall employees will start evacuation procedures and check if it's a false alarm. If the fire is set in the right place camera evidence will confirm there's a fire. Warnings to evacuate would be delivered over the intercom system while store employees would begin guiding customers onto evacuation routes. Security guards would come out to maintain order and prevent a panicked rush out of the building. The fire department would be on the way the very moment the fire alarm sounded. People would be evacuated and then the building would shortly collapse soon after.

The biggest risk in this scenario is to the firefighters who may arrive before the building collapses and after the evacuation. Though I would call those acceptable losses, it's not as if threatening with guns would be less risky as instead of firefighters, police would be on the scene especially if no hostages are taken. Though I imagine the author somehow works around this possibility or more likely the cops were too slow to arrive to the scene on time to enter the building.

The second biggest risk would be handicapped and immobile people that are unable to evacuate the building quickly, but even in that case, going in guns blazing is not going to get that elderly person who can barely walk or a guy with a broken foot or someone who is mobility impaired out of the building any faster than a fire would. However, in the case of a fire, an orderly evacuation is possible, which is one disadvantage of the guns blazing method, orderly evacuation is difficult in the face of actual gunfire. So most likely if things go according to plan the security guards would be able to assist the elderly and handicapped to evacuate the building before the fire reaches them.

Also, although the manager is a scumbag, you seem to assume that the security team would also be full of scumbags who'd just follow orders and put customers at risk even when there's clearly a fire. I disagree with that, just because the guy in charge is a scumbag that doesn't mean everyone under him is too.

I don't get the secluded room part, even if you set fire to a secluded room the FIRE WILL SPREAD. The only way to prevent a fire from spreading would be to start a low-temperature fire in a room full of fire-resistant materials. I'm not sure if you have experience putting out fires, but if the security team took even five minutes to respond to a room fire, fire extinguishers will not be enough.

I will repeat this, buildings must pass fire inspections before being opened to the public. So even if security doesn't see the fire on their CCTV, they will hear the fire alarm. You have fire alarms in your house, the store has fire alarms, the school has fire alarms, the restaurants have fire alarms, and there are fire departments scattered around the city because a fire can burn down a whole city. (Although that's unlikely nowadays, given modernized fire practices and urban planning)

It's true that this is set in South Korea, so the laws may be different, but I am highly doubtful they have less stringent fire laws. Given that they are a first-world country.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2020
hell no let that police man die it was his fault for not trusting him
May 23, 2020
Somewhat generic characters, but the story seems unusual and interesting enough.
Also that paneling and artstyle overall is damn perfect, the choice of using different tones and color choices or just black-n-white with a gradient effect for certain scenes to give them a different feel, almost getting a JoJo Part 4 Anime flashback.
Active member
Dec 22, 2018
I wonder if in exchange for his misfortune detection, he generally has a more misfortunate life.

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