Tsk, This manga really needed more chapters. The end felt rush as all hell, the author had so many opportunities to make their encounter meaningful and special, and while not bad....it just didn't live up to expectations, especially when it happens in the last chapter. This barelly deserves a romance tag, since the actual romance only happens in the last freacking pages of the last chapter. Seriouslly this might be How I met Your mother levels of bad ending.
Especially since the journey on the MC side was so amazing, we deserved more on the girl side of things, in the end their romance, if you can call it that, was based on the idea of them, superficial as all hell. That ain't gonna cut it. Especially with how special the character development was for the freacking side characters, but for our main girl? N.O.T.H.I.N.G.
FUck, with every word I writte my score goes down, from a amazing 9 (maybe even a 10) to a medyocre.