Didn't think we'd get Nano's "bad end" to happen. Lol, and the author had to make altNano to say that she won't come back so she doesn't get ZINGd like some people (like me) were expecting... unless our Nano's reverses the sync, and her love for Rentarou syns up with the altNano.
I still love that because of the soulmate thing, each girl and the stereotype they're representing (OK most girls, I can't think of bad endings for some) has an implied bad ending if they never met Rentarou.
For example, Karane will drive away a lot of people because of her tsudnereness, Kusuri will cause something bad to happen and stop drugs forever (or get arrested for meth 😅) , and Iku will kill or permanently injure herself for baseball.
Its such a cool idea, and the author did it in a way so that the series stays relatively lighthearted... most of the time. Hopefully this doesn't go too dark like with Shizuka's chapter (I still don't like it, deal with it), but I'm really feeling it for Nano here.