the character count would rival the chemical name of titinchrist, that wall of text, imagine when we get to the 100th girl
Just posting here because at some point next month we're seeing this animated.
Damn cant wait to hear this mf say all that in the anime thats funna take the whole episode
Gentlemen, I have some bad news....they have unfortunately decided to skip this chapter in the anime, just like they skipped the pentarou chapter...There is the text I wonder how they are going to animate that
There are leaks that say it might just have been pushed to the end of the season... Unconfirmed of courseGentlemen, I have some bad news....they have unfortunately decided to skip this chapter in the anime, just like they skipped the pentarou chapter...
I hope it's a bonus episode or something, because I was sad to see 2 peak chapters disappear, especially since this one is so important for Karane's character in particular.There are leaks that say it might just have been pushed to the end of the season... Unconfirmed of course