The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Vol. 5 Ch. 40 - Unforgettable Bygone Days

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 13, 2020
I kinda want his hair to stay like that for a few chapters just for consistency xD. Sorry, I have an OCD when it comes to these things lol.
Active member
Feb 1, 2020
THROUGH THE POWER OF MANGA LOGIC!! Playboy master Rentarou will have a full head of long, flowing, obsidian black hair again by the next chapter!

... Or we’ll have a whole chapter dedicated to finding the perfect wig for him...

... Or we have an OP potion that could change the fate of all human males being created and used for the main man alone.
Jun 8, 2018
I didn't have a laugh attack like that in a long time, holy fuck Chadtarou killed me with his transformation to force a tie.
Active member
Dec 1, 2019
1. 'Her beautiful breasts!' / Hakari: SSSSMMMMUUUUUGGGGG!!!!!! Enough said.
2. Hakari is still one of the most observant love freaks in this series as she understood the core of Rentarou's antics. She's not to underestimated!
3. Rentarou = TOTAL. CHAD. There will be no debating this. I dare ANY of you swine to come forth qnd insult the level 9f manliness and devotion it took to voluntarily debase and shame himself for the sake of his lovers without a second thought! A truer chad has there never been!
4. I'll post an updated heroine list soon too.
Nov 13, 2020
Just when I thought this manga is friggin wholesome that it cannot be more wholesome, IT JUST BECOME MORE WHOLESOME HOLY SHITTTT. Best love comedy manga of the decade without a doubt.
Active member
Dec 1, 2019
Here you go.

Heroine list w/ ch. # of their 1st appearances and an accompanying description on them.
Currently: 010/100
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- Hakari(ch1): Classmate. Thicc and lewdness personified. Deredere variant with a splash of fake cutie/manipulative bitch. Lives for love and gets aroused VERY easily. Single daughter of the OBSCENELY rich Hahari and is thus, a true Ojou. Tied with Karane for GF #1.... in a case of literally being friends with benefits even. Shared her 'Sacred First Kiss' with both Rentarou and Karane.
- Karane(ch1): Classmate: Flat, blonde light tsundere Type A. Despite her tsundere ways, she has the most relatively normal and grounded emotional stability and common sense among the GFs, dedpite being equally quirky and her surprisingly high combat ability and inclination towards violence. She's secretly as lustful as Hakari, towards both Rentarou and Hakari herself. Often plays the 'straight nan' to the others' hijinks and is tied with Hakari as GF #1... as in, being literal friends with benefits(see Hakari note). Shared her 'Sacred First Kiss' with both Rentarou and Hakari.
- Shizuka(ch3): Classmate: Dandere and token mini moe variant #1. Cute mute variation whose looks and general defenselessness inspires the 'MUST PROTECC' instinct. Loves books and communicates using lines from books through her smartphone, courtesy of Rentarou.
Incidentally, the first to see his junk.
- Nano(ch6): Classmate. Full package of brains and and beauty. A real statuesque stunner who combines peerless beauty and unsurpassed academic ability for her grade. A kuudere variant who puts efficiency above even common sense. Scored the first date with Rentarou.
- Kusuri(Ch10): 3rd year Senpai. Token mini moe #2. Genki girl who LOVES making, taking, and sharing drugs--and, following the theme naming, her name literally translates to drugs/medicine. In a twist of 'the younger than she looks' attribute, Kusuri's actual and non drugged body is that of a busty hot af science senpai with glasses. Incidentally, her mental age reflects her outward appearance to some extent.
- Hahari(ch15): MILF. Hakari's single, still technically virgin, mother. OBSCENELY wealthy and is pretty much what would happen if you took Hakari and reptessed her thirst for 16 yrs and then let her loose to love. Essentially, she's EXACTLY the same as Hakari, but instead of pure and general lewdness personified, Hahari is a fetish driven deviant wh loves mothetly spoiling others and cute things.... to a near criminal degree. Is perfectly okay with pretty much ANYTHING that happens as long as she can get off on it and can join in. Often the first to suggest fetish driven scenarios.
Something of a lewd womanchild, but she means well.... even if she lightly brushes into yandere territory bc of it.
- Kurumi(Ch24): Kouhai. Tsundere Type A variant #2. The permanently hangry wannabe loner. Not much to say about her other than that she loves Rentarou, easily gets sidetracked by food, and that her need to eat like a black hole is the result of a physical condition. She is probably the most 'distant' of the GFs, but is actually a very sweet girl.... as long as she's fed or is sufficiently moved, like in her character arc.
- Mei(ch21): Literally a SUPER MAID. Has the most heroine traits combined so far. Kuudere variant #2, eyes always shut, hypercompetent assistant, Meido(it's literally in her name), yamato nadeshiko, undying loyalty(which all the girls share really), exotic eye design(they're rainbow colored), when she smiles... and the list goes on. Mei's only real flaw is that she's a bit too literal minded and something of an extreme doormat to her masters, Rentarou and Hahari. She also REALLY loves being bossed around, to possibly a lightly massochistic degree. Meido Mei is THE ideal maid to rule them all.
- Iku(ch33): Same grade. A passionate sports girl tomboy.... with a massochistic streak that borders on a drug addiction. Those traits, combined with her love of baseball, hard work, and dedication to effort... make for something of an infinite loop of massochism seeking self fulfillment fueled by her goals. Yeah, it's just as insane as it sounds. Currently the fastest Heroine capture of the entire series to date, likely leading to a lengthy group bonding/character arc, post intro... to the tune of BASEBALL!
- Mimimi(ch39) 2ndyear Senpai. Narcissistic Beauty Queen/Tsundere Type B hybrid. A statuesque stunner of a comparable level to Nano whose looks and design foils and contrasts nicely to Nano's own beauty. In reality, her narcissism is less about actually being a true narcissist and more of twusted expression of her pridecand a coping mechanism for her own shyness, as evidenced by the ending of Ch. 40. For her beauty is the most sacred of goals and one that transcends the mere surface shallow notions of the term. She seeks and recognizes both inner and outer beauty, as well as values the hard work that goes into it. First impressions aside, Mimimi is a thorughly earnest, hardworking girl who is not at all shallow.... she's just very prideful, mildly emotional, and not super honest sometimes..... which can give ppl the wrong idea about her.

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