The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Vol. 6 Ch. 46 - Hearts, Ready or Not! Hide-and-seek in the School

Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Ultraman @iykoou @Jojeke And none of you even thought for a moment that there is such a thing as bisexuality, or that foe yay between opposite sides of a love triangle is a fairly popular topic in romance in general. Not to mention the fact that personally I'm starting to get bored of seeing yuri fans even when discussing the ridiculously absurd straight harem manga.

@Koyomiya I don’t know what about the author of the comment, but personally, it’s not yuri that annoys me, but the fact that it attracts the yuri audience even to discuss straight titles, which immediately leads to whining and speculation that characters even in straight titles should be together as a gay couple. If you start writing about straight fantasies in a discussion about yuri, then no one will be shy about saying that you are annoying. But in the discussion of straight titles, this is somehow completely normal.
Active member
Dec 1, 2019
1. ...For the love of all that is holy, plz ppl. Don't start going all yuri simping. The author is just trolling you with clickbait.

No matter how false flag ship tease-y the manga gets, the story is ultimately about how much the girls love Rentarou and how much he loves them. A great deal of emphasis is put on that...

Honestly, the series is basically 2/3 Rentarou and the girls, half oc 1/3 trolling the shit out of the audience, and the last half of that 1/3 being meta af.

....God, this shit from 'fans' can get so ridiculous.

2. I discussed this in an earlier post, but if you know anything about the harem genre, specifically the ones that work really well... Everyone dating each other with the MC at the center is hardly new or uncommon... it just has more cases of a shitty MC than the harem itself not working. They also share the same key features no matter the story.
Here are 5 stories where it works REALLY[/b ]well precisely bc of the harem dynamics themselves, anx bc the doesn't suck. There are more of course, but these 5 have harems of m9re than 5 heroines.
- Invaders of the Rokujouma!? has 9 haroines who are perfectly fine with, and actively scheme to, all date the same guy and have his kids. Like this series, there are built in smalker 'sub harems' between 2 or more heroine combinations + MC.
- High School DxD is on par with Rokujouma with its harem dynamics, but with a much cooler MC. Actually, Koutarou and Issei are really not that different in what they value in a relationship and both have flaws that really make you like them. If anything, thry contrast eachother in that one's a legendary, usually gentlemanly legendary knight while the other is an unabashed tiddie loving pervert who can literally kill Gods if given the time. But I digress. The key issue is that the haremettes are perfectly fine with sharing, and there's plenty of troll baiting between various heroine combinations here. It's more ecchi, but just as fundamental wholesome as Rokujouma.
- Nekopara is similar here, but there are secondary couples built in and acknowledged between various characters, name the 2 starring heroines of each volume. Chocola x Vanilla, Maple x Cinnamon, so on and so forth. There's just a lot m9re sex and at least one orgy in Nekopara than here, but the dynamics are similar... but less plot relevant and more to troll bait the fans because the audience is dumb like that.
- Strike the Blood as a slighy more tiered harem, but no less balanced. This one is m9re plot driven and you kinda know who's on top.
- Testament of Sister New Devil is like a faster version of Rokujouma's, has plot related reasoning for the quickness of its development... and has way more orgies than Nekopara.

What makes them work?
- Theme of family. This is key.
- Character and interharem dynamics develop and get fleshed out very well over their ling runs. Less so with Nekopara as most of that is all backstory.
- The stories would collapse without the MC, precisely because they don't suck and are that vital. This is regardless of any other sub pairings/harems... which typically develop later within the story anyway, provided there wasn't any prior reasoning for it beforehand. Nekopara and some of Strike the Blood falls under that exception.

For example... you can already imagine how miserable nearly every girl would be had Rentarou never met them...

Tqke Shizuka, Iku, Kusuri, and Hahari for example.... with special mention to ahahari...
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Crevanille Nah, even if they are truly bisexual and attracted to each other, there isn't much of a problem per se. But I am confused by the number of yuri fans who persistently try to convince me that their feelings for each other are supposedly absolutely equal to their feelings for the MC. It seems like it's not enough for people to pretend that any all-female or CGDCT title is a yuri, now they have to speculate about gay ships even in harems like this or Seton.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
god, this is hilarious
every other chapter is another freshly-served buttload of jokes that never get old
Active member
Dec 1, 2019
I'm not saying it's a problem in and of itself... just that you get idiots who take shit too far without actually considering the source material's context.
Basically shippers and speculation can be absolutely toxic when used by certain crowds...
Those filth and trends in discussion irritate the hell outta me.

And yeah, in the stories I listed off, at least 3 of them have explicitly bisexual heroine pairs or situations in the main narrative... but the focus is never taken away from the heroines relationship with the MC.

Like with Diablo, Shera, and Rem from How NOT To Summon A Demon Lord.
They're married to each other, kissed each other, and while both Rem and Shera are clearly VERY much devoted to Diablo and want him to screw their brains out... it doesn't stop the story from showing how much Rem and Shera like each other as more than friends... to varying degrees of skinship to outright getting kiss assailted by Shera... who, tbf, is less bisexual and more innocsnt and honest in her desires to the extreme.

Again, it's not at all a problem so long as the focus stays centered around the MC and the girls, with the ideal being the entire relationship growing, all parties concerned.
Active member
Dec 1, 2019
As promised...

Heroine list w/ ch. # of their 1st appearances and an accompanying description.
Currently: 011/100
--- --- --- ---
- Hakari(ch1): Classmate. Thicc and lewdness personified. Deredere variant with a splash of fake cutie/manipulative bitch. Lives for love and gets aroused VERY easily. Single daughter of the OBSCENELY rich Hahari and is thus, a true Ojou. Tied with Karane for GF #1.... in a case of literally being friends with benefits. Shared her 'Sacred First Kiss' with both Rentarou and Karane.
- Karane(ch1): Classmate: Flat, blonde light tsundere Type A. Tsundere traits, quirks, and surprisingly absurd strength aside, she has the most relatively normal and grounded emotional stability and common sense among the GFs. She's secretly as lustful as Hakari, towards both Rentarou and Hakari herself. Often plays the 'straight nan' to the others' hijinks and is tied with Hakari as GF #1, plus benefits(see Hakari entry above). Also shared her 'Sacred First Kiss' with both Rentarou and Hakari.
- Shizuka(ch3): Classmate: Dandere and token mini moe variant #1. Cute mute variation whose looks, personality, and general defenselessness inspires the 'MUST PROTECC' instinct. Loves books and communicates using lines from her favorites through her smartphone, courtesy of Rentarou.
Incidentally, the first to see his junk.
- Nano(ch6): Classmate: A real statuesque stunner who combines peerless beauty and unsurpassed academic ability for her grade. A kuudere variant who puts efficiency above even common sense. Scored the first date with Rentarou.
Loves Shizuka's cuteness.
- Kusuri(Ch10): 3rd year Senpai: Token mini moe variant #2. Genki girl who LOVES making, taking, and sharing drugs--and, following the theme naming, her name literally translates to drugs/medicine. In a twist of 'the younger than she looks' trait, Kusuri's actual-and non-drugged up-form is that of a busty hot af science loving senpai meganekko. Incidentally, her mental age reflects her outward appearance to some extent.
- Hahari(ch15): MILF: Hakari's single (still technically virgin) mother. OBSCENELY wealthy and is pretty much what would happen if you took Hakari and repressed her lewdness for 16 yrs and then let her loose to love. Essentially, she's EXACTLY the same as Hakari, but instead of pure and general lewdness personified, Hahari is a fetish driven deviant wh loves mothetly spoiling others and cute things.... to a VERY near criminal degree. Is perfectly okay with pretty much ANYTHING that happens as long as she can join in. Often the root of many fetish driven scenarios.
Something of a lewd womanchild, but she means well.... even if she does brush into criminal territory bc of it.
- Kurumi(Ch24): Kouhai: Tsundere Type A variant #2. The permanently hangry wannabe loner. Not much to say about her other than that she loves Rentarou, easily gets sidetracked by food, and that her need to eat like a black hole is the result of a physical condition. She is probably the most 'distant' of the GFs, but is actually a very sweet girl.... as long as she's well fed and/or sufficiently moved.
Takes on the role of 'straight man' #2.
- Mei(ch21): Literally a SUPER MAID. Has the most 'heroine traits' combined so far. Kuudere variant #2, eyes always shut, hypercompetent assistant, Meido(it's literally in her name), yamato nadeshiko, undying loyalty(which all the girls share really), exotic eye design(they're rainbow colored), when she smiles... and the list goes on. Mei's only real flaw is that she's a bit too literal minded and something of an extreme doormat to her masters, Rentarou and Hahari. She also REALLY loves being bossed around, to possibly lightly massochistic degrees. Meido Mei is THE ideal maid to rule them all.
- Iku(ch33): Same grade: A passionate sports girl tomboy.... with a massochistic streak that borders on a drug addiction. Those traits, combined with her love of baseball, hard work, and dedication to effort... make for something of an infinite loop of massochism fueled determinator. Yeah, it's just as insane as it sounds. Currently the fastest Heroine capture of the entire series so far.
Karane later vents her need for violence onto her from time to tine.
- Mimimi(ch39) 2nd year Senpai: Narcissistic Beauty Queen/Tsundere Type B hybrid/variant. A statuesque stunner of a comparable level to Nano, whose looks and design contrasts nicely to Nano's own beauty. In reality, her narcissism is less about actually being a narcissist and more of a twisted expression of her pride and a coping mechanism for her own shyness, as evidenced by the ending of Ch. 40. For her, beauty is the most sacred of goals and one that transcends the mere surface and shallow notions of the term. She seeks and recognizes both inner and outer beauty, as well as values the hard work that goes into achieving/maintaining it. First impressions aside, Mimimi is a thoroughly earnest, hardworking girl who is just very prideful, mildly emotional, and not super honest sometimes..... which can give ppl the wrong idea about her.
- Meme(ch45) Classmate: Not a lot to really say about Meme other than that she, like Hakari, Karane, Nano, and Shizuka, is in Rentarou's class and has, by default, been there since the beginning. She is the living definition of painfully shy and thus, does her best to 'not' stand out. Unfortunately, she inevitably does just by attempting to stay unnoticed... which causes her to run and hide by exploiting the gap in ppl's awareness that she opens up by means of misdirection via tossing her stuffed toys.
Honestly, her skills at hiding border on teleportation or ninjitsu.
Similar to Mei, she doesn't let anyone see her eyes and is thus a variant on 'eyes always shut' by way of her long bangs.
Also, she's very good at knitting and has the biggest bust of the girls by far. Incidentally, she's so well endowed in fact, that any attempt at hiding them only results in her having a large bustline as opposed to her naturally mammoth sweater kittens' true size... which actually wounded Hakari's pride(lol).
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
Didn't think there'd ever be another manga that would make me laugh as hard as I tend to do with D-Frag. I'm so glad I was wrong. 😂

Hahari was an absolute MVP this chapter!
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Crevanille I just have the feeling that some of the people read or watch such titles only for ship girls with each other, because due to their desire to "watch and read only yuri", their choice of content is traditionally very small. I can still understand when all-female titles receive this treatment, but in the discussion of harems it is "a little" annoying. Hopefully it doesn't end like Seton, when some people literally hate MC, because without him it would be CGDCT and they could speculate about Hitomi x Yena.
Mar 30, 2019
@superoniichan @crevanille I don’t get exactly what your trying to say? I mean ik I said I love yuri, but I’m not one to try and ship any and every girl I like together in different series just because. I mean I don’t even really ever ship shit in general, I just happen to like certain stories from the genre.

Obviously you have “mini groups” in this story that you can pair the characters up in like the freaking volume covers,

Karane and Hakari, Nano and Shizuka, etc.

But it’s not that I’m tryna just make every girl in this harem bi or anything. Take the second group for example, I’m not about to try and ship them together just because they have some wholesome moments together. Especially since it’s clear that both, actually all girls here, clearly care about each other as friends/being part of Rentarou family.

I just see in the few mangas that either have, or hint, this type of relationship where the girls might be into each other commenters start complaining about having “yuri shit” in it or just want the mc to get with everyone and if the girls MIGHT also be interested in each other they’ll be like wtf what about the mc they’re only supposed to be into him when they clearly still are and nothing would change that. Which they comment I commented on was saying eww yuri, you obviously don’t have to like a genre but I felt it was more like he didn’t like them being potentially.

And I truly don’t get what you mean about not thinking about them being bi? Yes I said I would like for the author to dig a bit more into their relationship, he’s shown he can do a serious arc and keep the hilarity with the Rescue arc, but I’m not just tryna make them gay and dump Rentarou, obviously if they are truly attracted to each other they would be bi so could you maybe explain what you mean?
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Ultraman Personally, I just want to say that I get bored of seeing gay speculation even when discussing straight harem manga. I have enough of this shit in any shonen's fandom, especially when modern shippers have become so naive that they are ready to sincerely believe that even a female lead in a teen boy's shonen manga like Jujutsu Kaisen can be a lesbian.
Yuri content in this manga is really a thing, okay. I am not trying to prevent this from being discussed. But why does this still become topic number 1?

I say this because your whole thread looked to me like you saw them as a lesbian couple who, for magical reasons, fell in love with a male MC or something like that. As if their attraction to each other must have been equal to full-fledged love, and not crush, foe yay attraction, etc.

P.S. Pairing characters on the cover is a very old trope that doesn't always have to do with romance. Despite the fact that shippers, for some reason, tend to see this as some kind of sign, it is practiced by big number of works that are completely different in mood and content.
Mar 30, 2019
@superoniichan look I get being tired of constant shopping just because 2 people look at each other, I do. The only reason I commented was because the guy was saying eww yuri, eww fan service. Like first what’s the problem when we clearly know they’ve been into each other at least a little bit over 25 chapters so, not to mention the fan service since we’ve been getting that constantly on cover pages and actual chapters.

And secondly outside of MAYBE the first chapter that they kissed, people only make small mention of it any other time it happens, like oh look at Karane and Hakari doing their little thing lol. Nobody I’ve seen on here or the Reddit discussions has seriously talked or made a big deal out of it, unless they talked about how much they didn’t like yuri shit being in here

And yeah I know grouping people together is an old trope, I was just mentioning this to show that I’m not trying to ship all the groups you see in here just because you’ve seen them together
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Ultraman Again, there is nothing wrong with yuri fanservice or discussions of it. I just don’t understand why some people insist on raising this subplot to the level of their canonical relationship with MC? While I goggled info about this manga couple of weeks ago, I saw at least 3-4 times how people tried to convince me that these two are already canonically in love with each other.

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