The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Vol. 6 Ch. 49 - Tsundere Recovery

Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Aug 19, 2019
Yuri makes everything better. Now Karane's tsundereness just needs to return for perfection.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019
These "countermeasures against indecency" are more an insult than a respect for their relationship when they already show how much they love each other...
It's not even here to block some erotic scenes since this manga is full of that, it's just creating some useless limits in their relationship
Active member
Dec 1, 2019
1. Yes. FUCK yuri.
2. As ppl pointed out, it's only an issue when it overrides the premise, is used for stupid ass reason like an NTR/'rescue' situation, or when it's put on a pedestal the genre just doesn't deserve. The fact is, it's justvas irritating when other guys are involved. Ppl get territorial with harems they like, that's it. Yuri is a sour point precisely bc ppl have this idiotic tendency to wanna put it on a fucking pedestal.
3. The author loves trolling the fuck outta ppl with anyband every gag imaginable to the story, and that includes 'girl-on-girl is hot'. The author is pretty blatant that it's a self aware troll bc Hahari, the biggest degenerate in the series, gets off on it for us.... and is Hakari's mother.... leaving aside that consentual incest between adults, to the best of my knowledge, is actually legal in Japan (not that it matters. I honestly don't care. I ascribe t9 a very 'live and let live' philosophy on shit like that. I have a pretty complex and strict worldview though, mere opinionating excluded), Hahari's character honestly reminds me of RL degrnerates who aren't that different about their fetishes... only, y'know, way more exaggerated. Looking at her reminds me of actual ppl (like some of you lot). Can't help it.
4. I've already commented and given plenty of other harem stories where it wouldn't be unusual to see some yuri fanservice. There's A LOT of them, and it's fine since it never gets in the way of the story. Plus, Hakari and Karane were basically a couple after their first 3 way kiss anyway. The zombie kissing incident happened, and so ofc it'd go in that direction. It'd be weirder if they 'didn't' develop some level of attraction to each other.
All that matters is that Rentarou stays firmly at the center of their relationship, which he has. Like I said, the story wouldn't work without him and it's bc of him that the girls are much happuer... case in point, Hahari isn't in prison yet for unspeakable, non consent related criminal acts that we all know she'd commit if given half a chance...
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
I smell a closet homo. 👀
But yeah, I wouldn't really call it yuri/girls' love if it's to intentionally upset or bug the other party - that's called trolling. 🤔
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
Crevanille is absolutely right, I'm not a fan of Yuri at all, but as long as it doesn't ruin the main protag of the story which it hasn't I don't mind it. However yeah I can see how people are getting tired of this, You can only crack so many jokes before it becomes redundant and not funny and tbh Alot of people like me aren't really fine with this get the tsundere back arc. Since a tsundere is supposed to evolve into a character that is more liked with the overall story but having this said arc makes you hate the character trope as your being forced to appreciate something that in reality is one of the worse things to deal with. But yeah Hahari is well... herself and I really have no comment on it.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Kitsune_Hellscythe Dude, are you totally non-ironic trying to use the "you liked" defense? You are like those idiots who say that there was no harassment or rape if the victim was aroused or had an orgasm. Learn the difference between genital stimulation and sexuality in general.

@deathmailrock Do I need to explain the difference between a harem and an open relationship?

@BebopZX2 @Crevanille The problem with such titles is not so much in the yuri itself, but in the fact that their audience begins to overflow with yuri fans who are not interested in anything other than yuri and who will consistently turn any discussion into a yuri fan club whenever possible. Seton is a great example of when it went so far that these folks even started to hate MC because he didn't let yuri develop further and they weren't interested in straight romcom as such.
Active member
Dec 1, 2019
No, I t9tally agree. The bigger problem DEFINITELY lies with the community segments who put that yuri shit on such an undeserved pedestal.
Like, objectively, harem is just wish fulfillment trash, but I still love it. I'll never put it on a pedestal and try to force that view on anybody else in discussionsm i just talk about the work in question as much as I can.
But really? Harems done right are my favorites, especially when blended with other genres like in DxD or Strike the Blood.

Yes. Yes, she would. She honestly doesn't care. She's qlready admitted to kissing her, and has kissed her.... when she wasn't awake for it. But it's whatever.

Only when it it's a secondary or tertiary element that doesn't get in the way. A good harem will never let the MC carry all the weight anyway. The girls work their hardest when they pitch in. Rokujouma is a really good example of that since qll 9 heroines are practically like sisters.
This work is similar, but decidedly more sexually charged and more 'family' centric in its dynamic. Plus, it's a harem populated by girls with a shit ton of issues. Rentarou kinda needs to both work his hardest and get all the help he needs.

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