That's really not better. Incest is incest.
By that logic, literally any relationship between two humans is "incest", because there is not a single pair of humans alive that do not share atleast two common ancestors.
There is a line where a relationship stops being incest. Where exactly that line is is up for debate. Maybe it's decided by a certain % of genetic similarity, or maybe by a certain level of steps removed on the family tree.
Sure, cousin incest is still definitely 100% incest, but it is literally better than sibling or parent incest.
There is a reason why many societies throughout history have been fine with marriage between cousins, while closer forms of incest were taboo. It's a tradition based on the genetic safety of the offspring.
The children between closer family are always going to have a way higher chance of being genetically-fucked-up, in comparison to the children between cousins.