The Abandoned Empress

Feb 10, 2021
this is garbage guys, dont read it, read your majesty please dont kill me again,
same shit but better written.
Jan 29, 2021
I don't like posting reviews like this but.... I dropped this a long ass time ago but this is my personal opinion on it that why I had dropped it.

As someone who's read shitty novels in the past and now, I can say that the author did a shit job to make me feel bad for the second timeline ML after reading the first few chapters of his abuse and torment to the FL. I do not care if he's still a child/teenager at the moment, I don't plan onto catching up with the story so I maybe wrong with his age. The only reason why he's like this is because he met the FL earlier and when she wasn't a "doll". Did ya'll not fucking see how he treated her in the first timeline? Because it seems to me that, half of you people who read shit like this only sympathize with him because he's attractive.
Dec 10, 2020
I understand why people dropped this story. I dropped and tried to read it again from where i dropped, after a long time, to see if it was just a heat-of-moment thing. But honestly, even if there are some comments that try to make those who roast the ML into unreasonable people that mindlessly like revenge plots, i'll give some reasonable points of why they aren't wrong to be angry in this case:
- Our author goes beyond the way to writte all the awful things ML did to FL, and i believe that everything that happens in the previous life is supposed to be given from the POV of an unreliable narrator, the MC. However, even if you are an outsider... god, he is such an awful person to her. Honestly, even if i "forgive" him in a new life, i'd keep my distance. Because no matter what reasons he has for what he did... he was capable of doing it. (There were novels i was able to forgive the ML, but its because he was literally manipulated by a system into doing it, while his thoughts were full of pain and remorse the whole time).
- Second: after she reincarnated, she receives a "ooops, my bawdieeee~" from the god of her world, about her tragedy, with a "it'll happen again, probably so its up to you to change your fate". But honestly? All that attention from God is bad news. Because she received this name she is forced to have more interactions with the royal family.... if she didn't she might just find a way to leave far away from her country and it would be much much easier.
- Next, our FL starts falling for the previous-life ML even before solving the knots of their previous relationship. He was so cruel to her... and why should she be ok with him again without even knowing why? In her POV he was cruel because he loved the other girl, and that's all she knows. If i was her hatred or resentment would be more justifiable. Or if she blamed herself... indifference or fear. But the author conveniently makes her abandon all of her PTSD like its magically cured by ML's pretty sad-puppy face.
- The other possible MLs are so good, that make your truly think that this MC has some issues going on inside her head.
- The second ML's are step-by-step written as unfit for the MC after they were written to be well-matched with her and healing her... that's for sake of plot-convenience. And i hate it.

In my opinion the only good point is the beginning of the story (if it was a proper revenge or a face-slap rebirth it would be a better story) and the relationship between Tia and her father.

Why do people try to writte a MC that decides to become a badass as someone who has negative IQ as soon as she meets the ML? Tia is supposed to be an "empty doll" in her first life because of her attitude towards life and people's attitudes towards her. But she suffered such a major trauma that made her seek actively for things just to regress as the plot progresses...

Feb 18, 2021
Ima receive a lot of hate for this, but I think this is great. The introduction really had me in tears over the seemingly unjust treatment of Aristia.

The story has multiple themes like nature vs nurture, love, and the importance of communication.

I am not going to lie, I felt indifferent towards Ruvelis since I knew nothing about why he treated Aristia so badly. I’m glad I did because his backstory really showed the importance of nurturing a child. It really raised the question in my head of “how can we push a child to be perfect, with no room for imperfection, and expect the child to be ok?” Everything is not ruvelis’s fault.

Just like society today, we see ruvelis fall into the social expectation.
Now I’m going to get some heat for this, but I would like to compare this to racism in the American society today.
I’m Asian, so the social expectation that I’m smart and will excel in academics forced me to excel in academics. This helped me. However, when I think about the unjust views of others ethics, I become... saddened. Many Latinos, blacks, whites, middle easterners, and other ethics fall into a category of expectation. Unfortunately I had many friends who I watched fall into slots like a casino. The probability of rising in society increasing with social expectations they heard as kids.
This is why it’s important to raise kids in an encouraging household so they rise above expectations. This does not mean don’t punish them, (I remember getting a few whacks in the head for not behaving in public). This is why I feel indifferent and not hate towards people I don’t know including ruvelis.

If ruvelis was an evil man, by nature; We would have seen the exact same exact circumstances as before the time loop. Instead we see ruvelis console with himself, coming to terms, accepting, and changing his ways; when he realizes the unfound hatred he harbors in the difference of treatment. We see him grow and I find myself admiring that.
Aristia also grew. Before the time loop, she was like a cog rotating and forever bottling her emotions due to not having anyone to express it to. I am so happy to see her confidant and able to openly express herself.

(This is getting longer than I expected so ima try to wrap this up and skip some details).

I love how the story dives into “can you love someone who did you wrong... again?” I, myself, could not. I know I am a selfish coward. Just like I have done to my mother, I would have ran away from destiny.
Aristia, on the other hand, stayed and thought over how she can protect her family and country.

If you got to this part, this is where I got tired of writing this comment and I really wanted to get back to rereading this story. This story about how overcoming fear, prejudice, and a reminder that how we treat others, affects their future.
Feb 4, 2020
But wanting the ml who literally raped and abused fl for her entire time she was with him to get back with him is so damn unrealistic. Yes we should condemn someone for a crime they didnt do, but why would the fl want to get back with her abuser? Is she dumb? Is she a sucker for looks? DOES SHE HAVE STOCKHOLM FICKING SYNDROME???!

And no one wants to read about a god forsaken story about an dumbss fl who cant see past her blind rose tinted eyes. That doesnt makes sense - BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! Who would want to read a story where a victim of abuse rape and false accusations get back with the guy who did all of that to her?

Anyway. If ml only killed fl, most people would find it acceptable for them to get back together. Like meh, mistakes happen. That's what happens to 90% of the stories that decide to go down that route. But to expect, that to happen and the majority of the readers to go "meh mistakes happen" is unbelievably impressively dumb. This is getting long and I can clearly go around in circles ranting about this, but the points is, I would agree with you had not ml raped her
Oct 27, 2020
My point is that they should be treated as different people. From my perspective, some other guy with the same looks and name raped her. ML became a different person once FL took a different course of action and prevented a lot of causes and effects. Though I also have to admit there’s a really shit reason why he was an asshole in the first timeline, which is
that he was drugged over a long period of time which causes irrational and violent behavior
. I think this is idea in particular is so cooked lmao, but I really like the current timeline story since neither of the characters are abusive and the romantic developments make sense if her past trauma is left to be considered as experiences of her past life.
In no way am I trying to condone Stockholm syndrome, because it’s my belief that she’s traumatized by someone in her past life, not current. This story is soooo complicated because of the past timeline, I get why people wouldn’t like the idea of her liking the ML, but those who like the story are simply able to compartmentalize the previous and current timeline. It really is just different for me, that’s why I’m able to continue reading.
ALSO... Honestly, I wish red head was ML, he is so sweet and uncomplicated. 😔
Aug 20, 2019
@soowot I don’t see that as a shit reason though people tend to act much differently especially when their negative emotions are hyped up by those I used to have a bad opinion of the series as well befor someone explained it to me and honestly it seems a bit understandable why he acted that way in the past life
Feb 23, 2021
With me and this manhwa there was just overall disappointment in how things were turning out and the slow loss of interest with The Abandoned Empress. I liked it at first, finding myself attached to Tia’s emotional struggles and empathizing with her panic attacks. Even after I found out that she was
going to end up with Ruve
I kept reading until I was almost at chapter one hundred and... just dropped it. At that time, I had lost all emotional connections with the characters. I couldn’t suspend my disbelief anymore for the main leads and their connection (you know who I’m talking about).

There came a point with Tia and her emotional trauma/PTSD where I couldn’t take it seriously anymore as someone who has emotional trauma myself. The amount of hoops and mental gymnastics I was pulling to keep invested in the story/FL and ML was just too much for me. I just couldn't empathize with her or understand her actions/reactions. I read about why the ML did all those things, I read reviews on why I should continue and why TAE was good, and I tried to get back into it but that didn’t help much.

I had to drop it. It wasn't completely horrible, I saw what it was going for but I just... didn't like it, couldn't believe it, and nor did I really want to anymore. I don't want to have to force myself to enjoy a story and try to reason constantly why she would fall for someone who did that to her even if their technically two different people. If the plot had focused more on understanding each other as people and not delved into love it would have been better in my view. A story that focused on healing instead of revenge seems like an interesting take on the genre of Isekai. But no. Straight up romance. Romance is hard to make work in regular instances of reincarnation but especially in a delicate situation like this.

I’ve been told this story is character-driven and in that case it makes sense why I lost interest. If a story's focus is on the characters and I have to force myself to like/have no interest in the main characters/know the characters I like will probably become insignificant, then what’s the point of reading further? I also can't help but think that maybe the author could have handled such a personal topic of abuse better. The reasoning and logic was there for the romance to be technically okay but the emotions behind the romance were just... unrealistic in many aspects and meh to me.

Just throwing this opinion out there among all the Tia and Ruve hate. I mainly complained about the romance because that’s what I mainly don’t like about the story and it's been a hot minute. For new readers, feel free to read it. Form your own opinion. Read all of it, even the beginning. Just like the author intended. We're all just laying out our opinions and the best mentality is "its a little bit of what both sides are saying" for this type of story.
Feb 4, 2020

In no way am I claiming that you condone Stockholm syndrome. It was just an example, sorry.

I agree with your arguement on how we should treat them like 2 different people. I would have been fine with him still being a love intrest. I guess what I was really trying to say is that the amount of mental gymnastics the readers have to do to accept the fact that FL would really just be so willing to get back into his life is just ????

It doesnt take a expert to see how the author really fricked up the part about abuse and ptsd and all that. Guess that's the part that actually turned me off. If the author had made both the FL and the prince to work for their love and it was just cause the plot, and didnt act like ptsd ain't a thing, then yeah, it would be a good story.

I also wish red head was the ml.
Oct 28, 2020
Apparently even the novel author wasn't satisfied with the webtoon. I don't know about the specifics but after ch. 121 someone else took over the story and from then on basically more than half of the original novel was left out. The webtoon ended this week at ch. 145 but the last ~10-15 chapters were so rushed that everyone could feel that they just want to end it as soon as possible. It was basically abandoned, just like it's title character :(
Oct 28, 2020
@ikikjk I've read the english version at , it's currently at ch.140.
The other informations come from the novelupdates forum:
Feb 10, 2021
@ditka623 thanks.

Ok now that its over i guess i can confidently say that the ending sucks, im glad this got rushed like you have no idea, been quite some time since i felt this levels of schadenfreude.

it looks like iNA had some kind of problems and SUYEON had to finish the last chapters.

for some reason ruve's name translates to Lube HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

im currently lookin for more info on the mangaka's (manwhaka?) blog, if i dont post again is because i found squat.
Jun 6, 2019
First, i didn't read the novel

Second, i can understand that people spoilered in the early chapter with the ending of the wn ragequited, when you know the end with only the half of the first season (out of 3) of the webtoon it's not a surprise even if in my opinion it could be a lack of faith in the author(s) storytelling of a returner. A Returner change the original events, a lot of things and/or conditions/trigger/persona will be different.. effin butterfly effect ;)

Third, i'm at chap 141 and the wt is not finished and the ending spoilered is not anymore so absurd nor unwanted. One of the problem of this toon is a recurrent one of the returner genre, the mc expect that everything will be the same amidst the fact that they continue to change it (they don't understand why the events(dimensions) diverge...), but in this one mc got some traumas in her 1st incarnation. The kinda things that stuck :(
But the persona of the persons between what it could have been and what it is from a returner point of views is good with this one.

fourth, i think this serie got too much hate ^^ and red, green, blue light make white ^^

PS: if you want to respond in details use the -spoiler- function, i'll do the same
PPS: rereading is 42
Feb 10, 2024
Boooooooo, what a terrible webtoon.
The Female Lead is a complete dull and boring character, and whatever she lived was well deserved.
Now i understand why others were cursing the time they spent reading this.

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