a girl being alone & defenseless around a man is already an invitation. that's why this trope exists, that's why every civilization across time and space just assumes sex happens if there is opportunity. and that's why yeah if you don't go for it just because mommy said to always respect women, affirmative consent, power imbalances make you uncomfortable, then you are actually a bitch. girls put themselves into the power imbalances on purpose.
anime/manga often give you the autistic author's twisted view of this trope from the outside, but this one is showing it basically straight on
here the mc doesn't go for it and that's fine, he did the next best thing, acknowledge what she did and take the opportunity to tease her or whatever about it. what would be pathetic is sticking so close to the respect-women line that you go along with her pretense that she's completely innocent and didn't do anything. so scared to take on that role that you pretend that she wasn't offering it to you.
*but don't have sex before marriage kids