From glancing at the raws, the true father looks to be a very apathetic man. Maybe some communication disorders due to being who/what he is; having to form a sharp tongue akin to the likes of
Fiancée of the Wizard.
He likely sent his daughter to the shit family to learn and to have love that he couldn't give. I also doubt they ever told him their disdain for her when he would send a representative over. Probably with excuses as to why said rep couldn't see her at the times of their arrival.
Gotta keep that cash flowing.
Honestly, super surprised the father stand-in didn't put up more of a defense to keep her there. Again,
gotta keep that cash flowing.
Here's to the future when true father finds out about the harsh and inhumane treatment his daughter had to grow up in. Hopefully flushing the shit family like the turds they are.