I don't want her to be an employee, I just want her to be happy. She's going through so much all because she accidentally found a cave near some dwarves.man I feel sorry for that red dragon, she appeared only 2 times and always gets the short end of the stick. I hope she turns into an employee of Ell at the end of this arc.
Plus Ell will be able to avenge the dwarfsI always love the "the more you mess around, the more you gonna find out" trope for these types of stories.
The overconfidence of young whipper snappers paired by their immense power is always a nice ingredient for the eventual serving of humble pie.
And then Rurin gonna kill them all herselfThey wanna kill her and put the blame on the Magician, they either want to gang up on him or have the promise nullified and take back Rurin.