The Bones of an Invisible Person - Vol. 4 Ch. 22

Sep 23, 2018
I get why senpai always believed her, I mean, she saw her disappear, but how come every single person immediately believes her when Aya claims that she killed her father? Why should the cops believe it? It's not so easy to prove, we NEEDED to see her turning herself in and see how the heck she could convince the police without even bringing the knife she used as proof. It's not something that we can leave to our imagination. Also, for many chapters Aya did nothing but spend time with her friends and then go to someone claiming to have killed her father and everyone was totally ok with it, without any question because "oh well it's not surprising, he was a jerk". Really?
Aggregator gang
Jan 21, 2018
Well, this was an out of the box read for me so even if the ending was like that I still liked the story. It was quite entertaining so I don't know if the ending was good or bad but for now not any other sort of ending comes to mind given the type of story it was.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 25, 2018
I am a bit disappointed by this ending, because this story could have been a lot more ambitious. The author could have gone so many different routes and expanded on so many ideas, but decided to just end it at that.

However, this is a 4 volume story and I guess one should judge it for what it is rather than for what it could be. To truly expand on the potential that this had, we'd need A LOT more volumes and maybe the author was just intending for these few to have a short self-contained story with a nice idea.

So I won't say it's a bad ending. It is what it is for the amount of volumes the author set out to write.

Chapter 12 was easily one of the strongest chapters of any manga I had ever read and just off that I give it a strong 9/10 for not really 'failing' on any front, while presenting some extraordinary little bits.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
Don't even learn why her dad went from being a good father to a piece of shit. It was a good story, but it was missing some things and had a shitty ending. She can't prove she killed her dad, as there was no proof. If she shows them her invisibility she will become a lab rat.

She thinks she needs to have something to lose in order to be punished, but she had so much taken away and has been punished along with her mother and brother. My 2nd cousins's dad was a real piece of shit drunk wife beating pos. I know how my my one cousin wanted to kill his dad. The cops never did shit so dad and others intervene and chase him off with a beating after he mouthed off about my god mother being his and how he can treat her how he wishes.

At least her gf is willing to wait for her and I can't see a judge giving her much time especially if her brother and mother testify as well as the 2 friends. She sure as shit felt remorse and I doubt she'd ever kill again unless she is forced to become an assassin in her next manga due to her invisibility powers.

@Maru_Death I think the author didn't know how to end it. The story had key take aways from early volume 4 and volume 3 the most imo.
Sep 24, 2018
I'm almost fully satisfied with this manga. The one thing I would add would be a page or a few of future, when she returns. This manga does very well in portraying the emptiness of "darkness" and the fullness of "light" I'm still quite in shock. Great work, everybody involved! <3
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Twist ending: The police don't believe her, so she goes home. The end.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
My thoughts. It's not nearly as good as "I want to eat your pancreas" or "I sold my life for ten thousand yen per year". Reason being those two have pretty high quality writing. Which isn't the case here. Why do I bring them up? Because people kept recommending this series in the same vein.
So I get the easy mention is about how she can no longer turn invisible at the end and how she'll prove it to the police, or perhaps why anyone believes her saying she did it.
I don't give a fuck about any of that. Honestly I'm willing to let it slide. Fuck it. I wish the 'invisible thing wasn't an literal thing and more of a concept of her blending into the background but whatever.

What's my gripe with the story? I don't care for the themes and I don't care for what the Author tried to do to make us feel bad for the Father.
Here's the thing, there were plenty of opportunities to do something interesting and complex but nothing fucking happened. The characters also sounded like they were the author speaking directly AT me when they were talking to the main character. Like what the fuck. These characters don't act realistically and it's bothersome.
I don't like the song plotline. Mostly because we didn't reference it at the start, there's an easy way to do this. Have the MC use music as an escape, she goes to CD stores to avoid going home. So then later on when she meets the senpai and likes her music - the senpai then requesting the MC write for her, that the MC actually feels like she would say yes. The current way it's portrayed is weird. If I was the MC I wouldn't write a song for this unknown person. If I was the senpai I also wouldn't randomly ask this passerby to write me a song. Fuck maybe even have the Father take her to a concert (instead of fishing) before he snaps, that way it's therapeutic in a way for her to be writing the song - because it's her coming to terms with her Father. The Father should also have snapped on Mother's day, which could have been an interesting thing on reread to have realized that THAT'S when the abuse started.
The Father-spectre thing was over the top and a little cringey. He spoke too much and said unrealistic things. I get that it's her own projection of him, but man read those out loud, it's awkward as fuck.

I also dislike the whole final arc, she walks around telling everyone and nearly no one gives a shit but the Mother/Grandfather. The entire Grandfather thing is sorta pointless and even brings up the Asian Doctor trope. The interesting bit would have been with the Mother. And why? Let's see we could have had the Father trying to turn a new leaf after the MC yelled at him to stop beating the Mom. The Mom could have been like "Your Father bought you this CD and wanted us to go on a trip together when he came home." So then the MC is like 'oh fuck... maybe he COULD have changed. But I never gave him that chance." There were hints of goodies with the Mom being like "I fell in love with him because he could make me laugh, and we were happy together", but it didn't go far enough.
We could have done even more though! Having the MC meet a foil who also has an abusive parent but manages to overcome it without resorting to killing. This added to my above change hurts the MC a whole fucking lot more, and makes the story more impactful. The MC after all never gave a shit about the Father and even at the end talking to the Grandfather states "I'll hate him forever fuck u too"
Like lmao? Why not have her feeling guilty that the father had the possibility of change and can't bring herself to hate him, even knowing that he may never have changed.

What ELSE could have been done storywise? The obvious thing to me would be the MC wanting to do certain things but ultimately failing before she could do so. I expected a death to happen at some point in the last half of the series but nothing came. The entire stalker incident was weird and I don't understand how he was (A) able to recognize her voice so fast and (B) wanting to kill her because supposedly he heard her voice in his house. Did he even know she turned him in? Did the police tell him? Are they really that stupid?
But then the entire incident just felt like wheel spinning. Nothing much of value occurred throughout the arc. I full expected her to try and murder this guy as well and it go poorly. Hey... maybe that could have been why he knew her and decided to kill her in revenge! I also half-thought the MC might get killed while being invisible and no one discover what happened to her, right as she was going to come clean - that she, like her father never had the chance to redeem themselves.

So yeah lots of things where it's like "Boy that could have been interesting."
The way the story tiptoes around themes and chooses not to go for the gut is infuriating. Overall I don't care for it and I'd never decide to reread this, 90% of the middle of the story just feels like filler.
Sep 4, 2019
Shoker, your points are valid, but you forget a key detail:
Aya didn't want a deep philosophical life with lots of twists and turns
she wanted a normal life that had value, so that when she could turn herself in the punishment had meaning.
are the friends really that unrealistic to you? have you never been in a situation where someone was killed and you thought "that fucker deserved it"?
Also what is there not to get with the grandfather? the daughter admitted she couldn't let go of her hatred for her father, She even forget the happy memories she had with him. So that's why she has to be punished.
the song arc is fine, I guess you just never had a friend who naturally likes someone even if htere is no good reason: guess what they do exist, I have a friend who loves me even though I told them all kinds of terrible things I did.

is the story better than Pancreas and ten thousand yen? no it's not. However you are doing this series a deservice by letting the people who reccomend this story poison your perception of the story. It would have been better if you just enjoyed the story by itself.

P.S. it only felt like the author was speaking directly to the reader because aya is invisible, yes she can physically become invisible but it also metaphorical invisible. She was a hollow person of darkness and so the words seem to go right through her and to us. Once she gives some value to herself she is ready to actually be visble in the world she ran away from: by first turning herself in.

Remember: aya just wanted a normal life, nothing more, nothing less. I think a lot of people can relate to that, myself included. I don't have grand ambitions, but I do wish my mother did not date abusive men and become a drug addict. to me a normal life would have been amazing.

oh, but the ending was pretty bad, can't deny that. I sorta get why he did it: the series was always low energy, but still something a litlte more impactful would have been nice.
Double-page supporter
Mar 28, 2019
Dissapointed cuz no Yuri ending. 0/10 did not nut. Jk. Was kinda interesting but really ended up feeling kinda boring and also resolution-less in a way? I had a feeling it would end like this but i dunno, it just feels so empty and dissatisfying . Oh well. Just not my cup of tea I guess.
Double-page supporter
Apr 29, 2018
I'm glad I read this 3 hours straight , and to be completely honest, this is ending is what I like the most. It keeps me think that what might happen to the mc in my own mind, my own conclusion to be exact.
Active member
Dec 15, 2018
God, I was following this story for a while and my computer broke just before the last chapter was released.

Feels good to finally see it, even if its over.
Group Leader
Dec 21, 2018
You know... the ending was bad. But worse was her insistence on having to turn herself in, why would her? It really doesn't make any sense, anyways.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 6, 2018
its feels like forced imho
she wanted to take responsibility = makes all people around her sad
but she doesnt want make people sad, but she's still doing it anyway

the ending i want is, the guitar girl hug or better kiss her then says "its okay, you dont have to force yourself to do it, its 'our' rensponsibility now" or "dont do that, better make full or your life as happy girl and be useful for ur mother, thats one way to pay ur crime" or "i need you, dont leave me"

nyeh. sorry too emotional, im sucker for happy ending afterall
Aggregator gang
Oct 1, 2018
fuck... not this type of ending.... the author just left us hanging... shiet 😌
Cmon author... you could end the story with a happy ending... now I have a hole in my chest 😒
Jan 18, 2018
Open ended ending. Done on purpose, no doubt. The reader can decide how things went on their own. Not entirely a big fan of these types of endings, but I can respect them.

My head canon for this is that she goes to the police and tells them she killed her dad by turning invisible, but they don't believe her. She tries to turn invisible to prove it, but she's incapable of doing so anymore because she's found her place and all that stuff. They think she feels guilty for her family situation or something and became delusional or something and so sent her home with a recommendation to see a psychologist. She's not quite satisfied with this because she doesn't think it's right, but her friends and family are happy regardless and she eventually accepts that maybe this is her place in the world and that maybe it's okay for her to be happy despite everything.

She still faces consequences since she's already told the people that it really matters to the truth of everything, but the consequences are also proportional to what she really deserves. Justice, in a sense. Just not in the legal sense. She's already spent ~6 years locked in a prison of her father's making and ~1 year in a prison of her own. Her grandfather will never forgive her and the people that matter to her know of her sins. While it's questionable whether her father deserved to die, at the very least Aya has already been punished enough for everything already IMO.

I do wish we got to see a bit more of her family, especially her brother whom I feel had a lot more that the author didn't get a chance to touch on. But I guess I'm generally satisfied with the ending. Good art and great characters on top of that makes this a pretty good story overall for me.
Apr 28, 2018
I like it. It's typical Japanese literature ending. I myself haven't read that many Japanese literature but they tend to end the story this way; open ended, anti climatic, or ambiguous. Really drive the idea that the real message doesn't have to be that in-your-face, and the characters lives on in their world.

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