suspicious as hell but he can't be worse than the emperor. And by the way, I do deeply dislike the emperor but not for killing the knight. I hated her treacherous ass. I just hate him for forcing her to come to the castle and be his queen.
I'm just struggling to find a character I like. I would've liked the MC if she wasn't an idiot who forgot she was betrayed in 0.00001 seconds and believed the lie that she is the knight's daughter. Girl she killed you and got magically reincarnated as her daughter. If she knew it was you, she would've murdered your ass again. And I don't care that she regrets it afterwards. Unless it was an accident, which it obviously wasn't, then there is no going back from it. I wish she stuck to her revenge plot so I can continue to support her but at this point she is just an imbecile