The comments features of and/or folding disquis comments into yours :rejected:

Feb 3, 2019
The ability to reply to other peoples comments and said replies fold in thread style. The ability to upvote others comments. Website notification/links to new replies to your comments. In short, all features already present with You could use that websites comments as part of your own system like Mangapark does. This doesn't mean replacing own comments, just having a separate Disqus comment list. And of course nothing stops you from doing both (providing said features for your own comments and tying Disqus into your own website)

An additional benefit for me of this website folding Disqus into it would be that I would get Disqus notifications for here too and my various conversations about things would be more unified.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@truepurple A "like" system for comments have been discussed here. The conclusion is that it's a bad idea because the likes will motivate funny/relatable comments and change the community behaviour to comment memes instead of chilling and commenting at their own discretion; as for the dislike, it will motivate people to dislike simply because they don't agree with another's opinion. However, a "reaction" system is worth another discussion.

But I really like the idea of replies being folded under a parent comment. It will help spawning microdiscussions within discussions. If it ever turn into a circlejerk, mods can simply lock the parent comment. Not sure how to code it all tho so depending on how hard it is to implement as well as its importance, this might take a while to make true, if it were to be accepted in the first place. Maybe there can be an option to switch between "original" and "folded" comment systems.

As for switching the comment system to Disqus entirely, I disagree. If you consider commenting, following, and reading manga on MD as the 100% experience, it will go like this:

Disqus comment
No account - 33% (reading only)
MD account - 66% (reading, following)
MD & Disqus - 100% (reading, following, commenting)

However, with the comment system now,

MD comment system
No account - 33% (reading only)
MD account - 100% (reading, following, commenting)

What's the point of this? Well, using Disqus as the comment system requires you to make two accounts to experience 100% of MD; meanwhile using the current come true system, you only need to make one. You know how lazy people usually are at making accounts.

Plus, why fix what's not broken?
Feb 3, 2019
What about your opinion of notification of people replying to your comments?

How do you do that @trupurple thing?
Feb 3, 2019
What notification?

I bet lots of people who use mangadex also use Mangapark etc. Disqus is used for lots of site comments. I bet lots of people here already have Disqus accounts.

You say why fix what isn't broken. I say current mangadex comment system is pretty broken. No one wants to keep checking back to chapters and combing through replies to carry on a conversation through comments. Disqus's system is way more useable.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
@truepurple The❗mark next to your nickname in the header.

I thought you're talking about lol. What a shame to official have a same name with aggregator site.

This stuffs pretty much already suggested in the past. Disqus implementation is rejected and notification, comment replies is considered iirc.
Feb 3, 2019
The❗mark next to your nickname in the header.

What mark? what is the header?

I meant Which I still use. If you thought I meant that other site, how did you know I didn't mean it?

notification, comment replies is considered iirc.

Sorry, I didn't understand that.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018

Because manga-park doesn't use disqus?

Errr, to be put in consideration, maybe going to be implemented etc.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
Disqus was considered when we first started MangaDex but we decided that a custom-made solution would be better for the website.
We aren't a fan of upvoting and downvoting comments, we'll probably add more of a 'reaction' type system.
We don't have any plans to split up our comment section between two methods.
A reply system is coming, albeit not in the same thread format you're thinking of.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
A reply system is coming, albeit not in the same thread format you're thinking of.

Jolly good! This current, 100% manual system is cumbersome and I'm sure it has inhibited discussions. Not all also bothered to use it or didn't know how it works, and they simply replied to your post with no gimmicks. But since you'd never receive any notification to such an unaddressed reply, most likely you'd never go back to check. That would be it for that particular discussion. Quoting essential parts of messages is also next to nonexistent under the manual system, so you'd always need to scroll back and forth to follow any discussion. I'm mainly talking about manga chapter comment threads here, as those would be myriad, as opposed to a few regular forums threads you could easily keep track of manually if you wanted to.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@Kaarme Forum rework is mainly just being held back by the release of v4. We have quite a lot of features planned, I'm excited thinking about it.
Feb 3, 2019
My suggestion was just as much about copying Disqus's features and functions as it was using it, it's just using Disqus would be easier for the site and thus I thought it would go down a bit easier. And a upvote system is the least of that, I don't really care too much about that though it is fun to see which comments of mine people like with Disqus. I mean I don't particularly care about Disqus in the first place, I am certainly no fan. But their system makes comments usable for conversation and use-able in general.

I am left not knowing which part of the suggestion is being rejected as replies from staff do not cover all of my ideas. I guess I must make new threads for each of those? Like no mention of notification & link system by anyone. Of course in order for there to be a notification & link system there has to be a connected reply AKA thread system.

Comment system as it stands is absolutely unusable for conversation, its just putting in your comments which get largely ignored/unseen by everyone else. And once a thread system is made, assuming one is ever made, I am not sure how current comments will work with that, so maybe not a good idea to comment on stuff on Mangadex. I guess put all my comments on disqus under , which means using Mangapark more since loading up a page just to comment is too much extra work/time and talking to people about what I am reading is part of the fun.

FFS, try harder. Look at the bloody comment right above yours where I mention which Mangapark I meant.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018

Disqus in the first place, I am certainly no fan. But their system makes comments usable for conversation and use-able in general.
And MD's system doesn't? I think you just need to get used to the system here before you claim that it's troublesome. If it is, your suggestion should be one of many - which it isn't (aside from the "like" system thread that I linked).

Yeah, it's still a work in progress and suggestions are wanted but at this point you're not really suggesting, more like asking for a replacement. Anything with upvote/downvote is out of the window for MD, basically.
Feb 3, 2019
Forget the upvoting part already then.

Ok so tell us how to use Mangadex comment system to easily carry on a conversation in comments of a comics specific chapter. There is no way to get use to a system where said system is completely invisible to me (and I suspect most people) So please explain it.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
I thought you're talking about lol. What a shame to official have a same name with aggregator site.
I meant Which I still use. If you thought I meant that other site, how did you know I didn't mean it?
Because MANGA-PARK doesn't use disqus?
FFS, try harder. Look at the bloody comment right above yours where I mention which Mangapark I meant.

FFS you better learn how to discuss properly before making forum suggestion.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@truepurple People have conversations by just pinging each other. If you don't get pinged, the comments aren't aimed at you.

When you get pinged, you get a notification ( ! ) that lets you know someone pinged you. Following the notification link will lead you to the comment. The comment in question will also be highlighted whenever you open the page.
Feb 3, 2019
I don't know about any pinging with discard but it doesn't matter anyway, if someone replies to you or your thread, you'll get a notice.

Here, there is no reply button, one needs to type @ and copy paste the name. (which adds another step to not only checking out your notifications but even seeing if you have any in the first place)
The notification is hidden under the user name thing on the top right of the screen.
The notification for a comment ping is some random bunch of numbers that tell you nothing about what it is.
Forum notification and comment notification are completely mixed together.

We need threading.
A reply system is coming, albeit not in the same thread format you're thinking of.
So what does this mean? Threading comes in multiple forms, are you saying all forms of threading have been rejected? So just some reply button that auto does @name perhaps? If so, please explain the rational for such subpar standards that will keep comments so unusable.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@truepurple The mini thread comment chains such as used in Disqus or Reddit will most likely never be a thing, since the forum section and the comments section are quite intertwined. If you've used 4chan... imagine that as to how replies will work. A compact combination of both a ping button, quote, and the ability to follow a thread of replies using a forum style board.

If your only concern was that you aren't getting notified for every comment, following threads that you've commented in (or haven't commented in) are planned as well. It's something we've been considering to allow for the uploaders of chapters as well, since everyone likes to read comments.

And yes we're quite aware that it's just a string of numbers when you get notified for manga. Forums have received close to zero updates since their implementation. No point in worrying about it in it's current state.

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