The Complete Works of Nekojiru - Vol. 1 Ch. 21 - The Mountain God 3

Feb 21, 2018
wow that's definitely fucked up jeez. Not out of character I suppose definitely feels like a product of its time (that doesn't make it not just as wrong).
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
OY VEY. I giggled at the singular wheel coming out to roll on the baby. But jews cant reborn due to pork or jews reborn? Guess its cultural belief between the jews, or maybe its the mangaka misunderstanding. I'm no jew expert.


Group Leader
Apr 12, 2018
@77BLc9JwJGpLVARkamJx Probably the mangaka misinformed and misunderstanding. There's more than just pork that's not kosher in Judaism, so it's odd that the guy specifically mentions it. On top of that, there's no consensus on the punishment for what happens when you eat something non-kosher. Sometimes your grandma will wash your mouth out with soap, in a previous time period you'll get a lashing, and some people believe you will be punished in the afterlife. Even then, people will argue whether unintentional consumption is punishable or not.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Well this doesn't surprises me at all, every crazy person whose is highly unhinged has to pour their crazy on someone.

And when she got tired of hating Jews she killed herself.
Jan 20, 2019
people here saying, "this shouldn't exist/isn't funny."
sorry to pop your tiny bubble but it should exist and it's hilarious. This is a great piece of satire.

Doomroar, your statement where you said "And when she got tired of hating Jews she killed herself," is highly hypocritical. You are attempting to justify that it's wrong to make fun of Jews, yet you think it's okay for people to kill themselves if they discriminate against a certain race. What the fuck is wrong with you. Pull your head out of all that edgy idealistic shounen trash.

What the author is trying to do is entertain. She creates humour through things that we usually don't talk about, and is clever about it. Her portrayals of domestic violence are surreal and visceral, yet somehow humourous and entertaining. Maybe if you were actually reading, you'd find that her over-arching message to the readers is to not take everything in life so seriously. Have fun, lighten up, and laugh at yourself, because we all do stupid things from time to time.

And to say that she was unhinged or crazy, or a 'product of the time' is absolutely stupid. This was written in the 90's. It's a fucking satire. It's making fun of racism, just like how hashiguchi makes fun of domestic violence etc... to give us a strange introspection into it. But i don't think you goyims would understand now, would you. You have to get offended by every little tiny thing these days, because there are just so many fucks to give, and so little time on our hands. Grow up, be intelligent enough to perceive satire, and do something that makes you happy.

thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Active member
Mar 7, 2019
It’s not funny and it’s not skillful satire, if it’s actually even satirical. Sometimes people do fucked up shit alongside interesting shit. People are complicated like that.

The mangaka definitely had dysfunctional coping mechanisms and suffered a lot, so this sort of thing popping up isn’t surprising. She also absorbed weird stuff about Jamaicans and reproduced it in Nekojiru.

We won’t ever have the chance to ask her directly what she was trying to do, but that doesn’t mean we can’t critique the works she left behind. “Lol she killed herself” isn’t exactly top flight, but hey, these comments are free.
Jan 20, 2019
beeqwop, out of all the comments ive seen here, you are a breath of fresh air.
finally, someone who can think.

I agree with your line of thinking because people are complicated. to me, i think it's satire - but to others it can be something else. I find nekojiru very interesting because it's got so much cruelty we know we are capable of, yet never capitalise on.

I did go overboard with that rant, and you have a point with the fact that we won't ever be able to ask her what she meant behind some of these chapters.

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