The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 10 Ch. 133 - I'm Stuck in the Middle

Double-page supporter
Apr 20, 2018
Wait what? I kinda comfused why are they fighting arent they friends?
Moe is jealous of Anna being treated better than her despite Moe making all this effort and helping others constantly. The group also ignored her desires to study on the first night, and caused her extra work by using up the ingredients she carefully selected for three days. Moe must also have some built up resentiment for everyone always forgiving Anna or taking her side because she's cute and acts like a little kid. This caused her to speak harshly when Anna hit her with that "I look up to you as a girl."

- wtf, I'm trying so hard here to get a fraction of what you got handed to you, why do you say stuff like that you obviously don't mean? I can't even get a boifren, but you look up to me? - And the senpai she liked from before only had eyes for Yamada as well.

It even came out before that Moe had given up on her own ambitions of going to a good school and college. But Kyo talked her into it because he saw some good things in her. And remember she gets some of the best grades in their year but hardly gets any praise for it. And now she's finally doing something for herself, studying to get into a top school, and the other girls keep interrupting her and dragging her down.

Although Anna has some good qualities too that Moe probably doesn't notice. But it certainly looks to outsiders as if it's the Yamada group and they're always helping her out.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
It was super uncalled for when Sekine bitched about Kyou using the groceries that they bought. Anna has ever right to tell her off and Sekine having the gall to say that Anna is faking being Jealous and lying, Also saying that other people probably feel the same makes her a total bitch and calling her fat, then to accuse Anna of crying to make her look like the bad guy, fuck her. And Sekine has been acting like a bitch since they got here complaining that Kyou is being awkward.
I see where you are coming from but place your shoes in Sekina’s place for a second: she came here to study in the first place, precisely because of how hard she has to try to achieve anything. While Yamada is a stark opposite to her, who is so talent that everything she does is seemingly easy and she always get what she want. Her feeling of resentment has been building from a long time, and not because of her liking Kyou, nah they do not see each other that way, but because of her own insecurity about herself, not to mention the entire trip has been hijacked by Yamada, from the scene on the beach where the boys gave absolutely no fuck to her the moment Yamada said she is not interested in those guys, to how the curry she made was ignored yet everyone swamped over Kyou’s meal, and Yamada’s attitude of pseduo-yandere, that we thought was comedic, would absolutely rubbed people the wrong way since it feels like she is too overprotecting and did not trust her friends, which finally snapped with Yamada’s compliment, while honest, came out as incredibly shallow and “fake”. Imagine yourself as a scientist struggling to prove a theory and then Einstein said “you are the role model I look up to”, you would feel like you are being mocked to.
Double-page supporter
Jul 14, 2023
I don't know if it's just me, but I do think Moe has been a bit too close to Ichikawa this arc. I don't think she has a crush on him, but she needs to step back a bit. I don't blame Yamada for being jealous tbh.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
Well now, I feel stupid for not predicting it, but also that's the most teenage girl development possible.

This manga continues to be Romantic Relationship At Age 14 Simulator.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
I don't know if it's just me, but I do think Moe has been a bit too close to Ichikawa this arc. I don't think she has a crush on him, but she needs to step back a bit. I don't blame Yamada for being jealous tbh.
Nah I disagree, it was Ichikawa that helped her pushed on to study and go to the school that she wants. And she got the reason to be angry since the goal of this trip was always about study for both her and Ichikawa. I would even say that Yamada is more in the wrong here since it's showing that she is too obssessive for Ichikawa to the point of disrupting their plan and her compliment for Moe, while honest, is incredibly wrong in how she delivered it. Plus the fact that she is actively hindering them from doing what was originally planned is not okay. She needs to trust her friend more, remember she dragged the two of them to the beach some chapters ago, making them not being able to study until now and yet even if she have the chance to actually help the two of them study by going out shopping, she choose to stay behind and disrupt them. It's okay to be jealous, but there are limit and not making it ridiculous, Yamada is stepping over the line of over possessive
Nov 8, 2023
I see where you are coming from but place your shoes in Sekina’s place for a second: she came here to study in the first place, precisely because of how hard she has to try to achieve anything. While Yamada is a stark opposite to her, who is so talent that everything she does is seemingly easy and she always get what she want. Her feeling of resentment has been building from a long time, and not because of her liking Kyou, nah they do not see each other that way, but because of her own insecurity about herself, not to mention the entire trip has been hijacked by Yamada, from the scene on the beach where the boys gave absolutely no fuck to her the moment Yamada said she is not interested in those guys, to how the curry she made was ignored yet everyone swamped over Kyou’s meal, and Yamada’s attitude of pseduo-yandere, that we thought was comedic, would absolutely rubbed people the wrong way since it feels like she is too overprotecting and did not trust her friends, which finally snapped with Yamada’s compliment, while honest, came out as incredibly shallow and “fake”. Imagine yourself as a scientist struggling to prove a theory and then Einstein said “you are the role model I look up to”, you would feel like you are being mocked to.
I don't know if we're reading the same manga. Until Anna started modeling nothing she did before bear any fruit, she always gave up halfway cause she had no talent. All this argument only shows how shallow Moeko is because if her inner thoughts are like, using your words, "How come Einstein is saying he looks up to me when he's the ultimate genius, that gotta be fake," then she really doesn't know anything about Anna, her supposed friend. Same goes for you, by the way. Anna does really look up to the other girls cause in reality she's rather dumb and can't do a lot of stuff by herself, even trivial stuff.
Anyway, words once said can't be taken back. Anna might be annoying but Moeko chose to be hurtful and this argument even if resolved will leave a scar.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
I don't know if we're reading the same manga. Until Anna started modeling nothing she did before bear any fruit, she always gave up halfway cause she had no talent. All this argument only shows how shallow Moeko is because if her inner thoughts are like, using your words, "How come Einstein is saying he looks up to me when he's the ultimate genius, that gotta be fake," then she really doesn't know anything about Anna, her supposed friend. Same goes for you, by the way. Anna does really look up to the other girls cause in reality she's rather dumb and can't do a lot of stuff by herself, even trivial stuff.
Anyway, words once said can't be taken back. Anna might be annoying but Moeko chose to be hurtful and this argument even if resolved will leave a scar.
The thing is that to Moe, this moment is as important to her as modeling was to Yamada. She has always been the kid that got sacrificed because of her family’s circumstances, and over time she developed this inferior complex and not expressing what she really wanted, so this school is the first time in a really long time that she actually expressed herself of what she really want. This is the moment of bursting out for her, to finally be able to become herself instead of backpedaling. Yet Yamada has constantly been getting in her way of studying ever since they came here. Imagine if someone was constanly getting in the way of Yamada in her modeling, you see the problem? And as I said, Yamada is honest about her compliment, but the way she said and delivered it came out as incredibly shallow and mockingly. The reason that they have to put in extra works is because of her and her friends, so instead of singing praises, Moe is understandably frustrated because from her views, if Yamada actually looks up to her, why the hell would she keeps getting in the way of them studying and not helping her? She could go shopping with the others yet decided to remain home and bothering them while it was clear that to Moe, this studying session is as important to her as modeling was to Yamada.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2019
Man, i got really confused of how fast things went from 0 to 100 and need to read the comments to confirm my confusion 

Nee-chan being comic relief always a win for me :meguupog:
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
This has been simmering for a while and has finally come to a head.

Moe is not interested in dating Ichi, as a matter of fact no one has helped him interact with Anna more than Moe. Her issue currently has been the utter derailing of their study retreat.

Moe confided in Ichi about her family situation and how it affected her school decisions. I don’t even think the others know. In front of Anna, Ichi declared his intentions to go for the top school and encouraged Moe to do the same. She gets on board and wants to do a big study retreat. Anna immediately decided to join in out of jealousy. This in and of itself is not bad. What happened on the retreat is the tipping point.

Moe is really doing a lot of heavy lifting on the trip and considering she initiated the trip she’s being bowled over by everyone, but mostly Anna. They arrived and Moe specifically wanted to rest and study and Anna lead the charge to the beach. Moe even planned out the next three days of meals and cooked only to wake up and find out that Ichi blew that plan outta the water AND left a mess in the kitchen for breakfast, which is indirectly because of Anna. Also Anna spazzed about onion gratin on Moe and Nyaa which adds to the annoyance.

Now after all that, Moe and Ichi finally sit down to study and Anna, who could have went to go shopping for the groceries Ichi burned through, sat and decided to pay lip service to the greatness of Moe. One thing that Moe is, is perceptive. While I don’t think Anna was being disingenuous, she 100% wasn’t propping her up outta full kindness. She only stayed behind to watch over Ichi and Moe which is directly an insult to Moe.

At that point Moe just told her where she could get off. There were like 3 different decisions Anna could have made to alleviate this issue but they’re all kids. This is a realistic way for this to bubble up.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
"Oh, thankfully, the drama is over"

"You thought!"

I dig this. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Maybe this helps Anna stops being so obsessive toward Ichikawa for a bit. Overly jealousy is funny in this manga, but it's not very comfortable for our boy.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2020
A very wise man once said:

Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Some of ya'll have apparently never been emotional teenagers who have accidently started arguing with your friends over absolutely nothing in the middle of a conversation
Real. It's not even only to girls. Us boy even have fist fight over absolutely nothing.
this boy really slept outside?? Holy crap

also, I have to reread this now because it's been a while and I've forgotten the interactions between Moeko and Yamada. I've been paying attention to Moeko and Ichikawa's budding friendship (which I like a lot) that I forgot to think about the Yamada equation :unsure:
Sad that Yamada is a kind of girl "oh, my boyfriend is talking to another girl. That's a no no."

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