The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 10 Ch. 133 - I'm Stuck in the Middle

Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2023
I didn't expect the author to actually have someone tell yamada this. Back in 113 during her confession Yamada listed all of her weaknesses that she sees in herself and says that she loves herself regardless and that this is something she was able to do and perceive thanks to Kyo. I feared back then that this would go a route of accepting and settling for those "flaws" while it felt like many of them could easily be worked on especially for a 14 year old.

Moe seems to have build up some resentment (her phrasing is very hostile) regarding those flaws over the years but I see where she's coming from. As I understand it (just explaining this to make sure that I got it because I might be off base and it's propably obvious to most) her point is that Yamada should quit acting jealous of everyone. Because being jealous would mean she wants to have what others are having but Yamada is, from Moes pov, not putting in any effort to work towards getting what the others have.

Moe is being a lot more adult by necessity and having Yamada who is quite childish notice this and telling her "we can at least clean" and her retour being in essence "If you saw that you could help but didn't... then that is a choice".

I could ramble on about this but I hope I brought my point across.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2019
Norio said this argument was Anna's fault. The only fault I find on Anna's part is that she's a teenager that hasn't matured yet and acts kinda spoiled, on top of being generally energetic and nice to basically everybody, singing their praises without giving it a second thought and to the point of being annoying sometimes.
For someone whose life is about repressing their wishes in favor of their loved ones, family or otherwise, having a spoiled girl compliment you at every turn might sound condescending, but this is where I'm going to place the blame on Moeko. She clearly said to Anna that she should've spoken right away if she was upset about something, but what about her? She said Anna complimenting her feels annoying, which implies this is been going for a while, why she hasn't said anything before? Why build up resentment only to unleash it all at once and hurting Anna in the process instead of helping her understand where the problem lies in? Supposedly Anna is her friend, right? She should know better that Anna is not the kind of people that looks down on others, but still she has the nerve to accuse her of being fake? Of course Anna is going to hesitate to repeat the compliment right after her "friend" accuses her of not being sincere.
I don't know if Moeko is envious of Anna and thinks that she has been had everything in a silver plate but just talking about getting a boyfriend, Moeko has no right to be jealous of Anna. Anna has been proactive in her pursuit of a boyfriend, even if the process to get there seems like it just happened, and actually tried to make some moves, and what's Moeko done? That's right, interfering with Anna's moves but more importantly she has used Anna, that's right, she has used Anna to bait for guys and tried using Anna to get someone's Line ID. Honestly Moeko had shown how she really feels about Anna, all good when it's convenient for her, annoying when it doesn't suit her, that honestly isn't a friendship worth keeping.
I hope Anna grows from here on and stops being clingy to everybody and just be clingy to Kyotaro, also to keep some distance from Moeko, a person that tries to help you grow and fix yourself is a good friend. A person that sees some faults in you yet instead of helping you overcome those faults uses those faults to trip you and call you a pest isn't a good friend.
You sure came up with an entire different character called Moeko in your head
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Reading all the comments discussing that you could see this coming are making me excited to reread the manga in full after it's finished because honestly, looking back, it was, but I am also not surprised that I didn't think about it when I first read this chapter since there's two weeks between every chapter and I am more than happy that I remember the general plot after reading like 50 other series in between chapters lmao
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
Norio said that Yamada was on the wrong for this argument. What do you guys think about it?
Moe just wanted to study, time and place man, time and place.

ngl at first Yamada was trying to act cute, but it comes across as pretty condescending, like moe said act on it instead of saying "oh i want to help", which hit the nail on the head.

So Yamada deflects and argues why weren't u considerate to Kyotaro, (but in the first place there was already a plan on how to use the ingredients and Kyotaro's stunt shot that plan, but still, Moe took it like a champ and move on, but i digress) and Moe replies no one complimented her cooking so does it really matter, which is a fair point, then it gets more heated, and once Yamada couldn't handle the argument she just cried, which is just childish. She needs to get over herself and try to see Moe's point of view

ngl Moe's delivery could've been more gentle, but then again shes probably sick of her best friend's tendencies.

But just because i said this essay doesnt mean i hate Moe and Yamada, quite the opposite actually, Yamada reminds me of someone close to me. and i hope that Yamada can learn to stand on her own two feet and grow as a person. and i think Norio wants her kids in her manga to grow up too. making mistakes is a luxury of the young, and these kids are fine.

hopefully this word soup was understandable
Dex-chan lover
Jul 5, 2020
[...]and once Yamada couldn't handle the argument she just cried, which is just childish. She needs to get over herself and try to see Moe's point of view[...]
I actually thought that part was Moe being shitty, even if it was quite understandable that she was really annoyed, it's not like Yamada cries on purpose, people handle stress and argument in different ways and stuff "your crying makes me look like bad guy", while kinda true is basically denying the other person their own emotions, and feels too close to what abusers often say to their victim after argument.

Moe started this argument, and while it was understandable reaction, she needs to understand that it's guaranteed that Yamada will be sad and crying at the end of it, that's how arguments between close people usually works. Moe also doesn't realize how close to Yamada's own insecurities were her criticisms, which made them more hurtful. Moe doesn't realize that Yamada is actually quite fragile and insecure, and probably considers herself to some degree a mere "dumb but pretty bimbo", hiding it with the carefree chlidish personality that so irritated the Serious Mode Studying Moeko on this trip.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
I actually thought that part was Moe being shitty, even if it was quite understandable that she was really annoyed, it's not like Yamada cries on purpose, people handle stress and argument in different ways and stuff "your crying makes me look like bad guy", while kinda true is basically denying the other person their own emotions, and feels too close to what abusers often say to their victim after argument.

Moe started this argument, and while it was understandable reaction, she needs to understand that it's guaranteed that Yamada will be sad and crying at the end of it, that's how arguments between close people usually works. Moe also doesn't realize how close to Yamada's own insecurities were her criticisms, which made them more hurtful. Moe doesn't realize that Yamada is actually quite fragile and insecure, and probably considers herself to some degree a mere "dumb but pretty bimbo", hiding it with the carefree chlidish personality that so irritated the Serious Mode Studying Moeko on this trip.
to be fair, i aint saying Moe wasnt being shitty, she really was being kind of a bitch, but i attribute it to her frustrations that just added over time, this wasn't really a one time thing, this whole mess has been simmering over many chapters now.

and i think this is why this argument can be kind of a good thing in the end, if they both play it right. Even if they did vent their frustration, both of them are still trying so skip over what they truly feel about each other. But if they take this argument as a sign of needing to have an honest conversation with each other and resolve this simmering resentment between the two of them, then it can be kind of a good thing (even though it shouldnt be).

Yamada doesn't know about Moe's hang ups, and Moe doesn't know about Yamada's hang ups. Hopefully Ichikawa onee-chan can be the catalyst for this resolution. but then again, seeing her reaction to that fight wasnt exactly encouraging LMAO
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
glad this manga exists to be honest, its such a refreshing take on coming of age and romance stories. letting kids be kids and seeing them grow up is heartwarming and great read. plus this chap encapsulates Norio's talent. so many events in the manga never happens in a vacuum. you can always see something simmering beneath the surface amidst all the chapters in the manga, and seeing it come to light is always satisfying.

and seeing all these discussions just further proves how good this manga is.
Double-page supporter
Jul 14, 2023
Real. It's not even only to girls. Us boy even have fist fight over absolutely nothing.

Sad that Yamada is a kind of girl "oh, my boyfriend is talking to another girl. That's a no no."

She didn’t really seem to mind when Ichikawa and Serina were talking by themselves in the previous chapter.

And yeah Yamada has always been jealous of other girls, but I feel like it got more focused on Moe since Ichikawa told her about what high school he was applying to in chapter 122 (even though we know he was talking indirectly at Yamada).

Wouldn’t be surprised if it left her feeling insecure.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2023
Wow. What a great chapter. At first I was confused why this was happening but this tension was building for awhile. We already knew for a fact Anna is a jealous person so having her interrupt their studying was expected. But we actually see some of the same jealousy from Moe. Some people are saying that Moe doesn’t like Ichi but I don’t think that’s the case. She’s been sorta interested in him for awhile. In fact I think she was so jealous that she was the one who took Anna’s dog keychain that she got as a gift from Kyo. When it goes missing Anna freaks out when Moe is with her and then Anna goes to look for it. When Ichi goes to search for it outside too he sees Moe walking towards him from the opposite direction. Moe eventually keeps walking and Kyo keeps going in the direction Moe came from, Kyo bumps into Anna and then sees the keychain hanging from the tree from the direction Moe came from. I think Moe eventually felt bad and put it where it could be found where Anna walks from home to school. Moe tried to get Kyo’s Line right away. She asked him to hold hands while walking on New Year’s eve. She opened up about her personal life to Kyo and about what high school she was aiming for. She even mentions how close their high schools would be if they went to the schools they both wanted. She even told Anna’s mom that Kyo was her boyfriend. She wouldn’t have done those things if she wasn’t interested. Could the interest be that she just wants what Anna has? Maybe, it’s still there. Moe is supposed to be a hoe so I don’t know why people don’t see it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
This should never be in HD wtf
Nov 8, 2023
You sure came up with an entire different character called Moeko in your head
A different character? Only the one she showed with this argument. She's such a hypocrite and you seem oblivious to that.
-I have the right to hit you where it hurts the most because your subconscious behavior annoys me. Oh, but you can't get mad at me or get jealous of me for flirting with your boyfriend, which in doing on purpose, and I don't care if I get on your nerves.
-Why didn't you praise my curry?
-You're amazing Moeko.
-Oh, no, no, this one doesn't count, you sound fake and condescending.
She's just a bitch, she's blunt but not honest, she lets things build up and doesn't speak right away, then demands others to do so. Hypocrite.
On top of all this, this retreat was Moeko's idea, Kyotaro even said he never meant that they should study together.
Also, if the genders were swapped you guys would be screaming NTR as soon as Moeko (M) sat down leg to leg with Kyo (F) with a "heart" closing the dialog in the speech bubble.
Dec 3, 2019
why the hell is everyone taking one side or the other
they're both being self-centered bitches with some good points and some bullshit both expressed in a bitchy manner
one of them doesn't have to be in the right
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
She didn’t really seem to mind when Ichikawa and Serina were talking by themselves in the previous chapter.

And yeah Yamada has always been jealous of other girls, but I feel like it got more focused on Moe since Ichikawa told her about what high school he was applying to in chapter 122 (even though we know he was talking indirectly at Yamada).

Wouldn’t be surprised if it left her feeling insecure.
Anna is more conscious of Moeko because:
  • Among the other girls, she was always interested in dating... albeit with little success.
  • She pulled that 'fake boyfriend' stunt with Ichikawa.
  • She has a 'relationship' with Ichikawa. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the conversation in the previous chapter is actually the first time Ichikawa talked with Serina.
Apr 5, 2023
Anna is more conscious of Moeko because:
  • Among the other girls, she was always interested in dating... albeit with little success.
  • She pulled that 'fake boyfriend' stunt with Ichikawa.
  • She has a 'relationship' with Ichikawa. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the conversation in the previous chapter is actually the first time Ichikawa talked with Serina.
They've spoken occasionally. Serina was the first in Yamada's circle to notice the closeness developing between her and Ichikawa way back during the Rin apology arc. She was the one who called him out on having been alone with Yamada in her apartment at some point prior to the sweetsmaking party. She was the one Anna trusted to meet with him and get shots of him wearing the wallet chain in public.

I have a theory why she's ok with those two interacting that last chapter made seem even more likely, but I'll leave that for another day.
Dex-chan lover
May 4, 2023
Next chapter he'll chase after her genuinely concerned and she'll turn around and be like "I'm a pretty good actress aren't I?"
Double-page supporter
Jul 12, 2023
Wow. What a great chapter. At first I was confused why this was happening but this tension was building for awhile. We already knew for a fact Anna is a jealous person so having her interrupt their studying was expected. But we actually see some of the same jealousy from Moe. Some people are saying that Moe doesn’t like Ichi but I don’t think that’s the case. She’s been sorta interested in him for awhile. In fact I think she was so jealous that she was the one who took Anna’s dog keychain that she got as a gift from Kyo. When it goes missing Anna freaks out when Moe is with her and then Anna goes to look for it. When Ichi goes to search for it outside too he sees Moe walking towards him from the opposite direction. Moe eventually keeps walking and Kyo keeps going in the direction Moe came from, Kyo bumps into Anna and then sees the keychain hanging from the tree from the direction Moe came from. I think Moe eventually felt bad and put it where it could be found where Anna walks from home to school. Moe tried to get Kyo’s Line right away. She asked him to hold hands while walking on New Year’s eve. She opened up about her personal life to Kyo and about what high school she was aiming for. She even mentions how close their high schools would be if they went to the schools they both wanted. She even told Anna’s mom that Kyo was her boyfriend. She wouldn’t have done those things if she wasn’t interested. Could the interest be that she just wants what Anna has? Maybe, it’s still there. Moe is supposed to be a hoe so I don’t know why people don’t see it.
Right! people dont seem to remember that Kyou thought she was a slut in the early chapters

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