The Day I Decided to Make My Cheeky Gyaru Sister Understand in My Own Way (Fanbox 18+ Content) - Ch. 4.5 - The Convenient Gyaru Gives a Blowjob

Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Except we literally saw it. This entire thread is about us seeing it, from start to finish (giggidy). This is more of a "Don't believe your lying eyes"
Except we didn't. In chapter 4, the canon version of events, we saw a man standing with his hand on the front waist of his pants before a seated woman. And we saw an unidentified drop of something on her chin.

That's it. Those things are not "literally" a blowjob (you might want to brush up on the definition of "literally"). They're merely the implication of one. We only "literally see" the blowjob in the non-canon chapter 4.5.
Apr 10, 2023
Now, I'm not about to say that this girl is an irredeemable dirty slut, because the psychology behind those who willingly allow themselves to be used by others (sexual or otherwise) is often very complicated.
The category of "Dirty slut" has never been about whatever excuses they may or may not have. What do you call someone who enjoys raping children? A child rapist. What do you call someone who rapes children because he was beaten as a child? A child rapist. No matter what, once they're dirty sluts, they simply can't reform, and no number of excuses, even extremely good ones, will fix the resulting mess.
There is a lot of necessary backstory about this girl, her 'brother' and family that we simply don't have to understand why she allowed herself to be used as a sex toy by these jackasses.
We can draw some inferences, like the fact that she's had no major problems at home, and that she enjoys sex immensely.
@BuyVelomobiles, Check this out:


Google gave me this: "There is no risk in drawing pure love after drawing NTR, but once pure love becomes popular, it seems difficult to draw NTR."

I don't even know why she reposted that. Is she admitting that this was a love story turned NTR?
Okay, but inference in fiction is vastly different from inference in real life. In real life, the amount of available information is typically enormous, and we can continue to investigate until the questions we're trying to answer have been definitively (or at least satisfactorily) answered.
Right. Meanwhile in this story, we have perfect information. There's no additional investigating to do, since the story is constructed to make logical sense to the author, and the author here isn't exactly some intellectual titan, weaving a complicated web of twists and turns. She drew a slut FMC, belonging to a slutty subculture, called her a slut in the story, drew her doing slutty things in the fanbox, then, in the main story, confirmed that she's actually doing everything we've seen. Then, to make her money, she's like "I bet you want to see what she did there, eh? ;)" and gated the blowjob literally everyone already knows happened behind a paywall. You've decided to latch on to the opportunity to live out your retard fetish.

I refuse to be your fap material any more than I absolutely have to. So I'm leaving it at this.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
2,668 this story, we have perfect information. There's no additional investigating to do, since the story is constructed to make logical sense to the author... [...] She drew a slut FMC, belonging to a slutty subculture, called her a slut in the story, drew her doing slutty things in the fanbox, then, in the main story, confirmed that she's actually doing everything we've seen.
"Perfect information" doesn't exist. We simply have some information. Among that information, in chapter 4, is the unconfirmed implication that the MC gave someone a blowjob. Make of it what you will.

...I'm leaving it at this.
Time will tell
Apr 10, 2023
"Perfect information" doesn't exist. We simply have some information. Among that information, in chapter 4, is the unconfirmed implication that the MC gave someone a blowjob. Make of it what you will.
Except for the fanbox. You know, the one you read before commenting on here. Not that we needed "Confirmation", since the rest of us have functioning brains.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
I took this as an admission that the story was/should be NTR and I also took it as a complaint regarding the backlash.
Yeah, pretty much. Readers cheer when an author known for NTR writes a sweet love story...
But they freak the fuck out when a writer known for vanilla delivers NTR.

I'm not sure that's what's driving the backlash, though. At least on MD, a lot of it seems like the result of mixed messages and unclear authorial intentions.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
...I'm leaving it at this.
That lasted about as long as I expected :ROFLMAO:

Except for the fanbox. You know, the one you read before commenting on here. Not that we needed "Confirmation", since the rest of us have functioning brains.
Except that the R18 chapters, as we all now know, are non-canon. Which leaves many things in the canon version of the story unconfirmed, ambiguous, and open to interpretation.
Apr 10, 2023
That lasted about as long as I expected :ROFLMAO:
You misunderstood the message. Reading comprehension seems to be your weak point. I was talking about your other post. Remember how I ignored paragraphs of stupid after responding to just the first bit?
Except that the R18 chapters, as we all now know, are non-canon.
They're clearly canon, and this is you still trying to get off. Don't make me get the bonk.
Double-page supporter
Jul 23, 2018
Nah bollocks this is defo cannon at this point, if it was just fan service it wouldn't be in between scenes of the actual manga and tbh they'd probably be in cosplay of the latest popular anime or something. Thanks for the translation dude.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 2, 2018
The category of "Dirty slut" has never been about whatever excuses they may or may not have. What do you call someone who enjoys raping children? A child rapist. What do you call someone who rapes children because he was beaten as a child? A child rapist. No matter what, once they're dirty sluts, they simply can't reform, and no number of excuses, even extremely go
Ok, so I agree with a lot of what I've seen you say, but I have to take issue with this. While this black and white viewpoint does work for many things (like illegal activities and other such things that cause intentional harm to others), for things that mostly/only affect the self there are ALWAYS shades of gray which should in fairness be taken into account for why a person does certain things. Admittedly, yes. This author likely wanted to draw a specific fetish or fantasy that she has and didn't think too deeply about the character. But, we don't know that because we are lacking a lot of backstory. Doesn't change that the author is trying to backpedal on their Fanbox releases, of course, but you can't just paint the character black because of the limited information we have received. Like this:

We can draw some inferences, like the fact that she's had no major problems at home, and that she enjoys sex immensely.

There are a lot of assumptions here that are operating on lacking information. We can see that, yes, her step/foster family seems to be trying to treat her well. But we don't even know anything about the character past that. What was her life like before she lived with the brother? Why is she living with them? Is a father in the picture, and if not, then why? Why does she seem to think she doesn't deserve real affection? How did she even get involved with the rape crew, and why if it was her own decision?

There is so much missing information regarding the character that just painting her with a black and white view is incredibly unfair.

The author is pretty stupid for trying to backpedal about the backlash for her fanbox though, that is 100%.
Apr 10, 2023
While this black and white viewpoint does work for many things (like illegal activities and other such things that cause intentional harm to others), for things that mostly/only affect the self there are ALWAYS shades of gray which should in fairness be taken into account for why a person does certain things.
Society is built up of a lot of people. What's bad for the self is bad for everyone. Sluts deny themselves the ability to find a suitable husband, but they also deny a man a suitable wife. There's no "gray area" here. Once women start sleeping around, they can't un-fuck themselves (No pun intended). Her reasons are literally irrelevant, because at the end of the day, we've got chapter 2.5, and she's no better for anyone (herself included) if it's because she feels sad, or because she just loves cock.
There are a lot of assumptions here that are operating on lacking information. We can see that, yes, her step/foster family seems to be trying to treat her well. But we don't even know anything about the character past that. What was her life like before she lived with the brother? Why is she living with them? Is a father in the picture, and if not, then why? Why does she seem to think she doesn't deserve real affection?
The real question is why any of this matters. Like, leaving aside the obvious answers found within the context of the story itself, I'm not seeing why it's so important to you why exactly she's a slut. At the end of the day, she's a slut; the time to talk about her hardships and reasons was before she let them fuck her.
How did she even get involved with the rape crew
I'm going to assume this is just a nickname, and that you know there's no rape anywhere in this story.
and why if it was her own decision?
Well she loves getting fucked rough, for one. That much we know for a fact.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Remember how I...
I would prefer not to.

They're clearly canon, and this is you still trying to get off. Don't make me get the bonk.
Literary "canon" doesn't exist outside authorial intent and/or scholarly consensus. A given reader may have their own private headcanon, but for general purposes, with regard to any given body of work, "the canon" is whatever the author choses to include in it. And it excludes everything else.

In this case, the author has said quite clearly that the R18 fanbox stuff is not canon. So, since you're not the author, when you say, "They're clearly canon," you are, by definition, wrong.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Dude what the heck is wrong with people here? And you're telling me the reaction on socials were even worse so she had to uncanonise the extra?!
I don't get it, and I feel kinda bad for the author, even though I despise NTR.
Thanks for the chapter!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 15, 2023
Dude what the heck is wrong with people here? And you're telling me the reaction on socials were even worse so she had to uncanonise the extra?!
I don't get it, and I feel kinda bad for the author, even though I despise NTR.
Thanks for the chapter!

I'll try to explain what happened...

At first the story was supposed to be about a brother "correcting" his sister sexually while she sleeps so that she would stop feeling pleasure when she had sex with others and would only feel pleasure with her brother. Because of the ToS of the fanbox, stories with incest and sleeping are not allowed so the author had to "rewrite".

Basically the main story we have was supposed to be bait for the fanbox, but as it ended up attracting a lot of attention the author tried to separate the fanbox story from the "main" story but she did a terrible job (especially in chapter 4) with it because she literally left holes in the main story, which are the contents of the fanbox. You can see black bands in the chapters indicating where in the story the fanbox content takes place:

Chapter 2

Chapter 4

When the content of the fanbox (chapter 2.5) started to leak and readers noticed that the fanbox had an NTR tag and no indication that the story in the fanbox was not canon, they started asking the author if it really was NTR and if it was canon because the "main" story that is published on X and Pixiv seemed like it was going to be a wholesome story.

When the backlash started to rise, the author removed the NTR tag from the fanbox and did not add a "what if" or "alternative version" tag.

Actually, the readers added the NTR tag to the public Pixiv once they noticed it wasn't tagged as NTR. She deleted said tag, then locked the tagging section. Tiny difference there.

On X she started blocking people, published a lot of complaints and even opened a live where she said a lot of absurd things. She later deleted the posts and deleted the live. There's a small summary here but if you want more details about this episode you can read about it from the first page of the attached comment's forum thread.

With the release of the new fanbox chapter (chapter 4.5), which basically confirms that the fanbox content is canon because of the events of chapter 4, the author was then asked on X if the fanbox content is canon and as you saw here, she said it's not canon. As she denied it, I asked what the context of chapter 4 is because it doesn't make any sense without the content of the fanbox. As expected, she didn't respond.

Summary: Fanbox bait gone wrong.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Summary: Fanbox bait gone wrong.
Yeah I did understand what happened within the manga, and the damage control. And the fact that it was too late and not well done.
But why people lost they shit that quickly is beyond me.
Also I didn't know about the fanbox ToSb thingy. I get why they would avoid the sleep sex, fair. But it's kinda weird to forbid incest.
Anyways l, thanks for taking your time to answer. Cheers!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 14, 2020
Goddamn these comment section is so much better than the Manga itself. cant believe someone who literally breath air coping so hard like this actually exists. Cant wait for the next content from the Author so we can see what kind of goofy "Unconfirmed Implication" we can get yeah? XD

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