The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 20

Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2020
Hope they fire her next chapter. That bully's had that coming for a while, her punishment is way overdue
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It must feel so weird inhabiting someone else's body/it becoming your own and seeing all the people who ignored and bullied you suddenly change their tune after you act differently.

I'd personally have a hard time trusting anyone in that house but the glasses maid, everyone else barring maybe the kitchen maids, the knights, glasses maid and poor whipped kitchen maid. Like the rest were either an active aggressor or an enabler to the abuse. :c
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
That fucking butler. So it is confirmed, that he knew old Chloe framed an innocent maid. And I can all too well imagine, how it came to be. Either one of the maids or even the head maid herself created that blunder. (Now that I think about it, why shouldn't have Chloe picked a random scape goat from the maids? Chances have been she would have picked the right one.) Something that the head butler should have taken care of before. He knew about the bullying. He could have had a look onto this. It's his job. He didn't. He could have stopped that. He could also have stopped the punishment. But I guess he didn't respect the victim maid enough either. Following his own set of morals, the verdict is clear: That butler is a person not worthy of any respect. 50 whips!

Wha...Why did that maid stand up for her? Why her? Is she a saint?

@PotatoZero: You have to distinguish them by hairstyle.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 19, 2018
I'm sorry to all but the head maid's demise chapter is still far away...
May 13, 2019
I really feel sad and annoyed by all the people who ignored the original Chloe but suddenly respects the current Chloe and praises her endlessly especially the butler ughhh
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 15, 2018
The other maids are going to be losing quite a bit of respect and loyalty for the head maid once word of this spreads
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
The head maid is going into a downward spiral of delusions and I can't wait to see her try and do something drastic against chloe but get in trouble for it
Active member
Apr 4, 2018
@Qelix the maid who stood up for cloe is probably the same Kitchen maid that was randomly choosen as the scrape-goat, she tested her mistress, The Duchess, quite a few times before reaching the verdict, so she could confidently say it "the duchess has changed"
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Wait, why everybody in this household behave like a sociopath or psycho?

The old Chloe was incompetent but how was it ok for even the servants to mistreat her so grossly. They are hired staff for god sake. Even if Duke wouldn't care about his wife, this behaviour from the staff would just provide a bad example and it is just unprofessional.

And now everybody is ok with her as she is 'competent' now? Wow this is pretty extreme shift. Also crazy viewpoint, somebody is not good at a job? Fell free to bully her! Ayn Rand much?

Don't even get me started about the head maid. She is so open about the disdain that she should be fired in a minute, especially in this crazy environment that only cares about 'usefullness'.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Wow. The descent into madness is real. I guess, when your fragile ego is built on the fact that you're better than someone, you sorta lose all grip on reality once that dynamic is broken.

Yeah, bullying was wholly unprofessional the whole time and really doesn't make sense considering the difference in social standing, but eh. Interpersonal politics are weird.
And I guess if any house is gonna be a meritocracy, it would be this Duke's home.
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
Wow what an extreme reaction. Then again, I think she needs the duchess to be incompetent. Even though she was a noble who had to become a maid, she got to have a feeling of superiority with the weak and incompetent Chloe. Plus since Chloe wasn't taking charge, she got to strengthen her own position. Now that she's changing it's a threat to her power play. Moreover, if people come to like Chloe, she may be called into account for all the things she's done.

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