The Emperor's Companion

Nov 14, 2019
The romantic chemistry is bad. How can the MC honestly like the emperor if his main characteristics are possessiveness and violently assaulting people that work for her? The emperor is a generic overpowered lead but instead of flexing muscle on bad guys, he's doing it to innocent people who are acting properly and rationally. He's just selfish and impulsive, not romantic. Yet she's falling for him like a teenager that wants to marry the first good-looking person that says he likes her. So much for living for her brother, huh?

How can anyone salvage this writing?
Oct 1, 2019
Guys, NASS dropped this series. Now it's up for whoever wants to do this bs.
Active member
Jan 16, 2019
I was interested to read this since everyone told me it's bad. A part of me said, "it can't be that horrible, right?"

hoo boy, how I was mistaken.
Mar 27, 2020
I can understand the logic behind the relationships, but I don't like the execution. It's quite bad in romantic chemistry.

She doesn't have any relationship experience to pull from so she's acting more like a 12 year old than a 20+ year old woman. The art may be the only saving grace here.
Dec 30, 2019
I could see why the romantic development is slow even the male main lead stated he feel longing than love. Female lead actually focuses more on the sibling plot rather than marriage in mind story. It's normal since there's alot of chapters has to be done before going deep into that field. Don't worry because the female main lead isn't actually inlove with the male lead yet, she just get flustered with all the cheesyness but that's it and nothing more- who wouldn't even though it's cringey in her state? I'm more interested in the part of the story of getting rid the people involved in the corruption. Anyway like the author stated through the story the male lead and his sibling are indeed crazy but to be honest it isn't the worst story I've read compared to "CEO above, Me below". Female lead isn't the typical naive main character that settles for less and relies on everyone. Lastly, the story isn't about the romance alone unlike other typical romance stories that only revolves around the two main characters. If you prefer something like that- then I suggest you read Chinese webcomics instead.

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Feb 24, 2019
remove the shitty Male lead and this would have been a pretty interesting political mystery thriller.
but the romance and chemistry between the two leads in this is just absolute bottom tier garbage.
has alot of potential but decided to shoot itself in the foot every step of the way.
Jan 18, 2018
Gave up on Ch 27 and looked at the recent chapter (42) to see if there had been any redemption. Lol no. Dropped. God, this was a trainwreck. I'm usually forgiving towards crappy writing for the shoujo/josei isekai genre, but THIS is dumpster fire.

Inconsistent characters, unjustifiable "quirks", abusive red flags abound and not all are addressed/checked/illustrated as wrong. It's quite unfortunate since the art is really pleasant to the eye.
Nov 14, 2019
My heart broke when Effa died...and it was.shattered to.pieces to see Hilde breakdown because of the unjust and injustice that she saw in her eyes~ 😭😭 It was a good thing that Caleb is there for her. Not just to pamper and shield her but to support her all the waaaay~ I actually stopped reading this around 20 chaps because I found it dragging.. Good thing I stopped and waited for few more chaps.. there's actually some developments. Veeery sloooow but it's there. I HOPE it gets better. Thank you translators. Looking forward to the next..

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Apr 2, 2019
I usually tolerate ML being insane and abusing MC but the MC's few chapters I dropped this comic. Really doesn't make sense, seems like the MC is still stuck from her death so her brain can't function properly...
Apr 3, 2020
Can we please get a story like this without an incredibly scummy, deserving-of-death male lead? And the MC is pretty stupid. "Why is he so gentle towards me?" Girl, you just got finished saying your purpose and only goal was protecting your little sister, and a rapey kiss and caress are enough for you to start falling for the guy who threatened to kill her, four chapters in? This whole plot is stupid. If your gonna have a scum ML, at least give the MC dignity, properly give him the hate he deserves, and put him in his place so he can have a redemption arc. I'm only quitting after 4 chapters because of all the red flags, but now that I'm reading everyone else's comments, I'm glad I didn't waste more of my time.

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Sep 5, 2019
This title is so infuriating and frustrating in terms of plot, jesus, it's unbearable. The only good thing in here is art. It must be really tough to work on this, wish all the best for those involved. I hope the author will reflect on this work in the future...
Jun 5, 2020
I really do not understand people. They will read idiocies like Surviving as the Hero's Wife, or any other such BS. But they are going to come and whine when the MC is what? Being actually realistic? (not that he is) Little fluffy bunnies believe that Western nobility was a little walk in the parc? That men fell in love with girls and stayed with them forever. That everyone lived dancing in a field of beautiful flowers. Prostitution did not exist back then. Neither did domestic abuse, no no.

Yeah, this is not in any way worse than any other Korean third-rate webcomic out there. Little bunnies getting offended because the FL didn't start a super genius business and the ML doesn't fit their standards of masculine perfection (no personality and subdued to the FL's whims).

To those who say that the author should reflect on this, I say that all the Korean artists of the moment (especially those on Page Kakao) should think of career changes. Better work in a convenience store than produce these Korean webcomics that are flooding the scene at the moment and do their part in reducing standards one panel at a time.
Aug 20, 2019
the sheer amount of abusive tendencies the ML is showing, while the FL somehow still falls for it... Is very bad... The author is just romanticizing abuse. I havent seen such "romantic" abuse in so long its awful. The violence towards the FLs family and innocent people is ridiculous, he tried many times to kill people for the slightest thing, her own brother included, and yet her heart still skips a beat for him? I would be disgusted. The way he gets mad at her for even interacting with other men is such a vibrant red flag for an abuser isolating their victims— im honestly disgusted by the way it portrays the ML and then tries to show him the only one listening to the FL and stuff by saying she shouldnt be sheltered when hes acting like hes gonna murder anyone who breathes in her direction. Neither is she obligated to marry him bc of some bs promise her parents made, nor is she obligated to teach him how to be a better person just bc hes like in love with her or whatever, its always ones own responsibility to seek to better themselves. Its also very creepy that he just like promised her to him while she was in a coma— he admitted he went to her birthday to take her and marry her. If she hadnt woken up, would he have killed everyone there and married a corpse?

Tldr seemed like it might be fun at first but quickly proved the ML is abusive and the narrative still portrays him as a good and pitiful person that the FL will fall for

I dont give a shit if hes "pitiful". Abuse is abuse. I had a little hope when she called him out on the non consensual kiss and talking abt marital rape, but they just immediately dropped the ball and went right back to doing the exact same thing.

Its not fucking cute. Its scary.

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Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
@mrmcpoopers it's seems to me that the problem lies with you, people don't want reading no rape story in what's supposed to be a romcom, people never look for realism in such stories, there's a bunch of historically accurate stories out there if that suits ur fancies but don't bring that stuff to romcoms
Jan 17, 2020
Hm...its a little disappointing.
I remembered being disappointed that the first scanlation team dropped the series. I mean, the MC being reincarnated as a pope and paired with an emperor was interesting. But the whole romancizing over a violent ML is questionable and it was so rushed that it just felt like she stupidly fell for a psycho. From the latest chapter, I think the author just wanted him to give off a bad impression. I just felt that what wasn't executed well enough is always being covered up with cheesy lines .

Beast with flowers is similar but at least that's full of comedy and she's not that stupid, yet. lol
May 26, 2020
i didn't expect the comments to be so negative, i'm quite shocked because i actually enjoy this manhwa and the art is beautiful
Sep 5, 2019
@MrMcPoopers the thing is, though, it's not realistic in the slightest. It would be totally fine with me, if it was, but it's not. And it's not like it should be that way, it's fine for it not to be realistic, but the point is, the romance in here is executed very poorly and it drags down other plot points. MC and ML are cliche, their characters, behaviour and attitude are not new, this kind of story (in a nutshell) already exists, but it's executed rather well (for what it's worth) by other authors. In here, though, it's like I'm reading very first fanfic from a 6 yo girl. The lack of everything's just so evident, that I can't even.

BTW, I also don't like 'Survive as The Hero's Wife' for the same reason. The romance in there exists 'just because'. The author wants it to be that way and gives no background for it to be believable. I don't believe that story in the slightest. And that's a problem for like 90% of these fluffy romance manhwas. It's not about a story being cliche with flowery romance, but rather the execution of one, you don't want the plot holes, illogical stuff and 'just becauses' be too noticeable and straightforward. You can't hope for a story to be 'alive', 'believable' and 'realistic' as of right now, since the most attention for now is in BL scene, and there is certain production bias towards female audience in terms of shoujo scene (as in like, 99% of MCs are 'pretty flowers', 'damsel in distress' or whichever you may call it, and this stereotypical approach takes good half of a story if not all). There are bunch of interviews with authors, developers etc on that topic, they don't even hide the fact they push established formula on every story if it's shoujo or josei. I'd be surprised if I ever see a good 'free' story in the field. But right now, if author wants the 'story' to be good, they're forced to change genre to BL, and that's partially why BL is thriving right now.

I've gotta say, though, 'The Emperor's Companion' and 'The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes' are the most 'bullcrap right in the face' one stories I've stumbled upon so far.

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