ROFL!! Another great example of the author actually not having a clue about the things he writes...
So... The bellows get the
charcoal to white hot...
Besides the fact that you can never get this done with just forced air...
Congratulations, you managed to get the fire so hot it would very rapidly disintegrate your (ROFL

concrete furnace and literally burn, if not vaporise any iron you put in it...
Remember kids... White hot carbon is
MUCH hotter than white hot steel....
Which is a temperature you don't even
want when working iron/steel, because it would actually burn up in the air, and is so close to its melting point hitting it with a hammer would make life ( which you may or may not have much left of being the one using the hammer and at Ground Zero...) very, very Interesting.
At this point, the dwarves, presumably being knowledgeable about working iron, would
know, without any doubt whatshowever, the MC is a raging moron who is talking out of his arse..