The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 55 - First Family Trip (1)

Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
On the first few pages... I think Shuli and Jeremy reverse their roles... Jeremy became a doting father for Shuli's partner...

Nora, that's a tough road ya're going... ya have to get through the son first before getting the mother XD


Jan 5, 2020
oooh are we finally getting some nora-centric chapters 😍
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
wait yall learned how to do this by youtube videos??? bruh that's fuckin talent, hard work, and dedication, i'm so thankful that yall decided to do this series and give it the justice it deserves!

shuli literally cannot even relax for one second without these kids getting into one fine ruckus after another wtf i woulda quit ngl
Apr 29, 2018
A+ job! I didn't notice any mistakes, and your language flows well and is easily understandable.

Thanks you for the excellent work!
Active member
May 7, 2020
Yeah duke, please make amends with your son...

You're not a bad person but a bad father, it's not too late... It will take a lot of effort and time but please apologize. Don't throw away your own innocent son for someone else's son.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2020
I'm honestly impressed that

(1) This is your first scanlation.
(2) There are only two of you.
(3) You are translating, typesetting, and redrawing on your own. o_o

I completely understand your reasoning for not wanting to join a group, in terms of commitment and pressure, but please don't make the mistake of thinking you're not good enough. You show a great deal of talent and attention to detail, on par with some of the best scanlation groups! Your translations are fluid, coherent, and tonally fitting - really a hard thing to do well.

I look forward to whenever you're able to fit in scanlations, and thank you again for your incredible contribution to our ability to understand and enjoy this wonderful and complex manhwa! 😘


I love this chapter for so many reasons:

- Nora!! ❤️
- Nora maturely realizing that mentioning that St. Clara also got HIM a sword would cause a headache for Shuli, and wisely refraining from engaging in that particular catfight.
- Shuli turning to find Nora behind her ❤️ seriously beautiful panel
- Jeremy being an overprotective little shit (I love him so much)
- Elias trying to save Shuli from a looming threat Nora
- Heidi sitting Nora's dad down for a serious talk about how they are essentially emotionally abusing their amazing son and driving him away. Just...why?! There must be some political reason for it, given the comment about his inner feelings re: supporting Theo.
- The twins always looking like Ghibli movie escapees

What mischief have the kids gone off on now?! I certainly hope it's mischief and not something more nefarious!
Nov 1, 2018
ohh so you based your fonts off bucci! that makes so much sense bc when i first read your scans i legit thought it mightve been bucci themselves posting anon since they were so similar LOL.
Mar 24, 2019
I love Nora's mom. Cause she uses 110% of herself to make legitimate attempts to try and fix her fractured relationship with her son. Once Shula showed(helped her realize) that it wasn't impossible to still reach him she started really trying from the ground up. I.E following him to find out what he does when he leaves the house and trying to support his emotions and relationships. She's even trying to mend the gap/damage in his relationship with his father. Healthwise and occasionally emotionally she isn't very strong but she loves her son and wants not just whats best for him but for him to be genuinely happy and to have a good relationship with him. In summary I LOVE HER!!

TL;DR: Nora's mother is a very wonderful mother who just needed a bit of courage(a push in the right direction) to get the ball rolling.

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