A comment about snipers: I think snipers are a case of a lose-lose situation in the long term. For us readers, a lot of us (myself NOT included) find it enough to read a lower quality but speedier release and so the high quality ones get overlooked by a sizable bunch of the reader base. The problem with that, is that it sets the precedence of preference for the lower quality scans, and yes it discourages the quality scans group from continuing. These people need to develop self-control lol, you're only losing out long term when the quality group drops it and you're only stuck with odd phrases, Google translate, typos, grainy images, etc.
I forgot which story it was, but there was even a sniper who bragged about how they were doing a good thing by uploading (a really low quality translation work) within 6 hours of the official release and if you didn't like it then you can wait a lot longer. LIKE.... NO..... It is discouraging to continue uploading quality scans because all of the hard work put into its quality checks just poofs when people already read the first upload. We need to uplift quality scanlations so that the groups CONTINUE TO DO THEM. Yes, everyone is doing this for free and everyone is entitled to wait or read the fast uploads but just.... think of it in the long term. These no group individuals picking up a random series here and there are not sustainable and are unlikely to have a fleshed out pool of resources to continue scanlating. Instead, by supporting an actual group, you are actively supporting a developed TEAM who will continue to scanlate this and other works. More webtoons for us! More quality scans! If only people could appreciate and be grateful and just be patient for better scans, we will reap the rewards.
Ugh, I know this is rambly, but the morals behind an already illegal 'business' of scanlating is already shady. I just wanted to put in my two cents of how to support and sustain scanlating in the long term. These dedicated teams are the ones who will in the long term be bringing us these stories that we otherwise could not read. All of us (barring accidents, pls knock on wood) are capable of waiting - yes, even 20 days of waiting - to read a story. Reading webtoons is for fun and we shouldn't put unnecessary extra pressure on a group for uploading faster.
As for the chapter itself... Shulli please have a happy ending this second time