Let's put it this way. Any scan is better than Haevn's lol. But I can't help but think there is a degree of arrogance in there. As a reader, I quite enjoyed the previous duo's versions. On top of that, as a translator myself, bad translations are 100% translator's fault, not the reader's. It doesn't matter if it's your 2nd 3rd 4th 5th language. If you aren't good enough at it, find a PR. If you decide to translate anyways, don't blame the reader. As someone who works solo time to time, yes I know the work involved but is that a valid excuse imo? Nope.
I'm just one of the many many who read this series, many others will have different opinions from me. But for me, I'd much rather quality over speed. It's a shame that Belittle_Mia and Ria decided to drop this.
On that note. While I think project ownership is stupid, it's something that exists. You could be at least slightly more humble when sniping others can you not? There's plenty of series to practice on, picking one that has good quality releases already is quite unnecessary.
Long story short, your note rubbed me the wrong way, so I decided to take your advice and head right back out.