The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Ch. 15

Apr 28, 2020
So it really was postpartum depression. That's terrible. She had to suffer through depression alone, and when she was free of it, she died. Plus she was so young as well. I think 16 or 17.

And I agree with everything that @yassi said. People is always accepting when a father is not ready to be a father. But a mother is not okay. That's just hypocrisy. If one deserves a second chance, then so does the other.
May 9, 2019
@yassi nah, I ignored the comments until this chapter lol. I do agree, some seem way more forgiving of dickish tyrant dads than cold/poor moms. I feel a lot of readers are more forgiving of the male characters cause "hot/powerful" (the same way I see some forgive complete shit MLs in other stories cause they are the male lead/have a lot of power/very attractive). It's weird to me.

I personally felt bad for Ercella. I mean, I think I am more forgiving of her than most MLs in stories cause most MLs in these kinda settings HAVE power and influence and society doesn't strip them of that. Where as the female characters don't.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2020
"You ignored our only son, but I also didn't do anything about it, still, it's on you." basically lol
Oct 28, 2020
My heart dropped. I feel so much for her because I really feel that she’s been misunderstood and that her feelings were not valued at all. It’s like they made her value to be only “get married and have a son”. Truly agree with everyone mentioning postpartum
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 13, 2020
I came here expecting to read a lighthearted chapter. This was a little overwhelming. I can understand her situation since we know the backstory but Harsen must see her as such a hypocritical person. I hope he comes to understand her and forgive her for everything she's done till now. As for the son...I think it's truly up to him. If he can't forgive her then it's totally understandable but it feels sad to see her like this
Oct 14, 2019
these are not actually spoilers, it’s just how i feel about the chapter but i wrote a lot so i covered them so it’s easier for u guys to scroll past

moral of the story though, you guys need to stop treating harsen as a good father and husband because he was shit in those categories as well. ercella hated her son, meanwhile harsen was indifferent towards him. both are destructive to a child’s development. harsen doesn’t have the right or power to forgive ercella of anything so please don’t act like that either. they both need to apologize to vicente.

harsen was not there for the child. harsen neglected vicente as well and only sees him as a means to an end. harsen uses vicente for power, it’s what he’s doing right now. and honestly vicente wouldn’t be as cold as he is now if harsen actually cared about him or raised him properly. both parents neglected him. we all know how bad ercella was, i believe she deserves a second chance and honestly she deserves one more than the trash fathers of the female leads we read about in other stories. i think ercella shouldn’t have it easy in receiving vicente’s forgiveness, i said this last chapter as well, but she definitely deserves a second chance.

harsen needs to get off his pedestal. he is no better than ercella. the only reason he wasn’t as destructive as ercella is because he lost nothing in their marriage. obviously ercella was a terrible mother but all the things she did, her society would have ignored and forgiven if she was a man. she was too young and felt like she was missing out on her life. and the reason her hate for vicente built up was because society and even her husband treated her as if she was insane and a terrible person for wanting to have fun after birthing a child.

i’m so upset. ercella opened her heart to harsen about knowing she was wrong and told him directly that she wanted to be a better mother and he acted like he understood but now he’s mocking the fact that she wants to step up as a mother. i also said last chapter that i wanted to see them fight and move past this because they both have mistakes to fix but i really didn’t expect him to say that. i thought they would talk about it, and he would understand that he should consider both of their opinions and their son’s happiness but he literally doesn’t care. i’m really disappointed in him. he has no respect for her and he isn’t even trying to fix his attitude. i can’t wait for the moment he regrets treating them like this. i seriously can’t wait for the moment ercella and vicente bond without him. he’s not a good father y’all need to stop treating him as though he was better. vicente was emotionless towards his mother’s death, but i can’t imagine that he’d care when harsen dies either.
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2019
Harsen is such a piece of shit. Of course it hurts to hear you were her "best choice" but guess what, she was lucky she even got a choice in the matter. She was going to be forced off to marry someone several years older than her without knowing them at all, and she lucked out by being able to choose a man who was powerful and wasn't deliberately malicious towards her.

He could have married anyone. He was the one with all the choice and power in the situation, and from reading ahead apparently he doesn't even try to pretend/act like he cares about her. You can't just get a 16 year old girl, who has never lived on her own or "worked," pregnant then fuck off and expect everything to work out.

What a piece of shit. And we all know that he probably only "fell in love" with her because she was pretty and young, not because he had any actual emotional connection to her other than the feelings he got in his dick for her body.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Active member
Jun 14, 2018
@mai_loves_icecream This is definitely not a lighthearted manhwa, or perhaps it was. Starting now, it’s not anymore 😂😂😂 It’s deceiving indeed. Based on the spoiler, I think it may need a tragedy tag in the future.
Apr 21, 2018
awww... she was suffering from post-natal depression. i'm interested to see how the author will portray this and talk about it
Sep 6, 2019
Harsen said possibly the most hurtful thing he can to Ercella, because he was visibly hurt by Ercella saying he was only her best choice. I do understand that impulse of hurting someone because they hurt you, but damn Harsen, you of all people shouldn't have said that.

The resentment bred over the years and from the stress, plus the now-cordial relationship of a political marriage--it's heartwarming how they got to get there, but the full story of how...The author did not cut corners and took full advantage of telling it all. I'm looking forward to future chapters and ready my heart for more hits!

I'm officially in love with this story, the characters are distinct humans with human flaws and emotions!
Apr 23, 2020
Post Natal Blues Syndrom is one of scary things for married couple
For severe or extreme case the mother become really mentaly ill and, sorry, often kill her baby because she blame the baby
Oct 3, 2020
@yassi it’s quiet ain’t no back talk😌

no but seriously some of y’all need to tone it down with the ercella slander.... y’all be like: grr😡😡❌ ercella bad mom😠😒🤬😰 needs to rot in hell and die again🤭🥵😖 neglected her child for 15 years yuck devil incarnate👿😷🤒🤢🤮 but in the same breath be like: oh but uwu harsen can do no wrong🥺🥺 he tried his best😞 he had responsibilities😣😢💔 he actually cared for him😜🥰

.......pls harsen is no better than ercella point blank period. they were both neglectful and horrible parents. when harsen knew that ercella wasn’t being a mom to vicente, you would THINK he’d be like oh maybe this is where i need to step it up and pick up the slack because my son probably needs me but no. not only did he enable her behaviour, he didn’t do anything or much for his son’s development either. yes im sure the man’s busy with being a duke or whatever but surely he could have give up some time for his one and only son ESPECIALLY after being aware that ercella was being extremely problematic. honestly they both have a lot of redeeming to do but i’m here for it
Double-page supporter
Apr 23, 2020
Bro i feel so bad for her, i hope she gain the support she deserves
Jan 30, 2019
Her husband ain’t shit. And I would leave the household and live separately. Because that hurt my feelings. Now you see me TRYING. And call it pretending. But she knows the girl is going to bring down the family legacy he is fighting so hard for.
Active member
Nov 26, 2019
It was obvious she was thinking of that, she was extremely depressed because her life was stolen from her when she hadn't even lived it.

Of course I don't expect any of them in the novel to understand that a woman doesn't leave her own personhood when she becomes a mother and to expect that is tortuous. Most of the modern societies don't either.

So far Harsen seems like a detached father because he thought caring about his own son is the job of the mother. Didn't try to talk to her or understand why she wanted to do what she wanted, to come to a compromise that lets her enjoy herself, not resent her kid.

I can't imagine how trapped she felt for her to end up hating her own child.

And not allowing the mother of the kid to change your unilateral decision in the kid's marriage....makes me think this might not be a one off thing. He doesn't try to discuss any issue with her at all. He just goes Ercella, stop partying and pay attention to your kid. Ercella, I have decided our son's marriage and that's final. It is extremely belittling to have a partner who does that.

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