The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Ch. 19

Apr 13, 2020
Wow that was fast.

They were basically teens still lol. But I guess that's how it went before, during the timeline it was set in.

Wish they showed more scenes of Harsen and Ercella tho. 🤭
Dec 30, 2019
I feel bad for her because she felt like her body wasn't her own. And she thinks that Harsen was just using her, I think she developed feelings for him.
Jul 15, 2020
i like the backstory in the last few chapters. Feel like Ercella realised that she isnt loved/needed, just her baby, which then led to her neglect of her kid. Seeing your dad smile at you for the first time not because you did anything in particular, but because you got pregnant must be pretty heartbreaking to realise
Double-page supporter
Sep 11, 2020
I just know we're going into a world of pain now.

I love how affectionate Harsen and Ercella were in their youth. What happened?
Sep 20, 2020
i think ercella was actually alright or even happy with having a child at first. but as we saw from the ending of this chapter, i think reality hits her. it almost seems as if she was confused as to why she’d have to think about the baby growing inside her?? because she was so young, i don’t think she fully understood what comes with motherhood and having a child.
Feb 4, 2019
I dont want to say it, but man, is she retarded? I dont get it. These are normal things. Why is she getting so upset or depressed over these stuff?
Active member
Jul 25, 2020
And she hasn't been hit by the hormone bombs yet(?)

But let's consider that it's a period of time where women were somewhat considered as 'breeders' as well. And that's her coming from a progressive family where she is highly valued and literate as an individual regardless of gender.
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
Ah, now I'm getting flashbacks from the first few chapters. The pressure from her friends and society; now that she's done her part and gave birth, she should just completely devote herself to her child and just disappear as an individual. She is not Ercella anymore, but "mom". She shouldn't be allowed to enjoy banquets and hobbies, but just be "mom", shame on her if she dares have fun. And even the servants are treating her like that. I mean, sure be careful, but they were acting like they weren't really worried about her but only the baby. No wonder she felt depressed and rebellious as things went on. The truly saddest thing is, even nowadays in some countries, the same thing is happening to women.

@wangtheone No, that was her dad-in-law. In some countries (including Eastern Asian countries and some in Europe), we call the parent-in-laws almost the same as we call our own parents. That's why it must've confused you. Ercella's dad is the one with light-coloured hair and he uses a cane. He appeared a chapter or two ago.
Oct 14, 2019
imagine calling a woman retarded because she becomes depressed after everyone around her stops seeing her as an individual person and more as a baby maker.

honestly that’s just...what? ercella was happy about being pregnant initially. we all saw the warm look on her face. but after everyone forgets about her as a person and only thinks about the fetus in her stomach wouldn’t she feel unloved and depressed eventually?

it’s normal for people to be more concerned because she’s pregnant, but in today’s society when people show more concern for a pregnant woman they are also caring for the woman herself, as she’s more prone to risk if she trips and falls. in this society that mainly cares about men and heirs it’s not like that and the author shows that in first smile her father in law gives her, and the way the maids treat her differently.

it’s not just regular concern that everyone would have for a pregnant woman and her child. it’s not: “ercella don’t trip you could hurt yourself and your baby” or “ercella think about your and your baby’s health” it’s: “ercella don’t trip don’t you know you have to think about the baby” “ercella i’m smiling at your for the first time because now your pregnant with my grandson” “ercella you have to take care of your health for the sake of your baby”

not for herself. what they say and how they act make it sound and seem like they aren’t concerned because she’s precious to them, but only because she’s pregnant with the heir of that house.

obviously it’s not an excuse to hate and neglect her own child. i think we all know that she was wrong for that. but it’s actually disgusting how many of you are disregarding her post natal depression. they literally live in a society where women are tools for political connections, it’s obvious that’s how society sees her yet some of you are blaming her for being upset that she was seen as a baby maker.

she’s not retarded. smdh.

*no actual spoilers
Aug 15, 2020
I kind of get why Ercella turned out to be a bad mom before the regression. I think communication between her and Hersen is a bit lacking. Their relationship was good but only on the surface and they express themselves really vaguely. Then she becomes pregnant and it's like the baby is more important than her. But i still can't get over the fact that she neglected Vicente for 15 years. It wasn't his fault so he didn't deserve to be treated that way. Since Vicente most likely forgave her, i'll just suck it up and move on. I hope that after the backstory, Ercella and Hersen have a long heart to heart talk about their relationship, and also cancel the Vicente's engagement.
Aug 19, 2020
I can see where she could get postpartum depression. Everyone only thought about the baby, which is good, but I think she started to realize that she won’t be seen as Ercella anymore, but instead as a mom. Her every action would then be judged as being a mom. And someone also pointed out that the dad didn’t use to smile at her, but the second he was told that she’s pregnant, she gets a smile. Not for doing anything, but for being pregnant.
Jun 22, 2019
@enyoteremchi thank you for putting it so nicely, I couldn’t have done it better myself. I think you managed to break down the inner turmoil that may be the focus point of next chapter - Ercella having to deal with her new “identity” (of sorts) as “bearer of the young lord” and later solely as “mom”, instead of her own person.
Like you pointed out in the end, I don’t see a significant amount of people trying to “defend” her actions as a mother in these comment sections, quite the contrary - most readers don’t excuse (and they shouldn’t) her behavior, while others are more than comfortable to burn her as a sort of heretic witch for the same mistakes they simp for male characters (in this and other works where the abusive/neglectful parent is the father).
Jun 21, 2020
@shunnie hey sweetie, are you retarded? It’s so sad you can’t understand the pressures about being a mom. FL was secluded in the duchy, didn’t meet her family nor friends and a little time later she becomes pregnant and people seem to only care about the baby. She’s gonna live like she has lost her life because she’s not gonna be considered her individual self but a mother because she needs to protect the heir of the duchy. Wow, how retarded she is :(
Double-page supporter
Apr 29, 2020
I love how intelligent this fanbase is! Like going through the comments I feel like I'm in a book club thanks everyone for voicing your opinions and creating quick discussions😆I love reading them all lmao
Dex-chan lover
Nov 4, 2019
I begin to wonder if the same occurred to Harsen’s mom. Duchal heirs are on a whole other level from "normal"/lesser nobles. They are those closer to royalty after all. I can’t imagine the pressure put by the others on the mother. And at such a young age, she’s like a baby having a baby...ofc she’s going to loose herself.
She’s an individual first, then a mom. If she’s not treasured (and treasure herself) as the first she can’t happily put on the mom suit.
But ppl are shoving her in shoes she has yet to accept/fit into.
Now, I understand even more why she just bathed in tea parties, balls after the baby was born.

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