The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings

Feb 23, 2020
After finishing chapter one, I'm kind of shocked people aren't more sympathetic to the mom

Honestly, she's 22, which is quite young, and being criticised for wanting to attend a party or staying out late for one night, and are then shocked this leads to resentment? It seems far stranger to me to expect someone to give up their entire life upon giving birth. Its perfectly normal for parents of young children to go out and have their parents or babysitter watch a child even today. In period this child would be mostly raised by the nursemaid and that would be the expected norm for the aristocracy. The mother would be absolutely not expected to do more than manage the nursemaid and other household staff and check in. Both in the modern world and historically, this attitude is strange and it really seems apallingly obvious it would lead to resentment to tell her her life is now functionally over.

I will keep reading but I deeply hope this doesn't resolve itself by the mom throwing herself into only parenting and never attending a ball again. I think its really unreasonable to have this attitude that mothers should do nothing but care for their children. Of course, parents should care for their children but its perfectly normal to maintain a job or hobby or have an occaisional night out.
Aug 15, 2019
From all the hints I think there is someone who is trying to take power from her maiden family and goes to such lengths that even kills her
Oct 28, 2019
This manhwa seem more realistic, so excited to see how the story going after. I read the spoiler (as I so curious about why the FL is dead by poison/natural dearth or curse) and found out the story is so good like it’s talking about country history ...the manhwa in first chapters seem just show about relationship about mom and her son then will more focus about about who try to destroy their family and how they will find the way to keep their happiness.
Dec 9, 2019
I guess that this is a no for me. This is a story about child marriage and teen pregnancy. That's not what's being explored though, cause she's the evil neglectful mother who likes to have friends.

Y'all get that she had this kid at 17. That means she got pregnant when she was 16 and babies don't just pop out the moment you say I do meaning she got married at 14 or 15. This is legit horrific, but no. She's the villain.

Look, my grandma got married when she was 16 and had her first child at 18. She made sure neither of her daughters got married before 25. That's how awful early marriage is.
Jun 23, 2019
@davishak I think it was said that she was 17 when got married. Also, she's not the villain. And lots of readers are definitely sympathetic towards her. I don't think the story makes her to be evil. I felt it was a realistic portrayal of someone with postpartum depression. The MC simply regrets that she didn't have a better relationship with her son and wants to make up for it. Considering the recent chapters, I think it's more of a mystery/political story but I think we're definitely going to get more information on her family later. It seems like the story is slowly revealing some of her family history.

I agree that being a teen mom is not great. My grandma was 14 when she had her first child. It's not easy giving up your early years to care for a child. People will also judge you more harshly than someone who ha their child in their 20s. That's why I felt a lot of sympathy towards the MC who didn't want to give up her lifestyle to be a mom. It's also stated that getting married that young was not her plan but circumstances forced her into a marriage. To be honest I think she did the best she could considering the trauma and depression she suffered. She also wasn't a malicious person nor did she go out of her way to be cruel to her son. It wasn't until she was much older that she felt she was "ready" to be a mom and she regretted that she might be too late. That's why when she time traveled she wants to make up for it.
Jun 23, 2019
@Buttsbuttsbuttsbutts I know right? If you're a woman who has a life outside of your kids, people treat you like a bad person. It's like once you give birth you're not allowed to have an identity beyond motherhood. So far we see the MC in social settings and sharing her hobbies with her son, which I like. It's cute to watch them spend time together. We also get to see that she's a lot smarter and more educated than people assume. It seems like she was raised to be super independent so I can see why it must have hurt her a lot to have people criticizing her for having interests beyond her son. In chapter one we see a ton of people being like "why aren't you home with your son?" Even her husband says that. The kid will be okay for one night. It's not like he wasn't being watched.


Oct 21, 2019
@beatriz89 I agree. It's unreasonable, the amount of bashing this woman is getting, as opposed to the handsome tyrant fathers like Claude, who people are ready to forgive at the drop of a hat despite their trashy personalities and who still remain distant and cold, till the MC does some innocent play. I think this is a great story, she wants to take care of her son and she is finally doing it, although I do think that the son forgives her too fast.
Apr 29, 2020
Dunno if that last translation should be "I'm weak." It seemed like he was saying the kiss on his forehead was weak.
Mar 5, 2019
I like that she is going out and making new choices. It would be cute to see a mini version of her or the duke!
Jul 30, 2019
Postpartum depression is no joke and can last years and become worse as year of being left untreated goes on. I am so happy that MFL was able to see the wrong that she had done. It is also good to see that she is trying to correct her wrongs and is trying to build a good relationship with her son and husband.
Jun 23, 2019
@Wee It's not like the son was being abused either. There's no indication that she hit him or said nasty things to him. He also had a nanny, so he wasn't neglected. And even though they weren't close, it's not like he didn't see his mother at all. I think it's more than she regrets that they weren't close.

I don't think the son forgave the mother too quickly. In fact, I don't think he forgave her at all. He's just very polite and doesn't express his feelings outwardly. I think he's just confused by her actions, but doesn't want to confront her directly. He just wants to see where this is going. Wanting to be close to someone and forgiving them are to separate things. The son probably spent his entire childhood wanting to be close to his mother. I don't think that desire vanished completely either. I think it's quite possible that he both wants to be closer to his mother while also resenting her for not being there for him during his childhood.

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