But that's not the point. The point is how the narrative bends backwards to portray the MC in a dazzling holy light in a setting where conflictive morals should be the juice of the story. This last example, everyone who died did something very stupid and very risky, and it can't even be argued that they were acting out of desperation, since they should have been preparing for similar situations from the time the game began. Everyone turned into a monster and to avoid MC staining his pure ideals with blood, they make a girl go yandere out of freaking nowhere, off them and then die for no reason at all.
Good writing would have been the guy doing his best to save her, even considering doing the fingers thing. Instead she just assures him how loved he is and dies. Giving him another mental scar, as if those weren't laughably shallow here. That death was as bad as when his best friend and crush died, and I'm sure he will mourn her passing as much as he did theirs, which is not at all.
For the time being I'm dropping it here. Call me when dude has to kill someone innocent to survive, someone who doesn't become a murdering mess to just to justify having MC kill him.