@UntappedChaos "
we must think alike"
Oh dear- you have my condolences. 🙄
Blushing guys are precious AF and need to be protected."
I mean, it won't salvage someone who makes you cringe to begin with, but it definitely enhances the appeal of anyone who already has appeal.
And him in particular- he's got that perfect blend of overt but not overwhelming masculinity, with just the right undercurrent of softness.
It's like the physical representation of Tsundere*- there's enough softness coming through already that it gives the character a strong charm, but you know if you can just break through fully to the dere, all those good points'll be highlighted to a thoroughly heart-fuzzying degree, shading all the character's rougher points with a thoroughly adorable sweetness.
*Like, the cute Toradora type, not the annoying, casually murderous type. Those'd be best off being stuck in a box with the Yandere and forgotten about.