I like this manhua... though it keeps making me look at it funny.
It has:
1.) A shoujo manhua romance that definitely edges headfirst into the whole creepy "domineering man" territory here and there, but—so far—has always backed off without becoming atrocious and has even been slowly calming down lately. And indeed has some high points here and there. But 50% of the guy's screen-time is more or less just looking sexy and leering at the protagonist? Ultimately, I feel remarkably weakly towards the entire romance, for something that's a fairly central and recurring point of attention in the series?
2.) A generic set of... wuxia/xanxia whatever-it-is action plot developments: "I have special blood and a super-secret spirit-beast and magic-sword and my personal magic domain and my medicine skillz own all the nubz" sort of stuff. Including a couple of my less-liked tendencies of the genre, like when the protagonist occasionally goes about murdering a bunch of folks for whatever reason ("Bad guys" are bad! Their entire families and houses full of servants deserve burning to the ground! Surely this is wonderful and satisfying!). To be fair, a lot of the rest of the time the protagonist really does come off as a cool badass in this one (and let's be honest, all other things held equal, a smug overpowered gal is just way more fun than a smug overpowered dude).
3.) For bonus points, the seemingly-central revenge plot that... barring further plot-twists, mostly gets resolved pretty early on and now we're just doing stuff as the protagonist feels like it.
Which all sounds a bit lukewarm, but...
Some mix of: A bunch of likable characters, reasonably solid character interaction (like, it recently spent several chapters talking about her grandfather considering re-marrying, and the whole thing had some of my favorite moments so far, despite it clearly having basically nothing to do with anything), some amount of generic isekai/xanxia feel-good ass-kicking, and frequently-good art helping everyone look cool while they do it—somehow comes together to make this actually really likable, despite its foibles.