The Girl from Random Chatting! - Vol. 6 Ch. 63 - The Tables Have Turned

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 22, 2018
@matcap @SavingPrivateRightHand
their sites that got their hands on the preimuim raws one of them was posted lin the pushover chapter in the chat, I saw the new raws and boi is the cliff hanger was intense.

Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
So I just read (well, I 'looked at') the raws and...


... so yeah, look forward to the next couple of chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
I'm really really glad joonwoo didn't just accept it as is like the girls and instead believes it isn't the right way to go about doing things. Sure, yoorim is a bitch and she is getting her just deserves but that doesn't mean two wrongs make a right. All you're doing is swapping the bully victim, how does that solve anything?

Whether or not joonwoo makes a move to stop the cycle of bullying is something I'm not sure about, but it's definitely a nod in the right direction for his character development just by recognizing this isn't right.
Jan 22, 2018

Huge spoiler for next chapter, I don’t want to ruin it cause it’s really good, and I DEF don’t want to ruin chapter 65 so won’t spoil that haha.. read at your own peril (although I suggest you don’t lol):

Joonwoo grows balls of steel and c******** in front of the entire class to.... ;-). Then cliffhanger..
Dex-chan lover
Oct 22, 2018
Oh my God
I can't read it,damn that DDos
1page and still 1page

Did you upload on another website?
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
Han sol is alot like the class rep seems image is everything to them but han sol takes more enjoyment with screwing with people I'm sure they'll go at it pretty soon.
Jan 3, 2019
Joonwoo just learned a very valuable lesson: The pen is definitely mightier than the sword.

Fighting can only take you so far, but psychological warfare shuts shit down and even completely turns the tables on the opponent. He needs to learn this and also learn how to effectively counter it if he ever hopes to defeat the class prez. Han Sol is basically a female version of the class prez, but she's still a tier below him, so it'd be good practice for Joonwoo to clash with her before even thinking of challenging the prez.

I don't feel sorry for Yoorim as she had it coming, but I'm inclined to agree with Joonwoo on this. Redirecting the problem to someone else doesn't solve it. As much as I think Yoorim deserves it, I also think that she should atone in a different way.

The way I see it is that the class prez is basically his own faction. He doesn't have any subordinates, but he's so adept at manipulating people, that anyone can become his pawn at any given time. Han sol also has a faction of her own and that's basically every girl in the class. She's like a less-skilled version of the prez, so instead of acting from the shadows, she establishes a pack mentality and lets their numbers overwhelm the target.

For Joonwoo to defeat both, he'll need to gradually gather allies and we can already see his faction slowly, but surely forming before our very eyes. He basically already has Hamin and Yuri in his pocket. Taeyang is a work-in-progress, but I think it's safe to say that he's a guaranteed ally at this point. Most of us would hate for this to happen, but I'm 99% certain that Lila is guaranteed to fall in later and now from the looks of things, according to how he approaches and handles Yoorim, she may be a potential ally in the making.


I agree with you for the most part. Some of the people Joonwoo's willing to white knight for have put him or people close to him through a lot of shit, but he's willing to look the other way and the reasons he gives for doing so are quite frankly, stupid. I won't harp on this too much since I was discussing it in-depth a couple chapters back.
Dec 18, 2018
yeah it is getting a bit boring with those complicated girls chit chat. but hope the author makes come back!!!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
@givemersspls It's not like Junu stated the intention of helping Yoorim, he just thinks that how Han dealt with her was fucked up too because she did the same thing, so I wouldn't get up in arms over his comment. And his "sympathy" for Lila compared to Taewon is because he pleads (evident) insanity in her case rather than a double standard in face of some identical condition.

@MK-95- I doubt he'll have to defeat Class Rep. He already stated he no longer has intention to oppose Junu 4 chapters ago, even admitting he wouldn't be able to even if he wanted to. He was portrayed as very intimidating for tension purposes, but in the end he just disapproved of what he perceived were Junu's methods.
Jan 3, 2019

Nah, for this story to come full circle and for every plot line to be resolved by story's conclusion, sooner or later, he's going to have to confront the class prez.

Class prez has so far been portrayed as a last boss-type character, so we won't see any confrontations between him and Joonwoo again until the final stretch, but I'm almost certain that they will clash again.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
@MK-95- Rep so far has been a Hero Antagonist, that is an non-villain that opposes the protagonist because he think he's in the wrong. In fact the conflict has been resolved since he "approved" of him after the dialogue in the bathroom. On top of that he "admitted defeat" in stating that unlike him he can do something about Sungah.
He's going to be relevant in the future, but his time as an actual enemy is over. It's more likely that his strength is used by him getting Worf'd by one of the delinquents to establish how dangerous they actually are.
Oct 21, 2018
I think it has been pretty well established that class prez did something extremely messed up to the stalker in the beginning of the story. This has also been hinted at a few chapters ago when he had some knowledge of the rainy setting that he shouldn't have. It also fits well with the whole stalker contra white knight narrative that he attacks our MC with. He's gonna be the final boss for sure and he's unhinged as fuck. I can't wait to be honest.

Sorry if all of this is old news I just read trough this over the weekend and haven't really looked at the discussion.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
The recognition that how Han dealt with her is fucked up shows his intention to help her.
Or just shows he's aware that Han is trouble too

The difference is that Taewon clearly knows what he's doing and deliberately revels in it. The scars are just to show his mistreatment he is knowingly attempting to it use as an excuse. Instead Lila is explicitly off her meds and completely delusional about her and other's action.

It was also discussed back then, for someone as observant as Class Rep it was pretty easy to deduce it was a rainy day when MC confronted the stalker just from what we know he saw and was told.
When they went to the movies it was raining and MC was the only club member that didn't show up. That day was also the day the stalker temporarily stopped harassing Sungah. The day after MC shows up in school all bruised. So when the stalker told Rep that another boy tried to stop him he realized it was MC, and therefore he deduced it must have happened that day.
Considering he said he intended to make the stalker too scared to attempt to stalk other people in the future, he didn't kill him and probably didn't go beyond a thorough beating.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2018
It literally took me a damn hour to read this chapter because of the lag in this site lol.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
I caved and looked through the untranslated chapters. What the fuck, are you saying he actually c********?? to sung ah of all people?? What the fuck, that's stupid. Why did that make her cry though. Fuck i wish i knew korean to actually understand what was being said there

I'm genuinely displeased

I think I understand now. He didn't confess that he likes her, he confessed that he is the guy from ranchat which is why the people who knew were shocked and the truth made sung ah cry. fuck, nvm i take back that back about me being displeased if that's what happens.

Although at the same time, why would that make the rest of the class, who have no idea about the ranchat thing, laugh? Sigh, if he really did tell her he likes her after all that shit then man, that's just bogus.

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