how is the tone shift random? the prologue addresses the concept of death pretty head-on, so it's not like it's out of nowhere. if anything it's nice she's actually thought about her previous life now and then (since she seemed to ignore it for so long).
@dysperwithaperiod It's not random, just neglected. Think back to the first chapter and the tone that was there when she was dying. Author just really hasn't been using it because they've been focusing on her being a bratty kid.
Well I gave this trash a chance but main character is shit and feels bad when murdering fucks WHO ARE IN THE PROCESS OF TRYING TO MURDER HER are killed so stupid shit basically. Plus as others said snake could have instantly eaten all the metal so melodrama for the sake of the authors incompetence.
@TheMightyOozaru @Indizonen @ZayB @proslayer99
In real life, most people aren't sociopaths who enjoy killing people no matter the circumstances, you bunch of goddamn children.
I don't even remember the context but first this is a fantasy, get your real-world logic outta here. Secondly I find it hard to think that if some dude tried to kill you and the ones around you, that you wouldnt want to get back at them. Are you some kinda holy pacifistic saint?
Not a sociopath just not a pussy like you. when someone is a murderer one need not feel remorse in their death. these weren't innocents these are hardened scum. Craven vermin such as yourself are too weak for any world fiction or real. Evil people are killed remorselessly in our world too you know? The police kill many as do civilians in self defense. It is not insanity to not be a weakling, your ancestors must be ashamed of your weakness.