The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All

Dec 25, 2023
Oh no another miyamura show off ...

The art is top though, skillful color contrast in pannels
Jul 30, 2024
I LOVE LOVE LOVEE THIS MANGA❤️ IS SO DAM CUTE, FAST BURN, WITH SILLY CHARACTERS :33. I LOVE HOW THEY CHARACTERS ARE CONNECTED THROUGH MUSICS❤️ unlike some people can't understand shit bc they're immature and wants to cuase problem for nth like assman162! >_<
Jan 18, 2023
🤯🤧Read at your risk‼️🚨🤚🏻

BEST SERIES EVER 10/10 LOVE IT SOO MUCH😭💚💌💫,this is definitely my top 1 GL manga of all time. Everything was just so well executed even if the panels weren't too long(that just made it better in my opinion as it was easier to take in everything that way),some may complain it was very fast paced but as I have mentioned before the author has executed everything so beautifully without exaggerating too much I don't think we even needed way too long of a chapter. Now going over the other factors that made me give it a 10 star rating is definitely because of how complex each character feels like, they feel like more than just characters to me to the point I feel like I as a reader am connecting with them, they feel so 3 dimensional because we actually get to see in their PERSPECTIVE?!! Everyone is behaving in a way for a reason which is backed up by letting us know of their internal monologue, it's like we get to see the other side of the story which is so crucial when building a relationship with a character. I usually complain when reading a slow burn series but this is one of the very few I will never complain because of how realistic their bond is. It's also always so very refreshing seeing as there is aren't any form of sexualisation towards them, I'm low-key tired of seeing sex crazed, cliché & literal cloned content every time I'm trying to find a decent manga. Last but not least let's not forget how phenomenal the art and it's style is for this manga???! IT'S SO DARN CAPTIVATING AND JUST UTTERLY GORGEOUS AHHH LOVED EVERY SINGLE PANELS CONSISTING OF MY GIRLIES MITSUAYA💞🤧. anyways that's the end to my review byee :3
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Jan 20, 2023
I'm really enjoying the recent chapters! I'm just so fascinated how realistic and relatable both of the MCs are. Usually the slow burn would bother me, but the story is rewarding if you stick with it! No wonder so many queer women are obsessed with this manga. I've never read a yuri that I've related to so much with. The artwork is so eye-catching and the characters seem so genuine. Not to mention how enjoyable the music references are, especially as someone who has the same music taste. I really this gets an anime adaption one day. I just wish other GL manga/ anime was like this.
Aug 17, 2024
This manga is DEFINITELY a slow burn, I personally am an absolute sucker for slow burns, but I know that is not everyone's cup of tea, so if you don't really like that type of thing, I recommend leaving this one alone and not commenting either!!! Anyways, I enjoyed how the author included various references to songs, and also did a good job at portraying emotions through music! I also like the none green in the panels, while sure, it absolutely hurts my eyes to read, I enjoy how it adds another level of storytelling capability as well as an ability to add emotions to panels, and add contrast in such situations. I haven't even gone over the art for this!!! Overall, I love this, but not everyone will.
Sep 1, 2024
I feel like with (in my opinion) not that great reveal to the class and too quick of a recovery in the last chapters, I now feel like it doesn't have much left in the main two. I think it should just end in the next few chapters.

The author is allowed to prove me wrong that there is nothing left but I think half of the manga's journey (coming out as a musician) is already done and it is just the relationship left. but that is already going pretty great so yeah. Let's see if the author can get this more on track.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 22, 2023
great manga, i love the use of the green, especially in latest chapters where you can see the green come and go as the characters' emotions change.
And it's always cool to see the kind of music i listen to being in other types of media.

Imo tho the music is also what's carrying this manga, at ch.100 we're in a weird point in the story where i can't see much else that can go on beside the main relationship. we got the uncle's relationship and just girlie becoming an adult?
I'd have liked the recovery from being exposed to last a bit longer.
Hope author can prove me wrong on this because i really enjoy this manga 8/10.
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May 2, 2024
I feel like with (in my opinion) not that great reveal to the class and too quick of a recovery in the last chapters, I now feel like it doesn't have much left in the main two. I think it should just end in the next few chapters.

The author is allowed to prove me wrong that there is nothing left but I think half of the manga's journey (coming out as a musician) is already done and it is just the relationship left. but that is already going pretty great so yeah. Let's see if the author can get this more on track.
I would be disappointed if this turned out to be yet another "series ends when they get together, 50/50 on whether they even kiss" type of deal. The manga started as a love story, the part about becoming a musician felt more like a side plot that ended up overtaking the main plot in progress. To me at least.

I'm actually surprised because it feels like some people feel like their relationship seems good and some people feel like it's stuck in place. I'm on the side of the latter, like what, they hugged? Platonically? Ok. There's been a good deal of growing closer, seemingly, but they are still very much in the "friends" or maybe "best friends" stage and it seems like all the progress made is on the more platonic level. Which is fine, love is not inherently better than friendship, it's just that this seemed like a love story initially and we're now at chapter 100 and Oosawa hasn't really gotten past the "fan" level of closeness on a romantic level while Aya seems... completely disinterested in that hypothetical aspect of their relationship?

Now there's this jealousy arc ramping up, and idk, it feels like a weird time for it. I'm unsure where this is going but I don't think we're wrapping up. I'd hope there's still at least 20 chapters, 80 pages feels like the minimum to satisfactorily close this off. Ideally more. It's weird that so many romance mangaka love writing about the chase but once they're together they stop writing, like wtf they just got to the good bit.
Sep 9, 2024
Peak fiction. More people should read the gospel of the lesbians

I mean it references such niche cult following bands like Nirvana and Foo Fighters (LMAOOOOOOOO) but it does take place in Japan, so I guess that’s fine.

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