The Heroine of Drayfox - Ch. 16

Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@PsychoPisces : Sure, let's trash on a 4 years old who's fatigued from lack of sleep and on his first real social interaction because the 'aide' has clearly been trying to ensure he's the sole person in charge to a paranoia level...
Aug 21, 2019
Just saying but the princes actions are understandable. It’s most likely that the prince lied before (to be an actual child and have fun in life instead of studying 24/7) And he probably got beaten and abused. So as most people do, you learn how to treat others the way you were raised. It’s apparent that he only know who to treat people the way people treated him. He needs to learn, but doesn’t know much of anything about social interaction at all. Poor prince. 😭
Double-page supporter
Jul 1, 2019
While I do understand why he reacted like that (gonna bet that he lied before and got mentally abused) still he needs to get put down on the ground , especially since he is a crown prince.
If he has yhis mentality and weak character when he become king then the country is doomed.
Jul 12, 2019
@Neko98 I agree, the prince was most likely lied to constantly by his aid and the mother, the empress, (I don't think the father is abusive maybe? I mean he did try to assign the prince some friends), maybe he was probably promised free time only then to be denied it. Either that he's just extremely cranky due to lack of sleep. His first reaction of screaming and then hitting was probably not stopped by the aid or other maid since the prince was someone of power, so it was probably encouraged he bahaved that way to someone below his status. Regardless, I feel really bad for him. I feel bad for him but it doesn't excuse his actions and I hope in the later chapters he'll apologize for his actions
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 5, 2019
@WhimsiCat Of course I'm going to trash on the character of someone beating a girl younger than he is, who only did him the disservice of flattering his ego.

Nevermind the fact that she could erase him without lifting a finger due to her magic. She's doing >him< the favors.

Trash prince is trash. His aides know it, Finea's parents know it. Finea's brother knows it. The only person's who can redeem the Trash Prince is the Trash Prince. Finea is humoring the bad behavior because she KNOWS what's happening to the prince and feels empathy and PITY.

She's the only good person in the scenario, and the only person I feel empathy for. I feel nothing for the Trash Prince and I'll dunk on him all I want for not recognizing a glimmer of human kindness shown several times before his continental sized arrogance crammed into his 4-year-old body.

If he were a real person and not a fictional character, or even if he showed even a sliver of humility I might feel sorry for trashing on this character... But he's taking out his problems physically on someone younger and smaller than himself. It's transference, and if you've ever been a victim of bullying you recognize that shit straight away.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
Don't forget that the age of reason is 7.
A 4 years old child only reproduce what he see.
I didn't say he behavior is good or you should empatyse with him, but understand that at his age, his environment is more to blame than him.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 30, 2018
Damn. I can't even be mad at the prince. It's clear his parents or aides didn't bother to raise him or teach him anything outside of studying. Kid is abused and worn down. I'm betting he grows a lot as a person by having actual interactions with MC and brother.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@PsychoPisces :
"I feel empathy for this fictional character, but not this other character because he's a fictional character and I'll trash on him like how a bully would show no empathy to their victim AND talk about how a bully victim would know what it's like"

Is the gist of what I see in your post, which I guess is a 'name checks out' moment I guess?
Aug 12, 2018
Poor baby! What the hell are his trash parents even doing? How are you gonna let some aid come and ruin his childhood and push him to exhaustion?
Apr 14, 2020
i have this feeling that Finea is going to whoop his ass big time and no one can stop her
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2019
ummm... armor weighs a ton and is hard to move in. why plate a child?
and rather than using the term humiliation, which sounds like she's blaming people. (or at least the word is associated with a third party inflicting it) isn't it shame? even though they can be used in conjunction with one another, they have different origins.
also paired with the lack of sleep and paranoia, I hope blackie shapes up to be someone NOT bratty in the future. by himself without the protagonist's intervention. it would reflect that it's not his real personality and is just hysteric in the moment. given the stress, I assume that he would actually have a repressed personality. but given how shallow this story is... the outlook doesn't seem bright
Oct 21, 2019
@Kabeidon_ dude what the f**k, you cannot say something like that even if the kid is an awful brat that is repressed by that sh!tty aid you can't just say that like it's nothing. Control yourself you may have repressed anger and dat not good
Apr 10, 2019
I know i shouldn’t hate or get angry at a child for behaving like this but what the actual fuck can i kill his aide pls

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