@WhimsiCat Of course I'm going to trash on the character of someone beating a girl younger than he is, who only did him the disservice of flattering his ego.
Nevermind the fact that she could erase him without lifting a finger due to her magic. She's doing >him< the favors.
Trash prince is trash. His aides know it, Finea's parents know it. Finea's brother knows it. The only person's who can redeem the Trash Prince is the Trash Prince. Finea is humoring the bad behavior because she KNOWS what's happening to the prince and feels empathy and PITY.
She's the only good person in the scenario, and the only person I feel empathy for. I feel nothing for the Trash Prince and I'll dunk on him all I want for not recognizing a glimmer of human kindness shown several times before his continental sized arrogance crammed into his 4-year-old body.
If he were a real person and not a fictional character, or even if he showed even a sliver of humility I might feel sorry for trashing on this character... But he's taking out his problems physically on someone younger and smaller than himself. It's transference, and if you've ever been a victim of bullying you recognize that shit straight away.