The Heroine of Drayfox - Ch. 8

Apr 20, 2019
yeah no this is still a bs excuse, just because these people are kind to her she suddenly is supposed to forget about her family who she lives with for 17 years
Apr 16, 2019
I think some people are missing the point.
Not excusing the bad behavior just saying that it wasn't bad behavior for bad behavior's sake.

She was a prisoner in her own body, couldn't understand anyone, just died traumatically and lost her loving family all before going to college. Of course, she's angry and depressed and being unable to vent brought her to the boiling point.

Should she try to make it up to her family sure (heck yeah) but she does deserve the chance to be upset and grieve for the life she's lost.
Aggregator gang
Dec 22, 2019
I cried reading this, mostly because I have lost people close to me, the pain of knowing you'll never see them again, haunted by your memories of them, it's so hard to accept. So I do sympathize with her, and she was ignorant of her powers and how they might affect others, so its understandable and she feels guilty now that she knows it was because of her. She wished to the dragon to fix Monia's shoulder because she was responsible for hurting it in the first place. And the fact that she's now choosing to embrace this new world and new family is what makes her strong, she's gonna try and make it up to them by living as Finea now.
Jan 16, 2020
Her attitude is disgusting I can understand that she is in denial about her death and her crossing over, no excuse I have no sympathy for her I read all the comments and this is POV about her should not have took her so long to accept that
Oct 14, 2020
well, unlike the one beneath me, I actually find the process too fast. Why? Because it literally takes one sentence and a glimpse into a pond to make her accept her new life. I feel like if she accepted so easily, there was no point dragging it out that long, because they literally dedicated 5-6 chapters to a plot point that gets solved instantly. Like, why bother then? I mean, I would at least be researching for a way to return, if only to give my family some last words and help them move on, but she just ups and gives it up. THAT ladies and gentlemen, is how this manhwa settles the one thing that separates it from all other generic Isekai. Not even 10 chapters in.

Like, the dragon doesn't even say it's impossible to travel back! He just says god is sad! Dude it's literally magic, even in magic systems with hard rules there's usually still spacial/dimensional magic!


Just sad that a manhwa with great potential just shot itself in the foot.
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
i cried when she told the dragon how much she loves her mum, dad, and brother. she really had a good life 😭

and to be robbed all of your family, your world, your language, your life and future... and nobody told her yet that she died. she thinks she's in a hospital, she thinks she can come back to her world.

and some people call her childish? selfish? you all are fucking cold. just say you're all lacking sympathy and go
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
I cried.
One of the better backstory-deaths I've read but like @/Your_Mind I was hoping for a bit more chapters of her struggling with her new reality.

To those calling her childish. She IS a child. Just because she's going to college when she died does not make her an adult. That's not the qualifications of being an adult. And by your argument, adults can't miss their family? Can't yearn for them? Can't mourn for something/people/life that was lost? That's just dumb. Of course we can. How we all go about it could be different, but it is also because it is dependent on how we grew up. I personally would've been excited but I'm quite an indifferent person. My attachments aren't so strong but hers was and still is. She even declares that she will keep them forever in her heart despite accepting her new family. This was a journey to (circumstantial) maturity that I feel not a lot of stories have. (Don't want to say she's completely matured bc Idk her personality from here on out.)

Please don't @ me, I probably won't read.
Dec 4, 2020
I understand that it's hard to not miss your family, the time they spent with you, all your friends and best friends. Especially if you have a bucket list of all you wanna do but was never able to do it all. You never know when you'll die. I never really thought about death. But I recently had a dream about dying and it felt HORRIBLE.I felt stupid for thinking lightly of death. I felt stupid for not thinking that I would miss my family if I died. You'd probably think that death can be ignored and you dont have to think about it at the moment. But when you die, its very unexpected. Just like in this manga, you'd never put into consideration that the lady would push you off. But she did. So I can kinda understand where she's coming from. Although she hated them all, It would be hard to keep sane after everything. She probably got so confused and just wanted to meet her family again which led to her blaming them. There are just some moments that I just want everyone to shut up and fck off. (Yes. You may call me crazy.) I'm guessing this is what she felt. I mean, you cant really blame her. Although my family's really messed up, I still love them and would sacrifice my life for them. (Ok. Im getting emotional. Idk why.) If you really think more into it, or put yourself in her situation, you'll be able to understand the FL's actions and why would she think that way. But anyways, this story has became very realistic. This is defenitely what you would think if you were in that situation. I'm guessing the author had some near-death experience? Although you might think character development is a bit rushed since its only been 8 chapters, I dont think it's gonna be that quick to move on. Im guessing in the next chapters, she'll still be thinking of her past life but at the same time, accept them as her family (not really but kinda.) I'm looking forward to reading this manga and thank you for the chapter! 💕
Dec 20, 2020
This is the first manghua I've read where the mc really wants to go back to her originale world and her life. She doesn't immediatly adapt to the strange world and simply accepts everything thinking this is a good oportunity instead she does everything she can to get back. And I must admit her behavor is absolutely understandable, first she has left everything dear to her behind against her will and second now she is in the body of an unknown child where she can't even speak or understand the language or knows where the originale owner of the body is.
But suprisingly the most mc's don't care about that and just fokus whatever they want to do in their new life and don't even have a ounce regret of her past life.
Mar 31, 2020
Her Behavior is still unprecedented and unacceptable by any means, question if you are a adult or even a sane person in the range age of 10 - 80+ years old you wouldn't let a child's body to be exhausted to the point of having a cold or dying, the fact of the matter is that she didn't think like her previous age of 20+ rather, just practically deny everything and anything that would help her find a way back home, to the point of having a accident that she can't make amends of the people that she hurt, even if she would apologized to the person and people that are hurt that day, they the would think that it was just a natural disaster that put them in harms way. now the God representative is say yeah you **** up and comforts her until she finally accept her reality?
Jun 18, 2020
I don’t think her behavior is “unacceptable” but it is inconsiderate and reasonable. I don’t think any of us can adapt to a world in just a few months (as if that would ever happen but still imagine). I think she took out all her frustrations on those around her without realizing it until now where she had balanced her emotions. I’d say the author did a good job of displaying the emotions of the MC. The MC was frustrated and didn’t want to accept reality and couldn’t mature since she clung onto the hope of seeing her family again since her consciousness was still. She wasn’t rational at all during that time due to the circumstances. It’s quite sad and frustrating because you can’t even cry to anyone about them because they don’t know them.
That being said the author is amazing and demonstrating how MC’s that are normal COULDVE act during this time I cried 😔. People act differently to situations and some do take it out on others.
Jan 18, 2018
I just want to hug that dragon, such a firm but gentle sweetheart.

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