The Holy Grail of Eris

Double-page supporter
May 5, 2020
Reading what we have from start to finish again, I don't know HOW I managed to not notice the hints about the princess the first time I read through.
She's such a shady bitch, I wouldn't be surprised if SHE was behind Scarlet's execution. And for some reason, that tiara of hers seems awfully interesting now.
Double-page supporter
May 5, 2020
For a "villainess" Scarlet is genuinely such an interesting character. I love how we get to see her kind side with Connie. I also love how Connie keeps surprising her with how she's grown! It's genuinely such a sweet relationship, I'm honestly a bit sad that Connie can't end up with Scarlet.
Sep 18, 2020
Bookmarked, this seems interesting ~

The so-called villainess died and became ghost (2FL)
MC could see her and so they decided to help each other (2FL got justice after false judgment and MC can be a better person with more self confidence and no more bleak future being harmed by others) after 2FL helped her win her reputation back in a ball party.
Mar 29, 2019
Her best friend lives in a fucking mansion but from the way she describes her you'd think she was poor as dirt- "NOT MANY SERVANTS" ooooooooh well that is a shame isn't it?
Mar 29, 2019
This manga is INFINITELY better than 95% of other 'villainness/reincarnation' stories, since it's not a pointless slice of life or a power trip for love starved women in their 20s/30s. The WHODUNNIT mystery is better than most flavor-of-the-week mystery manga. Now that I think of it, there aren't really many manga that do 'mystery' all that well.
Apr 22, 2019
Dropped. The art and story are decent but the MC is such a goddamned doormat who can’t handle anything unless Scarlet steps in.
May 23, 2019
I love this manga
Not as dark and mysterious as I thought it would be, but it's an interesting take on the Villainess shoujo trope. I like Violet's devious way of doing things, and the seemingly unending conspiracies. I somehow don't like how Constance hasn't changed, she may be a bit more resolute but still wears her heart on her sleeve.
Looking forward to more chapters and the perhaps romance?
Group Leader
Jul 1, 2018
From what I've read thus far, this work seems to combine two different themes, and does both of them extremely well. Those are:
1. What, exactly, it means to be a good person, and
2. How healthy femininity clashes with toxic femininity.

Allow me to analyse each:
1. I've read the following opinion: "A good person is not a harmless person. A good person is a very dangerous person who keep that under conscious control". Or, in a nutshell: Good = benevolent + strong.
I've yet to see a work of fiction that portrays that as well as this work. At the beginning, Connie is a benevolent girl, but a very weak one. She is, as @Horunic aptly observed, a complete doormat; as such, she's in a very real danger of being eaten by the wolves.
And then, she meets Scarlet.
Scarlet is, without doubt, a strong person. She is completely a social expert, a mastermind who can divine each person's character within an instant of meeting them. In addition, she can not only recognise, but also respond to a conversation that has several layers of meaning, from the most superficial to the most deep.
Put them together, and what happens? Now, Connie realises that she was in serious danger, and needs to adopt Scarlet's tactics in order to survive. But, she can't put aside her benevolence, and decides to use those very same tactics in order to cause social good.
So, in a nutshell: Neither Connie's benevolence nor Scarlet's strength make a good person on their own. Put together, that's when you have a good person.

2. I don't think there's a force for good which, if misapplied, doesn't become a force for evil. This manga seems to focus on femininity as such a force, detailing its toxic and healthy aspects, and the clashes between the two.
Healthy femininity is empathy, caregiving, stability . Toxic femininity is social bullying, subterfuge, undermining, guile, malevolent seduction. Again and again, in this manga, this clash plays out: The heroines constantly try to care for other people, keep chaos at bay, to make others happy. The villainesses (the actual ones) constantly scheme, lie, bully, and use their husbands for political gain. The heroines face problems head-on, with courage; the villainesses run when the situation is no longer in their favour.

As I mentioned once earlier... I might need to get a life.

PS: @Kageura002, I think this write-up would interest you.
Double-page supporter
Aug 22, 2019
Read it if you like spooky murder mysteries and 2D Downtown Abbey. I have it a 10/10 the story telling was fucking fantastic. Some of the negative reviews are really stretched

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