On page 14/15 the joke doesn't land very well in English. The translator says "how bad could it be for me to increase my repertoire?", which captures the sentiment pretty well but not the joke. In Korean, she says "또 아는 게 많을수록 시야가 넓어진다는 말도 있잖아?" which is like (not literal translation) "they say, 'the more you know, the wider your horizons'", but she specifically uses the word "시야" which is "field of vision" or "outlook" as a pun.
I had a hard time thinking of a good translation to English that preserves this pun, since we don't have a great synonymous idiom to "expand your horizons" that includes a word like "sight". Maybe it could be "they say, 'the more you know, the more doors you will see opening for you'" or "the more you know, the better insight you gain". Or, to continue from the previous sentence ("Not like I'll get a better opportunity later"), it could be "but I need to keep my eyes open".
Anyway, thanks to the team for providing this translation. Its really great!