@Invader_Retro Uh...just wanted to point it out but there's a minor error...
Pg 24, middle panel, left bubble, "Are the weak ones?" should be "Are we the weak ones?" Cause subject is unclear and doesn't follow from previous statement:
"We humans always had to read their expressions while begging for their help. Are the weak ones?"
And a grammar issue that stood out for me, on pg 32 and 33. For pg 32, bottom panel:
"You bastards are where Adonis comes from..."
Not sure if it should be "came from" instead of "comes from", past-tense vs present-tense.
Cause pg 33:
"If I destroy this place, he'll have nowhere to return. That's why I let you live."
Everything before the last sentence is in the present, but the last sentence makes the whole dialogue past tense. So...
"You bastards are where Adonis comes from...If I destroy this place, he'll have nowhere to return. That's why you're still alive."
"You bastards are where Adonis came from...If I destroyed this place, he'd have nowhere to return. That's why I let you live."