The Knight and Her Emperor - Ch. 1

Mar 24, 2018
I'm usually not into anything remotely tomboyish, I shun it a great deal and run towards anything romance or at least guaranteed to have a cliche "makeover" into frilly dresses and marrying the ML.. But this series so far is TERRIFIC (I'm only at Chapter 8).
I really like the art, and right now I could care less if Ms. Knight ever wears a stinking dress. Let alone ever gets to marries the king. I just really appreciate her kicking ass.

Thank you Translators.... you picked a winner.
Oct 25, 2019
Awesome series, really enjoying it, you go show them how it's done Pauliana n the n marry Lucius at the end of this great conquest so your family can tremble in their boots knowing they disowned the empress of the continent lol
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
@tofuchan haha I'm the total opposite. I run towards the tomboyish stories. They always seem to exceed my expectations when it comes to the romance part. xD
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 18, 2019
“The emperor has realized he’s fallen in love”
Me too, me too.
Aggregator gang
Jan 30, 2019
Came back to re-read this and had a thought....
If there wasn't the one scene in the beginning, where you see her standing(with a shadow) with the army in the first panel. I'd of assumed that the FL is actually dead by the time the King completes his goal. It just seems that way with based on what I know now(up to chp 41).
1. You don't really see her kneel, when the King lowers his hand.
- Obviously, it could be a normal "zoomed in" scene to show what affect the authors want to get across.

2. She takes her duties as a knight super serious to the point where no-one would ever question her. There is absolutely no way that she wouldn't of been the first to of knelt down, nor would she ever stand up without his command.
-Obviously, the authors could of just meshed the "ending" in the beginning to get the story going. So, if you think about it like a time-skip to when he lowers his hand to when the FL is behind him in the next scene it would make sense.

3. The moment he turns around and sees her you could look at as him being shocked that he sees her as she died before he accomplished his goal... So, it was like a final farewell from her.. "I have stayed next to you as your knight until you accomplished your dream."
-Obviously, its probably exactly what it is. The King accomplished his goal and came to realize he's fallen in love.

NOTE: This is just my opinion.. So, being picky with the details I just wanted to say how it could easily take a different route just from a few panels or it could just be exactly what it is.. A king falls in love at the end of his conquest(which is most likely the case).
Mar 14, 2019
If you guys enjoyed this and reality of it then try out the translated light novel. There are really great tidbits that couldn't be fit in the manhwa/manga.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
Yo this mentor is fucking awesome. Love the brutal fucking honesty, no sugar coating needed. Fuck yes this looks good af.
Feb 4, 2018
What a trash family.

But still, she's lucky to get a great mentor.
Double-page supporter
Jan 28, 2020
...just because of a smile?? there better be some real connection and equal supporting of each other involved or maybe im just expecting too much of the shoujo genre... couples b shallow asf
It's SHOUJO and that kind of story sometimes discards loyalty to her country to whom she swore fealty oaths when becoming a military knight. Some emperor of an enemy country smiles at her, and she dumps her oaths to cuck her country, and then switches allegiance to the enemy country. Hooray for being attracted to a real man. Now she fights for the enemy of her home country. Because oaths are just mere cheap inconvenience to some people.

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