The Lady and the Beast - Ch. 43

Sep 17, 2020
Hope there’s a chapter in that manners book on when to knock before entering a room LOL
Mar 23, 2020
Yes, you can question the suspicious origins of your cousin's new wife. No, you don't get to be an asshat about it before meeting her or doing any kind of background check. 100 laps around the training grounds for you.
May 4, 2020
@Kerlishun oh yes, my thoughts exactly, I was confused too until I remembered the end of the last chapter
and why I agree with Arthur that the curse lifting has something to do with who she is (or better who she was)

"which woman would come here knowing about the curse?!?" eh Arthur, she DIDN'T, she was sold? sure, she choose to go instead of her sister, but even if Astina was normal, it would be something that could happen
and Theorode (do anyone else constantly read Theodore since that name is a real existing one meaning god's gift by the way?), his expression when he thought about the difference between him and Astina (her old name Martina means chosen/blessed by Mars, the roman war god, fitting name imo)
Jul 3, 2018
@omegaxis1 Still my point. Like imagine your family member has an incurable disease, then this person out of nowhere cures them when everyone else is resigned to their death. This person then wants to marry the now cured member. It sounds like a sketchy thing, but that is basically the plot of every Medieval Fantasy, where the hero rescues the princess then is allowed to marry her by the king. If she supposedly cure the duke to aim for control of the ducal house, she damn right deserve it, if the alternative is the house being wasted away by greedy opportunists, and next generations being raised by them. And like, what's worse between the 2: relying on the person who shows to be capable of curing it (with chance of them exploiting you), or chase them away and just wait for their death? Bc that's what the cousin here is like, trying to chase away a doctor. He knows it's a curse spanning generations, and now that there's a person capable of lifting it (and there's even proof in the flesh), he calls BS?
Sep 17, 2019
I agree with @Oukishi

He has no right to decide whether the women who marry the dukes are suspicious or not.

Rather than giving up into the doom, it's better to try every possible way to save the duchy, even if they might taken advantage after that.

However Astina is the saviour, the duchy has gotten better bcs of her. While he's just complaining.

His blabbing isnt cute at all. I hate it. But i know that our FL could shut him up in her own way and make him learn to be better.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
@Oukishi @QueenIU
That's why the rest of the household, those that are there WITH Astina and watching what she had done, respect and appreciate her unconditionally as their savior.

But currently, the cousin doesn't know what kind of person Astina is. For all he knows, this Astina could very well be the one that caused the curse and this was some elaborate scheme to take the house and everything they own by being their savior. The "incurable disease" that some random person conveniently had the cure for. Basically think like those stories like "V for Vendetta" where corrupt people created a virus, then released it to the population so that they could take power through the chaos and then miraculously find a cure.

He might be brash, but it makes sense for at least one person to be suspicious. And unlike the corrupt nobles that only cared for lining their own pockets, the cousin is genuinely concerned for the duke himself.
Active member
Sep 8, 2018
You know Arthur is going to fall in love with her...reverse harem incoming.

I honestly feel sorry for the guy who liked her from her school.
Jan 18, 2018

I mean, the way I saw it, the problem wasn't that the kid is suspicious of her (which is totally reasonable, the circumstances do beg many questions), but that he shouted his suspicions at the top of his lungs (which is childish, and rude—and, heck, if she were the sort of schemer he suspects her to be, would also be incredibly foolhardy and dangerous).

In almost no circumstance is continuously shooting off his mouth here like this, the adult thing to do.

That said, he seems to be acting like a fairly normal teenage boy. An actual one, I mean—a slightly greasy, whiny, brash fool of a half-formed adult; rather than the rosy-eyed depiction we'd normally expect from this genre. XD
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
Exactly. He's a teenager. And not one that's been completely disciplined. He's gonna be a bit immature in some areas, but justifiably skeptical in others.
Aug 27, 2020
"Either she's real or she's fake!"
That was a nice, impassioned one-liner there, Arthur. You're gonna be a renowned prophet if you get that 5D chess tier prediction. Got some more for you.
"Either she's alive, or she's dead!"
"Either she's here, or she isn't here!"
Idk of it's the translation or if it's like that in the raws, but that line really bothers me.

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