The difference between this and Dead Tube is that there is no vocal minority that espouses the viewpoints of Dead Tube's premise.
Yes, people do complain about this because of how jarring the manga is, but to me, this manga itself deals with an issue that falls into a rather grey area, making it easily misappropriated, which is why
I have slight apprehension to it. I'm not here to defend people who simply scream that this is bullshit, I will not be misrepresented into a convenient strawman, I defend my viewpoints and my viewpoints alone. And my viewpoint is that if it isn't
clearly labelled as satire, there is going to be someone out there who will misappropriate it, again, as Dihydrogen Monoxide, which started as a satire of scientific illiteracy but has actual proponents now.
And honestly, the message one might take from this literally wouldn't be that there are feminists out there killing people, but that there might be people who fantasise it, though honestly we knew this long ago when we came across feminist utopias in fiction, mostly the ones from radical "feminists" who seem to believe that all the worlds societal woes would be gone if the men were gone. Obviously this is false, and not a representation of proper feminism, merely a crude caricature, but it exists, and there are people who espouse it openly. In the same vein I wouldn't find it funny either if we got a manga of the opposite version.
Also if I didn't judge it based on the single chapter that's been up here for... 6 days, then what should I judge it on? And if one can't judge it based on a single chapter, then how can
you be sure it's satire?
I should note that at this point we're just going in circles, back to what I started talking about, and doubtless this is a trend that will continue, so I bid you goodbye, may whatever is on your reading list quickly update. I know mine isn't...