Not sure if you'd like heads-ups about typos and the like
@Swerda, but page 3 top-right panel is missing a word: "Airi-chan would look good
in things like…"
Edit: next chapter has some typos too (aq
aurium, where
ever), though most are of the '(automatic) wrongly hyphenated word at the line break' kind (such as 2x tomo-rrow instead of to-morrow/tomor-row, activ-ities instead of activi-ties/acti-vities, acce-ssories isntead of acces-sories etc.), also one word order thingy (tomorrow starts golden week → golden week starts tomorrow). Okay, I've been spellchecking for too long and I'm now noticing stuff I didn't the first time around since it's well done anyway, so I'll leave it (there's so many place → there are so many places) at this. I'll refrain from mentioning any I spot unless you'd prefer it!
Thanks for the TL!