The Max Level Hero Has Returned! - Vol. 1 Ch. 28

Feb 19, 2019
Hmm, i might have to block asura subs, it was a completely different experience reading, that final page just confirmed what i was already thinking.
Sep 23, 2018
this translation is a lot better than the other one I read or at least more coherent. I remember one sentence of the last translation was something like "time to go down the rabbit hole". i remember thinking what does that mean? now it makes sense.
Active member
Jun 30, 2020
SecretScans translations are so much easer to read. Asura gives the feeling that they are copy pasting from machine translation with minor touch ups. Secret Scans feels like they have an actual translation team on their side with a native english speaker finalizing everything.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
story made lots more sense now. Grammatical skill sure makes a huge difference
Sep 6, 2020
Bruh the whole comment section is pure drama
Are you here to complain and compare the two scans, or for the story?
If you truly are rooting for SS you shouldn't have said sth like "superior grammar", it's literally saying "I'm reading your version just because your grammatical skill is better. Otherwise, I'll go to Asura"
Stop making possible insecurity goddamn it! You're literally reading fuckin illegal translations of a series you're supposed to kill your wallet, and that's just for the FUCKING RAWS
Shut the fuck up you lads, just say "THANK YOU FOR THE TRANSLATIONS" and that's it. No need for drama. Arrogance. Or anything your egoistic self tells you to do. Take a sip of your coffee, enjoy your popcorns, enjoy the story. No need for debate. Sometimes you lads make me wonder about the species I'm born into. Aggressive, full of flaws, yet tried to put on a facade like they're perfect.
Learn to appreciate people the way they are. It's okay if you like Asura's version, it's okay if you like SS' version. It's fine, really. But just don't make such a fuss out of anything.
I know you're probably trying to cheer them up, but not like this. Trying to cheer someone up by shaming someone else. Go look at a mirror and reflect, dude
I'm not so good at cheering people up but at least I don't say something like "You're not the one at fault, they are the ones at fault. They are trashy, rotten to the roots; they deserve to die!"
I've always wondered why there are dumb people bullying people, but now I found the answer. So this is why bullying happens.
Sep 6, 2020
Before I entered high school, I didn't even know that most of the translated mangas I'd read were illegal. But heck I've never complained something like, "This is grammatically incorrect. Bah, the ones who translate these are dummies. Probably it's because English isn't my first language. Probably because I've felt how discouraging it is when you make a grammatical error and the whole class just mocks you behind. Do you think these scanlators are robots? Do you think they have no hearts? OMG, I didn't know that! I'm sorry, you must have experienced harsh times to think such a thing. Bullshit. If you had, you would be at least a little more sensitive to things like these.
You do know that SS is run not just by one person, don't you? Then you would have known that scanlation groups are consist of A TRANSLATOR, A PROOFREADER, A CLEANER, A TYPESETTER, AND QUALITY CHECKER!
Well, unless you don't have at least the slightest sense of awareness, or if you're partially, intentionally blind
Y'all literally are treating as if these proofreaders, cleaner, and typesetter don't exist. And let me ask you one thing. If one day someone else takes the place as a translator, will you still follow SS' scanlations? Or will you turn your back just over this puny 'grammatical skill'? Man, if you're here for grammatical skills, you can just go and read the novels. There, your comments will make at least more sense, although it doesn't change the fact that you're but annoying brats trying to search for flaws just to soothe your insecurity. You sure are all heartless, not trying to see things from others' perspective. Liking people just for the things they have, not for who they are.
Group Leader
Mar 6, 2020
@32oiru chill dude no need for wall of text xd. We only went though all this trouble because asura used their discord to call us out many times and their leader acted as an immature kid who came to flex their release in our server, joined our staff server as ts with alt account(wtf??) And even went as far as saying we don't pr stuff so it be easy to snipe it (idk if he really wanted to snipe other series but with their history in mind probably) but all this drama went unnoticed by majority of people (if you still think we are wrong then you might wanna look over r/scanlationdrama even tho you won't find our thread there but there is alot more stuff you might wanna look at before supporting asura.) as no one was super vocal about it and even now it's not all. Well anyway that's all we are willing to let readers know about drama even tho alot more happened. And yes translator can change but quality won't. That much I can promise :)

As for them blaming me over every single thing is just childish. I had no problem with asura until one day they went and started blaming me for something I never did #memorize lol

Thanks for reading my broken english :) and if you want proof of anything I said then dm me on discord and I shall show you.

Some may disagree with us and that's fine too as we can't always keep everyone happy 🥺
Sep 6, 2020
Nah it's ok. I get what you're trying to say and it's not like I'm trying to attack you or whatsoever. I hate taking sides, and I'm just saying how you guys (both Asura and SS) just keep on attacking one another over a scanlation. Sure, I understand fights between scanlation groups occur often, but taking it off over a group is what I'm having a problem with. Are you sure every member of Asura is involved in the fight, or are you sure every member of SS is involved? What I'm trying to say is, if fights happen between leaders, then have the leaders solve it themselves, no need to use your group name. Saying something like "Asura is wrong" is basically involving every single member of Asura, and the same thing goes to SS. The result? Well, the ones who don't understand a thing get involved. The way most people speak, "Your grammar is much more superior" is referring mostly to the quality checker, proofreader, and translator, I presume. But hey, why is everyone mocking Asura, like the ones who aren't even involved - the cleaner, typesetter, are also at fault? I saw some staff in Asura's discord feeling kinda pressured, and I'm pretty sure some SS' members are, too.
I didn't know well what happened, and neither was I present during the fight, so I appreciate getting some ideas for what happened. (Plus my country blocked reddit and VPN doesn't work RIP)

I've read many scanlations both by SS and Asura so I'm not really picky, it just feels off to see how scanlation fights break out merely because of their leaders and few members, dragging readers and eventually members as well (pressure). There are lots of people who attack Asura too, if you check on their latest chapter comments. Asura does get involved in scanlation fights too, as far as I can see, but there are also times when they just back off

Scanlation is a pretty tough job, and it's not peaceful either. Sometimes it's stressful, sometimes it feels a lil too much. An eye for an eye might work sometimes, but it's not always the best course of action. And yeah, I understand. If I were you I wouldn't stay put if someone came broke into my server and show off their release but having readers suddenly making up an argument about the superiority of grammatical skill feels wrong. I like SS' works the way they are, and the same goes for Asura's. Being mocked about grammatical skill hurts, really. It's like being told "You can't even speak properly, you're worse than average"
Sep 6, 2020
Anyways I appreciate you telling the overall story though 😂 Didn't expect that to happen
Just that I'm not too fond of dramas.
Sometimes they're dumb, sometimes you feel it doesn't even leave a scratch, but you can never be so sure before you go through 'em yourselves. I'm not blaming SS for all these, but all those heating the drama.
Aug 7, 2018
@LeaveitBlank Thank you (all) for the detailed TN, which is very instructive and interesting.
You're definitely linguistically superior in both the source and target languages... If that needs be said.

That said, I appreciate the humor but it might be a tad too subtle - most readers will picture a big mad troll (with abnormally high IQ) mauling some small creature 😄 A speckle of humility/neutrality mixed with the humor would make you the 'bigger man' without a doubt.

I doubt you two groups can work together, or at least help each other out, so I'll wait for your translation - which I appreciate and am thankul for, I'll insist on that.
Sep 2, 2019
Thanks again for sharing your manga translations of the Max Level Hero Has Return. I'm really enjoying the series so far so many twists and turns. Can't wait to see what happens next. 🤩
This chapter was hype finally getting to have a conv with the King! Took 6 months after waking up for it to happen. It makes me want to re-read the series again.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2019
why does he look like he's so much older now?
he looked like early teen in the early chapters, now looks like late teens
Apr 18, 2020
Thanks for the clarification with your translations!! Your translations are of higher quality and I appreciate it.
Active member
Aug 19, 2019
Yes!!! That’s why I dropped reading asura scan’s translation, it was so hard to understand what they want to convey. Plus the misuse of ‘your highness’ and ‘your majesty’ bugged me off.

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